Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 479: Rescue

When Luo Yuan sneaked into a depth of nearly 1,500 meters, he could already feel that the induction was not far below, perhaps twenty or thirty meters, maybe only one step away. This spiritual induction could not be precise. Positioning, Luo Yuan can only be roughly fuzzy judgment.

He quickly stopped to unwind the space bubble, and suddenly there was a hole of three or four meters in diameter.

Because of the deep isolation of the formation and the influence of geothermal heat, the nuclear winter has not affected this place. The temperature here is more than forty degrees, which is similar to that before the disaster. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why this group of clones stayed here for a long time.

Luo Yuan carefully sensed the direction and immediately began to excavate.

The geology here is composed of sedimentary rocks. This kind of rock like a sheet-like piece of paper is quite crisp. Under the great force of Luo Yuan, it is almost effortless. He can see some from time to time in the gravel. The traces of shells and water plants, it is clear that the reconstruction area and the Taklimakan Desert, which was in the Taklimakan Desert, was still a vast ocean hundreds of millions of years ago.

Before he dug a few meters, Luo Yuan was keenly aware that the nearby rock had been completely shattered under some kind of artificial force and became extremely dense. This phenomenon made him happy, which shows that these clones are not far from here. It is.

He immediately speeded up his movements and continued to dig less than ten meters. He heard a bang and the smoke was flying.

In addition to the annoying dust, there is a stench like a corpse. He seems to think of something. He can't help but sink in. He immediately enters with a short body. This is a small and sturdy cave. It is only one high. M. II.

Let him have to lie on his body in order to barely enter.

This is not an accident of Luo Yuan. It is underground and sealed around. The rock can't be transported outside, which makes ordinary excavation impossible. If you want to open up a space, you can only compress the nearby rocks. It's a huge project, it takes a lot of time and effort.

The caves here are long and narrow, and can only be accommodated by one person. The total area is only two or three square meters.

However, this is not the concern of Luo Yuan. Everything I saw in front of him made him shocked and heavy.

He saw a group of clones lying on the ground, and there were a total of thirteen. The children looked small only one or two years old, and the big ones were four or five years old.

Eight of them have completely lost their sense of induction, and none of them are smaller clones.

Luo Yuan was somewhat embarrassed about the darkness of humanity that he had thought of before. Their bodies were still intact, but the skin was slightly rotted, and the surface was vaguely stinking.

Obviously, these dead individuals do not have a fusion body. In the absence of air and food, they will not survive for a long time. Maybe they will die after half a day.

It is only a little strange for Luo Yuan that these relatively weak survivors will escape here, but this issue is not in a hurry.

He looked at other clones that were still alive. These surviving individuals couldn't be better. Each one was skinny and skinny, as if they were lying on each other. They seemed to be in a dormant state and stopped completely. Breathing, even the heartbeat, has not been felt. If Luo Yuan’s spirit can still be sensed, I am afraid that I am already dead.

It was three or four months after the disaster. There was no water for a long time, and there was no food supplement. It was obvious that their bodies were on the verge of collapse.

In fact, the lack of food is second, the most critical is the lack of water. Once there is no water, cold fusion can not be synthesized, and this cave obviously has no water at all, even because of excessive extrusion of the surrounding rock wall, forming a circle nearby. The high-density water-absorbing layer causes the air here to be very dry.

Luo Yuan checked the physical condition of one of the clones with his will. The situation was quite bad. His cells had dried up, and a lot of water was lost in the cell fluid. The fusion reaction in the mitochondria became more and more.

The blood in the body has almost solidified, countless red blood cells are crowded together, most of them have died, and the remaining water and nutrients are scarce by other cells. In other words, his body has entered the self-feeding stage.

If we continue to delay, once the internal organs begin to be damaged in a large area, it will not be far from death.

"Fortunately, everything is still there!"

Luo Yuan’s heart was heavy and somewhat gratified. Without hesitation, he immediately started the curvature flight and quickly sent the survivors out of the ground.

As for those bodies, he was left in this undisturbed cave. No grave is better than this one thousand and five hundred meters underground.

At this time, the hail was still outside, and Luo Yuan considered that their bodies were extremely weak. They might even be unable to withstand the cold outside. He did not stop and returned directly to the city of hope.


Luo Yuan's villa.

A group of people surrounded by five children like corpses, both curious and feeling infiltrated.

"Mayor Luo, these children have been suffering from hunger for a long time, their consciousness has been shocked, and the various organs of the body have stopped working. They can only slowly adjust their bodies by injecting nutrient solution, but I am afraid... Hope." The autumn rain put down the stethoscope, checked it, and his face was pale and said to Luo Yuan.

The situation in these children is beyond her understanding. There is no breathing at all, no heartbeat at all, even the body is cold and cold, and it is extremely stiff. If Luo Yuanfei wants to say that they are still alive, she must have a neurosis. Use her body to take her pastime.

"You don't have to worry about it, give him some water first." Luo Yuan brows slightly wrinkled, said.

