Then in the second room after the first room, what was written in the letter Xiao Lin slipped into their room from the bottom of their door was:


Rare Fire Spirit Beast Eggs!

If you are interested in purchasing some at a very good cost, come to the Southwind Valley by 8pm tomorrow.

Then note: You are not to come with any teacher from your sect, or I will simply not appear. It is you wonderful disciples that I want to happily trade with, not your arrogant teachers who will definitely spoil my Spirit Beast egg trading business.

Then as another warning, do not tell anyone about this offer that I presented to you guys. Or I won't appear if I see that you came along with others.

And, I fully believe that you wouldn't want to miss such good discounts on extremely rare, Fire Spirit Beast eggs taken from badly injured, fearsomely powerful Spirit Beasts like the Goldblaze Spirit Beasts and Purple Lava Spirit Beasts that unexpectedly found their ways here from inaccessible regions in higher, major continents in our vast cultivation world'

Then as a reminder, be punctual to the Southwind forest by 8pm. I work with time. A second late, I disappear.


Yours sincerely,

Spirit Beast Taming Master and Pet Trader, Chun Fangxi


And, what was mentioned in this letter was the same thing that was mentioned in the other letters that Xiao Lin slipped into the other rooms through the bottoms of their large doors. However, he changed some things in them just so that they would all be enticed by his irresistible offer.

Xiao Lin did all these with made-up names, and was absolutely sure that they would do as he instructed in the letter, since the disciples who would have feelings of greed come upon them, wouldn't want their sects' teachers to snatch the 'Spirit Beast eggs' from the 'Spirit Beast Taming master' and take them for themselves. So, acting under that overwhelming influence of greed that would manifest in their hearts upon reading what were in those papers, he was very certain that they would do as he commanded.


At the moment, all the disciples from eight different sects residing within the eight rooms at the Diamond Hallway in the Glorious Inn, knew that they had to go meet a particular master that traded in Spirit Beast eggs at the Southwind forest by 8pm. And that they must try their best not to go go late, as the master could disappear, thereby making them miss out on being proud owners or possessors of fearsome Spirit Beasts.

So, they began to prepare down for tomorrow's trading meeting with that beast taming master.

Xiao Lin who had arrived at the Silver Crescent Inn and Graceful Kings with a smile in his pale face after following descriptions to the two grand-looking inns, also used his powerful and ominous Animal Spirit to cause overwhelming distraction and unbridled destruction in the inns, which also caused the deaths of a lot of affluent mortals and cultivators with cultivation bases that were either lower or equal to that of Xiao Lin.

These sets of people actually died as a result of the primitive howl that rang out from his wolf-like Animal Spirit, which then caused their hearts to crush into many fragments, and their bloods which violently churned within their bodies to burst out of it the next moment with a tremendous force and then splash upon everyone and everything in the two inns.

Therefore, after he had done these terrible things that he was indifferent about, he was able to gain unnoticed entrance into the two inns and then slip his notes into the various rooms where those disciples were staying through the bottoms of their doors.

And as soon as he did this, he immediately left there and returned back to his inn with a purely evil smile in his face.

Now that he had called all of them to come over by 8pm to the largest forest in the town which was the Southwind forest and was really far away from human settlements in the town, just so that no one would be able to really hear the sounds that would erupt from the clashes of their attacks, he knew that he was going to have to fight a lot and be seriously injured, especially as these people were geniuses in their own rights, since they have been selected for the mind-shaking event that was going to take place in two days time. Besides, they would have mastered numerous battle techniques in the powerful battle arts that their sects would give to them to practice.

However, Xiao Lin wasn't scared of receiving life-threatening injuries, as he was confident in his Vampiric Quick Regeneration ability. Also, he wasn't scared of dying as he was already a demon-like dead being that was both sentient and conscious of everything around him.

So, after thinking of the dangerous thing that he was about to venture into, he knew that there was nothing for him to lose.

Besides, Xiao Lin knew that he would be difficult to overwhelm, as he had many vampiric abilities that were bestowed upon him when he achieved total fusion with his dual-characterized Animal Spirit.

And before really contemplating to carry out this absolutely daunting task, he had comprehended that his astounding abilities of Super Speed, Super Strength, Augmented Jump, Super Agility, Super Dexterity, Enhanced Hearing, Echolocation, Toughened Body, Blood and Essence devouring with his thick, razor-sharp claws and much more, then his natural, infinitely-sharp twin blades of Doom and Sorrow, had made him fully believe that he was up to the difficult and deadly task that he would set out to do in evening of the next day.

But, the only thing he decided within himself to seriously watch out for were high-rank, Spiritual Battle Skills that were stored in inherited treasures or heirloom artifacts that any of the disciples from the sects may wield, as they could instantly reduce him into paste or mist of blood once they released or unleashed those powerful Spiritual Battle Skill attacks stored or compressed into them at him.

Therefore, he was going to be really wary of those forms of strongly intimidating attacks, since if such an attack successfully struck him, then he was good as totally dead. So he reasoned.

Then when he arrived in his room at the inn, he began to go through the battle techniques that he had mastered in his head once again to iron out any faults in his comprehension of them. And as he did so, he visualized himself deploying those moves. Also, he imagined himself combining two or three attacks together to increase their fierceness and destructive capabilities.

When he was done after a few hours of going over them again and again, he stood to his feet and began to practice the Illusionary Vampire Unstoppable Godly Steps, an Empyrean Movement Art to compliment his shocking, inborn Vampiric Super Speed ability.

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