Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 96 - Arriving At The Legacy Ground

Once he thought this, he headed back to his room in the inn.

Then when he arrived in his room, he sat down in the cross-legged position to resume his comprehension of the Battle Skills that he was previously studying before the phenomenon in the sky occurred.


A week later...

Xiao Lin who didn't need to survive on food or water, or on anything similar to that as he was simply a dead person that still had consciousness, comprehended straight for a week before his eyes snapped open where he was.

When his eyelids sprung open, a thoughtful gaze appeared in his eyes.

"I don't know how long I have comprehended for, but I feel like I have comprehended for many days." He said.

He then continued "Well, the only way to find out about that is to go out there into the street to ask. I just hope people around wouldn't find it weird that I am asking such a question"

Once he said this, he walked towards the window of his room and opened it wide.


He then jumped out of it to the ground where he landed gently like he were a feather.

Once he landed, he headed straight for the street, simply ignoring the astounded gazes of some people that saw him jump out through the window of his room to the ground and then slowly land like a piece of paper. It was a really cool feat that they just witnessed, as no other cultivator at his stage should be able to pull that off. However, what they didn't know was that Xiao Lin was a vampire and had this excellent passive ability of controlled landing. He could slow down his fall to the ground from a great height and land softly like a small piece of wool. While Xiao Lin who didn't know that he just exhibited something totally impressive, was totally unaware that he was gradually developing a habit of quickly leaving his room by jumping out through the window to the ground.

Not long when he entered the street and then looked up, he saw that the immense, flaming azure arc was still up there. However, the brilliance and magnificence that it had appeared with many days ago, was slowly fading away. Now, it had grown dim and dull, like it would vanish away very soon.

When Xiao Lin saw the seemingly dying appearance of the floating flaming arc, he quickly understood that the gate to enter into the legacy ground of the Azure Firestorm Archer was going to close soon.

"I guess it's time for me to head down there and go into the inheritance ground before its gate would shut close. Or it would simply be my huge loss in all ways if I am shut outside." He said and nodded his head.

Then after walking for a bit, he came across a small group of mortals that consisted of four young males who began to stare at him with marvel and adoration in their eyes, simply because he was a cultivator and was young too, however much more older than them.

When he appeared before the group of boys, he asked with a smile in his face "Hello, what day is it today since that majestic burning arc in the sky appeared?"

"I think this should be the seventh day, senior" One boy said respectfully.

"Really?" Xiao Lin asked in an amazed tone.

"Yes, senior" Another replied with reverence in his tone.

"Hmm. Thank you" Xiao Lin said.

He then said further as he looked at the boys who were staring at him with admiration in their eyes "I have to go. Now, you boys should take care of yourselves and try to become cultivators."

"You should push yourselves really hard to acquire that title that belongs to the strongest. Although the journey to achieve that title won't be smooth, as it will be full of difficulties and obstacles, but if you are determined, like your determination can pierce through all odds including the Heavens itself, you will be able break through all forms of constraints, limitations or barriers that may lie in your paths."

Once he said this, he turned around to leave.

But before he would take a step to leave their presence, he said with his back facing them, "Then maybe sometimes in the future when you have acquired that title, you could come work for me where we would all enjoy riches, fame, and most importantly, power. I don't mean power of a government or anything like that. What I mean is great, unmatched and unquestionable power that even the highest level of government must obediently and fearfully submit to. And to achieve even a fraction of this grand and intimidating power, you must turn to the dark path."

"Only that path, will grant you immense and unrestrained power to subject all things under the Heavens and in the Heavens under your absolute control. Those are my words, you can take it with a pinch of salt if you want. It's however all up to you."

Then once he said this, planting a seed of the dark path in the saintly hearts of the young boys, he immediately took a step and vanished from their presence.


When he used his powerful Super Speed ability to vanish before the boys, he arrived in front of a massive garage that had lot of public, beast-pulled carriage drivers who he could simply pay anyone of them to carry him down to the legacy ground, a place that he felt should be well known by now to almost everyone. He even thought that small kids should know the direction to the place, as it would be the most talked about thing in the town for now and till maybe a few weeks later.

When he entered the garage and asked for one of the carriage drivers to carry him down there, he was met with perplexed gazes from the drivers, as they all began to look at him with bewildered gaze in their eyes.

One of them then said "Sorry to show concern over your affairs, senior, but I feel that you seem too sick to be able to do anything in there. You know, you could be overwhelmed in there by the thousands, if not tens of thousands of cultivators that would have gathered in there to fiercely and bloodily fight for the massive wealth and artifact accumulations of the Azure Firestorm Archer."

"Furthermore, hundreds to thousands of geniuses from those from popular sects in this town and from other towns, then those powerful rogue cultivators would be extremely abundant in there. So, with your ill condition, you could be instantly taken down."

However, immediately that driver said that, he quickly clasped his fist with his other palm and said with a sincere apologetic tone in his voice "Sorry for the embarrassment that you may think that I have caused you here. I was only concerned. So, I hope that senior can spare my limbs or my life."

Xiao Lin only laughed.

In fact, he was glad at the information that he just received.

Ten to thousands of cultivators?

It sounded really cool to him.

Now, he would be able to acquire the thousands of blood to give to Li Chuang, while he would be able to kill the rest and take their blood for himself to replenish his long depleted Blood Energy, and probably advance to the next stage if it was possible.

After thinking all these at lightning speed, he looked at the driver and said "Nah. It's okay. You are good. And thanks for the wonderful information that you just passed across to me."

He then continued with a slight smile in his face "Now, I will like to go down there. And I want you to drive me down there. Can you do that for me? And mind you, it's not free. I will pay you."

Once Xiao Lin said this, the carriage driver nodded his head and said "Sure, it would be great to have senior grace my carriage with his magnificence."

Xiao Lin heard this and only shook his head.

He then followed behind the carriage driver who enthusiastically led him to his carriage.

Then once both of them got in and settled down, the carriage which was attached to bolted structures worn on a dozen of wild beasts, instantly shot out of the garage through the gates.




These particular sound began to ring out as the wild, carriage-pulling beasts stomped the ground with their powerful limbs and shot into the far distance at an extreme speed.

Then after running for many hours seemingly tirelessly as they had a powerful stamina and endurance, they finally arrived before the place that could be called the legacy ground of the Azure Firestorm Archer.

When Xiao Lin saw the legacy ground, he opened his mouth wide in awe. While the carriage driver who had been here many times as he had transported other cultivators down here, simply produced a smile in his face.

Then when he came down from the carriage and paid the driver as promised, he came before two massive gates that were painted in azure color and surprisingly spanned hundreds of feet wide and long. Then behind these huge gates that seemed to want to connect to the Heavens, was a really massive, black-colored swirl of Spiritual Energy that had a bright azure light illuminating it pitch-black center.

Looking at the gates, he saw thousands of mysterious diagrams and patterns engraved into the gates. While the images engraved into the immense solid gates were of bows and arrows.

Then after an heavy exhale, he walked through the gates...

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