Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 416: Genetic engineering

Luo Yuan’s order was well carried out, and the entire laboratory staff put down their work and busy moving all the materials in the archives to the Luoyuan office.

Although many researchers were negative and dissatisfied with the stomach, the new official took up three fires, and no one dared to turn a blind eye to his command.

What's more, this person is also the deputy minister of the Lijian department, the strongest super-genetic creature in the reconstruction area. As a biological laboratory that itself is easy to cause the evolutionary to resent the superpower gene, no one does not drum up this.

Researchers are indeed valuable to the reconstruction area, but whoever to compare with, perhaps the ordinary evolutionary, is only the object of research in their eyes, but this does not include the deputy minister of the sword department. Although they don't know much about it, from this abnormal administrative order, letting a layman take over the national key genetic laboratory, let him see it, the importance of it can be seen.

Luo Yuan's office is not too small, there are about fifty square meters, but after all the information has been moved into the office, it is still very difficult to settle down.

Luo Yuan’s faint thankful sentence, when everyone left, they closed the office door.

He does not care whether these people are secretly dissatisfied, and the scientific field also has its own circle, closed and exclusive.

A layman without any qualifications and achievements leads the entire laboratory through administrative orders. No matter how docile and polite he is, no one will be satisfied. In this case, it is better to direct high-pressure orders, as long as he does not disturb him.

After pouring a cup of tea for himself, he began to look through these mountainous materials.

Up to fifteen points of wisdom, let him completely look at the ten lines, and never forget, let him be extremely efficient.

However, most of the information is useless to Luo Yuan. He was thrown away by a few eyes, such as the newly discovered gene-cutting method in a paper, and a group of genes induced by a virus to induce mutation. Sex disappears.

Through these materials and papers, Luo Yuan found that the genetic research in the reconstructed area did not make a breakthrough compared with the end of the world. The research direction is still similar to the needle in a haystack. Everything depends on luck, and it is impossible to directly edit the gene.

For Luo Yuan, who has been able to directly observe and subtle operations, this also requires painstaking search for specific enzyme-cleaving gene fragments, and then transferring them into the recipient cells through circular DNA, which is time-consuming and laborious, and inefficient. It is just like entering the Stone Age.

As long as he is willing, he can change any cell or viral gene into an unrecognizable one.

Of course, not all materials are useless, and the knowledge accumulated by human genetics, as well as the judgment of some genomic functions, has been relatively clear. There are 3 billion bases in humans, of which 98% are ineffective DNA fragments, and there are about 30,000 genomes in the remaining 2%. In these 30,000 genomes, the reconstruction area has now determined that functions account for 50%. This saves Luo Yuan's great time for screening one by one.

Otherwise, relying on Luo Yuan to build a car behind closed doors, and want to clarify the role of these base pairs, even he is a huge project.

Of course, these well-defined genomes are not completely accurate, the backwardness of observation and operational precision, and the lack of control experiments make this judgment seem rather vague, full of uncertainty, just a rough determination.

Moreover, through the data, Luo Yuan found that 98% of the invalid DNA fragments were not useless. Some of the evolutionary genes were mutated from these areas that were ineffective for ordinary people, which required him to verify them one by one.

However, human cloning is already very perfect. Through the deployment of active energy-rich nutrient solution, an artificial embryo can grow into a baby within ten days. It can be three years old in a month, after leaving the nutrient solution, through the acquired Education and cultivation, the intelligence and physical fitness of human beings are no different from ordinary human beings. Even when they are exposed to active energy from an early age, the qualities of human cloning are still faint beyond the normal fetus of October.

When the time was near noon, Luo Yuan glanced at the last stack of information, threw it aside and stood up.

He walked out the door and knocked on the door of Professor's office next to him.

“Call all the people to the human colony culture area.”

Professor Fei did not dare to neglect, and quickly notified the past. After a few minutes, more than 200 people from the entire lab came to the training area. Luo Yuan did not expect that there were so many people in a laboratory, but it was not until the training area. Luo Yuan discovered that there are so many people here.

The entire cultivation area is huge and vast, covering an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters. Each of the training chambers is densely packed with the entire area, and there are almost 30,000.

These culture chambers are not empty, most of them float the fetus, and some are just embryos.

Looking at these floating fetuses, sometimes convulsions and squirming, in exchange for ordinary people to come in, I am afraid that the cold hair has been turned upside down.

Seeing that Luo Yuan is somewhat embarrassed, Professor Fei worried that he misunderstood and quickly explained to him: "Mr. Luo, this is not an experimental material. Our researchers also have a conscience. Even if you want to use it, you don't need so much, right?"

Someone coughed a few times.

Professor Fei quickly smirked: "Don't misunderstand, I will say this. Biological research is like this, both a laboratory and a factory, but this factory produces humans."

Prof. Fei’s humour is a slogan. He continued to explain: “You also know that the population of the reconstruction area is decreasing month by month, naturally proliferating and inefficient, and cloning is the best choice to supplement the population. Our laboratory has cloned people every month. The indicator has already raised 250,000 people, but don't worry, the genes of these clones are from the dead population and will not appear..."

"Okay, no explanation!" Luo Yuan stopped: "How many empty training warehouses are there now?"

"The training area is the responsibility of Professor Guan, and he will tell you!" Professor Fei is the main person in charge of the laboratory, leading the overall situation, which will pay attention to these subtle aspects.