Ye Qiuyu opened her mouth and wanted to stop it. As a professional doctor, she knew that the shock person did not swallow the reaction, could not feed the water, swallowed the reaction, once the water was fed, he could only enter the trachea, but eventually he took the photo. In the majesty of Luo Yuan, Mengtou went to pour water, forget it, it has already reached this point, only to die as a living horse doctor.

"Luo Yuan, where did you find this group of people?" Huang Jiahui could not help but ask.

"Not far from Xinjing!" Luo Yuandao.

"Now, is there anyone still alive?" Zhao Yali was curious in her heart and asked about the topic.

"I don't know this, maybe someone is alive!" Luo Yuan shook his head and said that most of the people who can live today are also powerful evolutionists who used to live in the wild, but these people either live in the underground ice. Rarely on the ground, or away from the reconstruction area, it is almost difficult to find, and even if it can be found, Luo Yuan does not want to find. These people have already lost their basic humanity in the cruel existence, and they are no different from the beasts. Bringing them back to the city of hope will only be harmful and unhelpful.

"This group of children is quite special, it is my clone, and I have some connection with them, otherwise I can't find them."

Luo Yuan continued, this kind of thing does not need to be concealed, but it can't be concealed. Now I don't explain it. If they wake up and call his father, they will explain it for a long time.

Everyone looked at each other and saw shock and curiosity in the eyes of the other party. Luo Yuanke never mentioned it.

Ye Qiuyu, who had just returned from the water, heard this amazing news, and almost even the cup fell.

Human cloning is too far away from ordinary people. It is not even in a certain position.

"It's nothing strange. The technology of human cloning has long matured. With the current fertility rate of human beings, if it is not cloned, humans will not be able to use it for a long time. I have been in the laboratory for a while, just for this matter." A face of disbelief, Luo Yuan explained one sentence.

For a while, Ye Qiuyu took out the tools and began to lick the mouth of one of the clones.

She is not a petite woman. She used to be a war doctor. In that kind of environment, it is impossible to be unreasonable. Once in the war, sometimes I have to resist hundreds of wounded people every day, plus I took the energy nucleus yesterday. After that, her power is now even bigger, enough to compare with ordinary adult men.

However, this time, no matter how powerful she used, even if her face turned red and gave her strength to eat, the child's teeth seemed to be fixed, and the lines did not move.

Ye Qiuyu's face turned red, and he said: "Rom... Mayor Luo, I can't open their mouths!"

Looking at her sly expression, Luo Yuan smiled and walked over: "I am coming!"

He took the tool and walked to the front of one of the clones. He did not use any force to gently open one of the cloned teeth. Then he said to Ye Qiuyu: "Give me water?"

Ye Qiuyu quickly handed over the water. Before Luo Yuan fed the water, she still braved the courage to remind him: "Rom... Mayor Luo, as a doctor, I must remind you that when the patient is in a coma, he cannot eat. This will fill the trachea."

Luo Yuan squinted a little, could not help but look at her: "Thank you for your reminder, but for them, this is no big deal."

It doesn't matter. The clones of these fusions don't need to breathe. If they have water shortage, they will be absorbed by the cells as soon as they enter the body. Even the skin will absorb the moisture in the air slowly.

This phenomenon that has never been discovered, Luo Yuan has already noticed.

Compared with the time when they left the ground, the color of these clones has been much better after entering the city of hope. Unlike the previous gray, wrinkles, and gradually grayish development trend.

Then, Luo Yuan took the cup and poured it into the mouth of one of the clones. The movement was simple and rude, and the onlookers were shocking.

"Go to a few glasses of water!" Luo Yuan turned and said.

Huang Jiahui and others stunned, and quickly rushed into the water.

Next, Luo Yuan poured nearly 500 milliliters of water into each clone, and watched their stomach bulge, they could not be accommodated, they stopped, and this water should be enough.

Luo Yuangang put down the cup, and the body of the first clone that drank water changed dramatically.

First, his gray-white skin, such as lime, quickly fades and turns white. Immediately, the temperature of his body began to rise.

From the temperature that originally approached zero degrees Celsius, it quickly reached the body temperature of ordinary people, but this has just begun.

Their skin began to glow red and hot, and they were full of compelling heat. The mutant people couldn’t help but curiously touched it in the past, and quickly shrank back and hid behind Luo Yuan.

"Is he okay?" Zhao Yali worried.

Luo Yuan touched their body temperature. It is estimated that the temperature of the average person has already died to death at around 70 to 80 degrees, but it is too normal for the body of fusion. However, once he is intensely exercising, his body temperature can even make Wood lighting:

"Reassured, nothing, they are missing for too long, the mitochondrial function is temporarily out of balance, and will return to normal after a while."

Immediately after the second, third...the fifth, there has also been a drastic change.

Time passed slowly, only five minutes of effort, the first change of the color of the clone has become shiny and rosy, the heartbeat has begun to recover, not long after, the breathing has become normal, although these for him Not much use, just as a legacy instinct.

After a few more minutes, the clone's eyelids suddenly shook a few times. The next moment, a pair of bright eyes, suddenly opened without warning, and he sat up, and at first glance, he looked at Luo Yuan.

"You are... our father!"

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