Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 97 - Searching For His First Victims

After walking through the gate, he came before the furiously swirling black mass of Spiritual Energy.

Then with an exhale of preparedness, he jumped into it.

As soon as he did so, be began to move through a particular raging river that invoked the feeling of space in him. 

At the moment as he was moving within that dark river which could be called a Chaotic Spatial River, he suddenly felt that he could arrive anywhere in the world in only a matter of seconds, regardless of the distance, whether billions or trillions of miles away. And what caused him to move at a tremendous speed within that river was a particular, mysteriously powerful force that propelled him through the river.

Then a second later, he arrived before another swirling black mass of Spiritual Energy with the force that moved him through the Chaotic Spatial River pushing him out of it.


He landed to the ground many feet below when the force hurled him out of the whirling dark mass of Spiritual Energy.

But as soon as he crashed to the ground, Xiao Lin's body raised back into the air like some unseen force that were attached to various parts of his body pulled him back up.

Once he was raised back to his feet from his lying position, he began to look around him.

Then he saw to his surprise that there was no sun in this world, neither was there a moon. But the whole region was brightly illuminated, and this was because of intense rays of white light emitting from a particular, strange light source that suspended in the air thousands of feet above them.

Xiao Lin who was looking up at the source where the intense white light was coming from, asked within himself 'What is that object? Must be a powerful luminous artifact since it can produce this degree of brilliant light that can illuminate the entire region' 

Once he said that within himself, he began to look around to understand the new place that he was in. 

And as he did so, whilst also trying to use his powerful vampiric vision to see into the far distance, he suddenly received the definite feeling that the region must be really massive in size. 

"I have a feeling that this area is totally isolated from the rest of the world." Xiao Lin said as he looked around.

Then after looking around for sometime observantly, he began to walk forward to head towards the center or the the other end of the region where the mansion or the temple of the Azure Firestorm Archer could be found.

But as he walked into the distance towards the center or other end of the cropped-out region, he saw that he couldn't find anybody around.

"Hmm. I guess they have all moved towards the depth of the region" Xiao Lin said.

He then continued "But if they are all concentrated at a region, it would be bad for me. As they would all aim their attacks at me."

"My initial plan was to sweep from the legacy ground's opening gate to the heart of the region or it other end. But I guess now that my plan was wrong. I didn't think things things well."

"And now that they have all moved further into the distance, they would have gathered in massive numbers at other places in this region"

But as he was thinking, a thought suddenly flashed in his head.

"Can they really have moved that far? If I combine all my Movement Skills together, then coupled with my Super Speed ability, I should be able to meet up with some groups." 

"Not everyone can have powerful or exceptional Movement Methods. Therefore, I should still be able to meet up with some of them, if not many of them. Then from there, I can start my butchering."

As soon as he said that, a cold glint shone in his eyes.

Then quickly deploying all the Battle Skills that he knew all at once, and combining them with his powerful super speed ability, he began to dash at a really high speed into the distance so that he could meet up with some of them.


"Brother Zhu Ping, when do you think that we are going to reach the mansion of the Azure Firestorm Archer? We have been walking for a week now and the mansion isn't yet in sight." Someone unexpectedly said to a tall and fierce-looking, handsome male that walked beside him. 

However, hearing no response from this male that he called Zhu Ping, the person then continued "Brother Zhu Ping, I guess that if we want to arrive there in time and seize the bows, arrows and other treasures for ourselves, we would have to make a powered dash using our Movement Skills towards there."

The male called Zhu Ping then looked at the person that spoke and said "Chou Lin, it isn't your job to advise or tell me what to do. When did you become my personal adviser. If you don't shut up and shove your damned suggestions down your throat, I am going to do that for you. Now, face your front."

As soon as Zhu Ping said that, the person that Zhu Ping called Chou Lin quickly faced his front.

Zhu Ping then said further to the members of his sects around him "I know what I am doing, so you guys should relax. Besides, anyone that's able to receive the legacy and wealth of the Azure Firestorm Archer, will dreadfully surrender it to me. Or they would be covered in many, great life-threatening injuries."


"Arrogant this much?" The soft and angelic voice of a female suddenly rang out from far beside him.

Zhu Ping then turned his head to look at the female that spoke.

Once he did and he saw the female, his eyes glowed with an incomprehensible smile appearing in his face. 

The female that he saw, who was also flanked on all sides by the members of her sect, was the Heavenly Daughter of the Celestial Dragon Empress sect. 

Zhu Ping who was staring at her with narrowed, glittering eyes, couldn't really take his admiring gaze off her as the female whose body seemed to be carved out of jade, and possessed a really attractive face that will cause the stars and rainbows to pale in comparison, was a girl with matchless beauty and a great demeanor.

"Ahh. Zhou Bilan, welcome." Zhu Ping said with an amiable tone in his voice.

He then continued "Well, if you would like to call me arrogant, I leave that thought up to you. I won't argue with you."

The female whom he called Zhou Bilan, only smiled as she looked at him.

She then asked "You think you aren't arrogant? Was it not you that just said that anybody that receives the legacy and accumulations of the Azure Firestorm Archer will surrender it to you? Isn't that total arrogance"


Zhu Ping only laughed.

Then with a lewd smile appearing in his face, he said "I will surely make you mine. And whether you like it or not, you will be the one to service me both morning and evening"

Zhou Bilan heard that and had her eyes glow with rage. However, she only ignored him and decided to walk in another direction.

As she walked away, Zhu Ping began to laugh raucously so that she could hear his unbridled laughter and get more annoyed. But his scheme didn't work out as Zhu Ping only ignored him.

As he was doing this, someone who was far behind him and was from the Great Dreamland sect, began to look at him with disgust in his eyes.

"That arrogant, lewd and irritating fool from the Violet Canon God sect. Always flirting with all the Heavenly Daughters from any sects that he comes across. Doesn't even have a taste nor a standard. Bastard!" A male called Fang Shu said with intense hate in his tone.


Another person who was beside him laughed and said "Brother Shu, I can understand where your hate is coming from. It's because of that guy Zhu Ping knocked you off from that platform when you were about to receive the legacy of the Furious Light Slasher that appeared a year ago at our Moondust town."

The person then continued "But don't worry too much about him brother Shu. I believe that this time, since you have mastered the First Constellation God attacking style from the Nine Constellation Gods battle art that master gave you to study, you should be able to quickly overwhelm and subdue him. Then all the disgrace, reproach and humiliation that he brought to you that time will be returned to him by many folds."

Fang Shu then nodded his head and said "Yes, Kun Lei, I am going to make him regret what he did a year ago to me. I am going to shatter his reputation by walking on his body like he were a bridge and then make him eat the sands of my boot."


The person called Kun Lei laughed, he then said "That's the spirit brother Shu. Now, you are talking."


Xiao Lin who was moving at an incredible speed then stopped to look around. But seeing that he couldn't perceive the body smell of anyone using his powerful sense of smell, and after covering a distance of fifteen miles, he grunted unhappily and then resumed dashing again into the distance.

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