Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 480: reason

His voice was hoarse, as if the sand had been rubbed through the glass, giving him a slight discomfort, apparently his vocal cords had not fully recovered.

Once again, I heard that I was called Dad. This time, Luo Yuan did not have any objection. He nodded calmly: "What is your name?"

"My name is B1E32!"

"Who is this name obtained?"

For this weird name, Luo Yuan brows slightly wrinkled. Although the name is just a code name, as a person with wisdom, even if it is a clone, this is a bit too much.

As the main person in charge of the project at that time, Luo Yuan can roughly guess the meaning of this group of codes. B1 is the ability code of the fusion body, and F3 Luo Yuan remembers that this is a kind of flame ability. As for the numbers behind him, he is Not clear, but the estimate is the serial number in the same group.

"Change a name! My name is Luo, since you call my father, and later surnamed Luo, you can fire in your ability, you are called Luo Li!" Luo Yuan thought and said.

"Thank you, Dad, Luo... Luo Li, I will be called Luo Li in the future." He looked a little bit eager, repeating his chanting, and rejoicing in his heart.

Luo Yuan was also somewhat infected by this pure joy, laughing and saying: "Hungry!"

Considering that the child was somewhat comfortable with him, Luo Yuan did not prepare for him to answer. He said to several people: "Jia Hui, go and cook some food."

These are all clones of Luo Yuan. It is estimated that they cannot be measured by common sense. Before leaving, Huang Jiahui had to ask: "How much to sit?"

"The more the better!" Luo Yuan looked at these skinny clones, obviously to make up for it.

Even if it is a fusion body, water can't solve everything. Many essential elements of the human body, cold fusion can't be synthesized, and need to be supplemented with food.

At this time, the other four clones also began to wake up one by one. After asking about his name, he found that except for one of them, they only had the ability to fuse. The other three had two different abilities, especially one of them was copied by Luo Yuan. Object.

Has the ability to transform the body and space teleport.

The other two are the same group of clones, the ability to add a laser to the fusion body, but the gender is different.

Five clones, four men and one woman, in addition to Luo Lie, were named by Luo Yuan as Luo Yuan, Luo Fan, Luo Guang and the only female Luo Wei.

Several people face Luo Yuan with some restraint and coziness. There is no such thing as a child's expressive desire. The attitude is both close and awe.

Luo Yuan’s brows are slightly wrinkled. In this case, he also knows that this kind of emotion has existed since the embryo. They are homologous to his will. This is the reason for being close, but at the same time facing this one is powerful to terror. The mother, but instinctively feel the control of them.

Like the new vampires that were first held in the legend, the awe of the previous generation, this is the natural awe of the mother!

However, this excessive awe and even fear is not good for him, and will eventually lead to alienation and vigilance.

These are not ordinary people. Each of them is a super-evolutionary person far beyond the super-evolutionary. Once it is enchanted by people with ulterior motives, even Luo Yuan will feel a headache.

Fortunately, they are still only children, and the mind is still very easy to shape. The acquired environment is often easier to influence than the innate. At this time, he has decided that he must take the little girl who is still on the road to live together.

In order to alleviate their nervous emotions, Luo Yuan’s attitude gently asked about their previous life in the laboratory and how they escaped during the disaster.

In the crowd, I am in the answer.

Luo Yuan roughly understood what happened at that time, and why the cave had the bodies of clones that were not fusion.

As a clone of Luo Yuan, their sensitivity to danger is far more acute than ordinary humans.

Many clones felt a big disaster when the destruction had not yet come.

Some were overwhelmed, crying, irritating, ruined, and cloned. In this maddening uneasiness, they began to flee the lab, and the scene was chaotic.

There are more than 4,000 clones in this batch. Of course, it is impossible for everyone to live in a dormitory. They are lucky. There are several common clones in the same dormitory.

