Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 417: Four-dimensional cloning

The reason why many evolvers are obscured, their reputation is not obvious, and their ability is not strong, and some of them are weak and insane, and more are bad luck and fall in the middle.

For example, one of the culture chambers that Luo Yuan paid special attention to, the embryo inside was transplanted with a special gene from Luo Yuan. This gene came from an evolutionary person who died in the big cleansing. Now, even if the strength does not improve, it is also a super evolutionary.

According to the records on the file, this evolutionary person is infinitely powerful. Just like Hercules is alive, he can lift a heavy tank of forty or fifty tons and carry out a throwing attack. It can also easily jump hundreds of meters high. .

If the archives are not exaggerated, this power is simply incredible. Even the power of Luo’s 17 points can only lift more than one ton, lifting two or three hundred times of human small and medium mammals. Your body weight, in living things, can only be done by some insects.

In the end, he died in the end, but there is no record, but from the words on the file, it is estimated that the military also pays no small price.

However, although the person died, his body was preserved.

The structure of his body is the same as that of ordinary people. Although the muscles are dense and compact, they are not as muscular as the average person. The special feature of this body is the cells, which are exactly the mitochondria inside the cells.

Luo Yuan discovered that his mitochondria had completely detached from the category of conventional organisms. Not only was his internal structure complicated, but he also possessed several mysterious enzymes, which enabled him to carry out certain cold fusion reactions.

When water molecules enter the mitochondria of his cells, they are decomposed into ionic states. A small portion of H atoms are aggregated into elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. These elements and the remaining oxygen and hydrogen are converted into various amino acids required by the body. The energy produced by fusion is supplied to the daily needs of the human body.

Although this fusion reaction is quite slow, each mitochondria has only one or two hydrogen atoms per second, which is converted into elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Even if the total number of cells in the body is 50 trillion, the hydrogen that is being fusiond is only About one tenth of a gram.

However, fusion is fusion, far less than the energy produced by the biochemical reactions of conventional organisms, and this cold fusion is deeper and more efficient than the fusion of hydrogen bombs. The energy produced by only one tenth of a gram of hydrogen is completely It is equivalent to the burning value of several tons of standard coal, which is equivalent to seven or eight thousand times of the energy of ordinary people, and is also twenty or thirty times that of Luo Yuan.

At the same time, the existence of this mitochondria also means that his demand for food has been reduced to the limit, only need to add some water and conventional elements to meet the needs of survival, and there is no need to breathe at all.

This is a natural space creature. When Luo Yuan saw this kind of cell for the first time, there was a feeling of being hit by surprise. Once such a mitochondria appeared in his body, his strength would increase in geometry, even if it was light and light. And physical strength, it is enough to increase dozens of times.


At this time, Professor Guan ran around and ran around, followed by several experimental assistants.

"Mr. Luo, there is a bad news. The eggs from the A1 group to the A10000 group have all died." He ran to Luo Yuan and said in a panic, he knew that these were the nutrition compartments that Luo Yuan valued. One survives.

"What happened? These embryos haven't started to split yet. How can this happen?" Luo Yuan said, this is something that has never been done. Generally speaking, as long as it still has active embryos, it will not appear completely. In the previous experiment, no matter how the gene changes, the first division can always proceed normally, and the embryo death often exists in the stage of life formation.

He did not doubt that the experimental assistant's collective operation had made mistakes because the possibility was too low and almost negligible.

After all, the batches of laboratory clones have been more than once. Now the laboratory cloning technology is very mature. The various steps of cloning have been specially compiled into manuals. Follow the steps, completely like the assembly line, even ordinary workers. Training, but also skilled operation, not to mention the hands-on are highly educated and experienced experimental assistants

"According to the operation record, egg cell transplantation has activity, nutrient solution content is also normal, all kinds of hormones are added according to regulations, but it is delayed to split." Professor Guan said while walking.

"What do you think?" Luo Yuan asked.

"Excluding any other possibilities, I suspect that there is a problem with the chromosome itself, which is the reason for the delay in splitting." Professor Guan looked at Luo Yuan and hesitated.

The genes of all the embryos here are edited by Luo Yuan personally. Since the operation is ok, it is natural that the editor has a problem.

Although with the large-scale genetic engineering of Luo Yuan, the recognition of genes in the reconstruction area has advanced by leaps and bounds, but there is no progress in the means of genetic modification. It is like being in Baoshan, but there is no excavation tool they can observe. Knowing how to modify it, it is impossible to directly edit the gene like Luo Yuan.

Professor Luo’s outspokenness, Luo Yuan did not care, the footsteps paused, thought a little, and continued to move forward: "Let's see and talk."

Each group has ten culture chambers, all of which die from the A1 group to the A10000 group, which means that 100,000 embryos are genetically modified and all fail.

The egg cell is the largest cell in the human body. The egg cell is transplanted into the recipient cell after enucleation, which is the most common way of cloning.