"About 5,000, but the next batch will be cultivated soon..." Professor Guan pushed the thick frame of glasses and said.

"Cancel it!" Luo Yuan interrupted: "The next clone will be out of the warehouse, and you don't have to continue to train."

"But, the indicator..." Professor Guan seems to want to say something. After being pulled by Professor Fei, he quickly responded, and he was resentful. Now, what indicators have been mentioned, the entire laboratory has been packaged and given, he wants How to do it, how can you do it now? I can only hope that he will play tired for a while, and will let the unfortunate lab go.

Looking at Professor Guan’s face is red, Luo Yuan’s heart is slightly funny, but he is too lazy to explain.

“Is there a human being in the clones?” Professor Guan Guan calmed down and Luo Yuan continued to ask.

"There is a part, but the evolutionary body is strong in physical fitness, the cultivation is slow, and the nutrient solution is very serious. Only one hundred are not available, most of them are ordinary people." Although Professor Guan is still not in the heart, he does not dare to offend Luo Yuan. Honestly replied.

"How many human genes are collected in this laboratory, and how many egg cells are there?" Luo Yuan used some hints. Egg cells are the necessary vectors for cloning, and the number of them determines the number of clones that can be cloned.

"There are about 100,000 copies, of which 5,000 are collected from the evolutionary, and only 30,000 are in the egg cell. However, they are out of stock and can be deployed from the hospital. Many people have donations." In the face of suggestion, Professor Guan is an ordinary person. No resistance at all, honestly said.

“Which person is collected from each cell, do you have specific information, such as a photo introduction?”

"This kind of project is too big, ordinary people don't, there are some cells from the evolutionary!"

Luo Yuan is slightly disappointed. He is not eager to study the evolutionary, but the genes of ordinary people. It is the goal of his current strategy. It is not a mistake to sharpen the knife. Only the common genetic research of human beings is thorough, and then evolution. The two genes are compared, and when you improve your physical fitness, you will be able to solve them.

However, even if there is no information, it is a little troublesome and wastes a little time.

He looked at the more than 30,000 training cabins, and I am afraid I will work hard all the time.


These days, Luo Yuan, in addition to returning to the city at night, almost every day in the laboratory, even the Lijian department does not often go. As time went by, the previous cultured clones had been out of the warehouse, and all were replaced with specific embryos that Luo Yuan had screened.

All embryos are from one receptor.

Only a few of them are used as controls, and nothing is changed. The other part is to refine a specific genome, 30,000 culture chambers, one to one corresponding to the genome of about 30,000 humans.

Embryo-adjusted genes are derived from the common human gene pool to find the corresponding gene, 100,000 ordinary human gene samples, covering almost all variants of human common genes. Through a large number of experimental controls, he gradually determined the function represented by each group of genes.

After confirming the function of the genome, he gradually changed the base pair of the genome. As Luo Yuan's genomic changes became larger and larger, various deformed children were inevitably produced. These deformed children were analyzed and collected. After a large amount of data, the achievements have not been completely destroyed by humanity. Although it is cruel, it is a necessary pass for science to advance.

At the same time, the researchers in the laboratory began to change a lot. At the same time, the attitude of the laboratory researchers to Luo Yuan also changed day by day. From the beginning, the heart was reluctant, the attitude was negative, and now the mood is high, hard work, attitude occurs. Drastic changes.

Everyone has an unspeakable excitement on their faces. As clones are bred into babies one by one, as each gene function is determined, even with the recognition of the genes, each base pair is gradually refined. The impact of change.

The mystery of human genes has gradually unveiled like them.

With the lapse of time, the results here gradually spread and began to attract the attention of the reconstruction area. With the intervention of administrative forces, a large number of researchers joined the project at the same time. At the same time, the training area of ​​the laboratory was also Sudden expansion, all areas near the laboratory were vacated and placed in a single culture cabin, the total number of culture chambers reached 1.5 million.

However, Luo Yuan did not care, and the more resources he mobilized, his progress is getting faster and faster.

His research process began to accelerate suddenly.

In just two months, the genetic analysis of ordinary people and evolutionists has ended.

Luo Yuan began to clone himself. At this time, he has already understood the genes quite thoroughly, and he has been well aware of the effects of each genome's function and even the base pair changes. In order to avoid the innumerable growth in the future, Luo Yuan's humans, these cells used for cloning, he also made some genetic fine-tuning, such as skin color, face shape, height, and even sex.

Luo Yuan stood in the passage of the cultivation area and looked at the rows of millions of culture chambers in front of him. The small embryos inside were slowly splitting and growing.

Luo Yuan stayed in the laboratory for a long time and looked like a well-behaved heart. At this time, it gradually became excited. With the opening of the clone itself, the human body transformation project began to officially start!

In addition to Luo Yuan's own genes, these embryos have been transplanted with various super-power genes.

These super powers can be more than 5,000 in the original laboratory. With the large amount of resources invested in the reconstruction area, the number has reached an astonishing 200,000 copies, basically covering most of the evolutionary people in the reconstruction area. Luo Yuan found it. Xu Zhiqiang, Ling Zhongan, and even his own genes, do not know when to collect.

There are more unknown evolutionists, although they are not strong and unknown, but there are some abilities even if Luo Yuan is blind.

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