The strength of this clone may not be strong, and the individual is much smaller than the one with the fusion body. Compared with other powerful clones, it is inconspicuous in the same dormitory, but under this devastating blow There is no ability to have better viability than they have.

When the antimatter bullets are about to fall, the four clones will start to squat on the companions who have a good relationship.

However, no one can think of it. This disaster is so terrible. The earth is beating, the material is being gasified, the devastating power is even going through the ground. Under the threat of death, they have to work hard to drill underground. deep.

Until the final suffocation died and stopped, the rest of the common clones also died, leaving only the clones of the remaining five fusions survived.

Listening to their descriptions, Luo Yuan’s heart is full of emotions at the same time!

In fact, these five clones are not incapable of leaving. Their strong flesh, even if they are at the depth of 1,500 meters deep, cannot afford to live in them, even if they dig up a few hundred meters every day. It will take less than ten days to get out of trouble.

But perhaps it is the pure brotherhood between the clones. I don’t want to escape alone. It may also be frightened by the power of antimatter. I have never thought of fleeing to the ground. I just expanded my place and never did it again. Other actions.

If Luo Yuan found it in time, I am afraid that only waiting for them will die.


Luo Yuan stayed at home for only half an hour. Before leaving, let a few women take care of these cheap sons and daughters and go out again.

After all, the search work has just begun, and perhaps more clones can be found.

Returning to the place again, the hail rain has stopped, and a layer of thick ice hail is piled up on the ground. It has been tightly adhered to the ice layer under extreme cold, forming a spectacular and strange sight.

He continued to search around the crater as planned, but this time his luck seemed to be exhausted until he reached the evening, and he did not find one. He patiently continued searching for an hour, and found nothing, but he had no choice but to return and prepare for tomorrow. Continue searching.


Luo Yuan did not go home directly, but went to the city government.

Today, the ice mining project was officially launched. Such a super project is complicated in many matters, involving various departments, and with the expansion of the project tomorrow, there are countless preliminary work that must be completed before this time. Today he is not in the middle of the day. Many documents require him to make a decision.

The city government is brightly lit and busy.


"The mayor is good!"


Luo Yuan nodded all the way and quickly returned to the office, and the documents here are already piled up.

Take a sip of the secretary's good tea and start working on the file.

The keen thinking made his file processing speed astonishing. In just ten minutes, this pile of files has already been processed.

At this time, Luo Yuan took out a document and glanced at it. His face was slightly stunned. This is about the temporary expansion of the university.

Now hope that the city has a population of more than five million, most of which come from other cities, many of whom are students in the original school. However, with the migration, they have to interrupt their studies, and this proposal is expected to re-enroll these Students are placed in various universities in Hope City to continue their studies.

As a first-line strategic city, there are many higher education institutions in Hope City, Hope University, Reconstruction Industrial University, Hope Electronic University, Hope City Computer University, Hope City Medical Academy, in addition to a large number of vocational and technical colleges.

Among them, there are only 90,000 college students, which is a large number of reserve talents.

Unfortunately, the existence of the reconstruction area is quite short, only a little more than two years, and the construction of large-scale higher education has lagged behind for one year. Therefore, many students who have not graduated before the end of the world have given up their studies and participated in the work.

This has also led to the vast majority of students here today, all of whom are undergraduates in the lower grades. There are very few graduates nearing graduation. As for graduate students and doctoral students, it is even less pitiful.

There has been a clear fault in the cultivation of talents. Whether it is the former reconstruction area or the scientific research strength of the current city, it is basically the surplus of Yu Ze before the end of the world.

But fortunately, the interruption time is not long, and it can be made up.

Luo Yuan sighed slightly and took out the pen and wrote the consent on the document.

He took a sip of tea, returned to God, picked up another document, and continued to reply. Soon all the documents were processed.

Luo Yuan called the secretary and asked him to send these documents back to the relevant departments.

"Mayor, Mayor Tian came over and wanted to report to you, do you want to inform him now." The secretary asked respectfully.

"Let him come over!"

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