However, even the largest cell in the human body is only 0.1 mm, which is the thickness of the hair, suspended in the nutrient solution. The instruments that ordinary people do not use can't be seen at all. Dangdang does not include Luo Yuan.

He took a closer look, the cells have been broken and dried up, and the cell fluid inside has already flowed out a lot. It is obviously dead, and the others have not been seen.

Because he has already felt that all the embryos in this area have completely died.

Every cell here has the imprint of Luo Yuan's own will, and he has a faint connection. Even if it is separated from the body, it seems to be part of the body. If there is no separation at all, the connection of this area has disappeared. .

"In addition to the problems here, is the development of other embryos still good?" Luo Yuan was not in a hurry to probe with the will, and turned to ask Professor Guan.

"There is no problem, the fastest development, has begun the tenth round of division, the slowest also carried out the first round of division."

Luo Yuan’s heart has already had some speculation.

From the A1 group to the A10000 group culture chamber, some embryos edited one ability gene, some two or three, and the most A10000 group edited twelve, but no matter how many genes were transplanted, this area was One thing in common is that they have edited Xu Zhiqiang's ability genes.

Xu Zhiqiang is the closest to four-dimensional life. His genes naturally contain four-dimensional secrets. From the numbering sequence at the beginning of these A, Luo Yuan attaches importance to this gene.

Unfortunately, the four-dimensional secret is not so well detected. Xu Zhiqiang's genes seem to be fundamentally different from ordinary evolutionists, and the editors are quite smooth, but the results are not the same.

All the embryos that edited the genes of Xu Zhiqiang died one by one and could not be split at all. Luo Yuan vaguely guessed what he might have missed while editing the gene.

"Four dimensions!"

There was a sudden movement in his heart. Could it be that Xu Zhiqiang’s gene was not in this space, and three-dimensional could not be observed.

The more he thinks, the more likely he is, the more likely it is that the genes of four-dimensional life cannot be as three-dimensional. This is a kind of all-dimensional ascension. Even if Xu Zhiqiang is not a true four-dimensional life, just like him, only a part of the four-dimensional, genetic aspect. There should also be performance.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan said to Professor Guan: "Clear these dead embryos, and then ask people to clone the cells labeled S36778, clone one hundred copies, and send a sample to me. office."

No. S36778 is the gene of Xu Zhiqiang. He wants to see if this cell can be cloned.

"Okay!" Professor Guan said quickly.

After saying that Luo Yuan hurried to the office, closed the door, untied the straps, opened the four-dimensional, and then used the will.

The four-dimensional will of the will, so that he seems to have a perspective of overlooking, Luo Yuan found that in the four-dimensional perspective, dark energy is everywhere, the whole world seems to float in the ocean of energy, even in the body Dark energy is slowly flowing.

These energies seem to be illusory, they can easily pass through the flesh without leaving traces.

Luo Yuan will move gently, and the energy will fly with it. It seems to be manipulated by the will, but Luo Yuan does not know how to use it. He fluctuates a little and then does not try.

He can feel that these energies seem to be quiet and harmless, like a smooth flow of water, but they give him a sense of guilt. If you try again, God knows what kind of disastrous consequences will happen, let alone test it in the body. .

He removed his attention, not paying attention to these dark energies, and quickly selected a somatic cell.

The next moment, the expansion of this cell in his eyes, then the heart broke through the nucleus and entered the chromosome.

Regarding the distribution of the brain's genes on several chromosomes, Luo Yuan looked for one by one, but all the chromosomes were searched one by one, and he did not see the trace of his own gene four-dimensional.

Luo Yuan's brow is slightly locked, and he doesn't understand: "Is it wrong?"

He was puzzled, and now he looks at Xu Zhiqiang's cells, hoping he guessed it wrong.

Didn't let Luo Yuan wait for a long time, Xu Zhiqiang's cell sample was sent, waiting for the assistant to leave the office in awe, gently close the door, then he opened the coverslip and immediately explored.

However, in Xu Zhiqiang's cells, in a pair of chromosomes that have been identified as capable, he quickly found a four-dimensional trace. This is a four-dimensional genome and three-dimensional genes connected to form a Klein bottle structure, from a three-dimensional perspective. See, you can't see the four-dimensional genome at all, but in the four-dimensional perspective, they are a whole. Once the four-dimensional gene is removed, the whole genome cannot be expressed.

Luo Yuan's withdrawal from the state of will, two different results, made him wonder, Xu Zhiqiang's genes are no problem, as he guessed, in line with the characteristics of four-dimensional creatures, but the problem is his genes.

Is it only the brain cells that have undergone genetic variation, and other parts have not yet appeared and chain reactions. In other words, his genes did not rise at all, and only some brain cells coincided into the four-dimensional. ”


On the fourth day, there was another news that couldn't be said to be good or bad. Xu Zhiqiang's cell clone failed, and all the embryos died naturally.

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