Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 498: Share dispute

"For this Dyson ball, technical demonstration and feasibility analysis may not be needed now, but it will certainly be used in the future." Luo Yuan said with a dignified look.

It is impossible for human beings to stay on the spacecraft all the time. Even if it is impossible to return to Earth, it will find a place to stay. This technology will become very important. Don’t look at all the deep nuclear fusion furnaces on the spacecraft, especially the power cabin. The 24 sets of giant nuclear fusion furnaces, if operated at full power, generate hundreds of times more energy than the global energy consumption of the last days.

But for this spacecraft, it can only support the spacecraft to sail fully, with at least some remaining. The level of civilization is different, and the amount of energy demand is different. Just like the same million dollars, it may be a huge sum for the poor, but for a billionaire, maybe even a month's spending is not enough.

For example, an antimatter production plant that consumes a lot of energy is not equipped in the spacecraft. There is no related technology in the brain, and there may be a possibility to guard against the rebellion of the spacecraft. But the more important reason is that the energy of the spacecraft cannot provide this. Consumption.

It is not difficult to produce antimatter. Humans in the laboratory of the European Nuclear Research Center in 1995 produced the world's first antimatter-anti-hydrogen atom in the laboratory. On September 18, 2000, the European Nuclear Research Center announced that they had successfully produced about 50,000 low-energy anti-hydrogen atoms. This is the first time humans have produced large quantities of anti-matter under laboratory conditions.

Although the quantity produced is less pitiful and far from practical. Even if it is put into the air, the power may not be as good as a firecracker. However, in order to obtain these antimatter, the electricity consumed is hundreds of millions of euros. Poor conversion rate is low.

Scientists have made a rough assessment of Blasting Technology based on this spacecraft. In the antimatter field, the conversion rate of anti-matter by Bolivia is not too high. Antimatter is likely to remain extremely extreme for Bolivia. Precious strategic resources.

Even the antimatter reserves on this spacecraft already occupy an important share of all their reserves.

A lot of evidence points to this point of view. For example, the most advanced interstellar spacecraft of this year, the power used is still nuclear fusion, not the more powerful anti-material furnace, and the anti-material bomb inventory in the spaceship arsenal is not much. There are only about three hundred kilograms left, counting the amount thrown on the earth and the moon, and the total amount is less than one ton.

It may seem like a lot to humans, but the amount is not enough for the destruction of a civilization with certain threats, but it is enough.


In the face of Luo Yuan’s request, Wu Xinfan hesitated and bit his teeth and said: “The mayor, this project is too big, and the extraterrestrial intelligence department may not be able to shoulder this important task! In these years, technology is changing with each passing day, and development is too fast. Those who have already left the front line, even if they have the habit of keeping track of the latest scientific research, but in fact have gradually failed to keep up with their pace, and some academic papers are hard to read."

Wu Xinfan’s great pains, on the one hand, can’t bear this heavy responsibility. The feasibility analysis of Dyson’s ball is a huge project involving all aspects and the latest technological progress, no less than a comprehensive science and technology census, another In terms of this, it is also a rare opportunity to meet the mayor this time and seek some benefits for the department.

After all, the crying child has milk to eat, and now wisdom agents are no longer a secret for researchers.

Academia has its own small circle, especially after the re-opening of the popularization of quantum computer network communication, the communication within this circle is more intense and frequent.

In the beginning, they can also communicate with some people and collide with each other. But since the wisdom of medicine came out, this academic circle has become more and more strange in their eyes.

At the beginning, a question was raised. When they were still thinking about it, the following replies had already been filled with more than a dozen solutions. Each answer seemed to solve the problem. Although it felt that the other party was extremely high, it could barely be forced. understand.

However, in the end, the questions raised in the academic forum began to become more and more esoteric. The answer to the reply also made people feel that they were watching the book. The gap between the two is completely incomprehensible, just like the primary school students facing college students. This frustration of being crushed by IQ makes them feel like a monk who has not evolved.

Until the existence of the wisdom agent began to spread in a small scope, this frustration was slightly relieved, not that their IQ was not enough, but that the other party was arguing!

There are so many porridges, and the production of wisdom medicines is limited. Their extraterrestrial intelligence office is obviously inferior to the status of frontline researchers in the government. It is almost in a situation where it does not hurt or love. Until now, there is no quota.

Luo Yuan thought through his mind and immediately guessed his mind. He said with a slight indulgence: "Now every research department has its own research tasks. Counting it, and only your department has this energy. You can't pick it up. ”

Although Luo Yuanyu's temperature is mild, but in the face of Luo Yuan's euphemistic beating, Wu Xinfan is still scared to look pale, but fortunately, the other party quickly changed his tone: "I can give you more personnel, the latest batch of interns will be given priority. A group of people come here, the amount of smart medicine produced each year is limited, it is impossible to give you too much, and will be distributed to you sometime."

"Mayor, how many places?" Wu Xinfan could not help but ask.

"Ten places!" Luo Yuan thought about it.

Although Luo Yuan does not pay much attention to the overseas intelligence department, it does not mean that it is not important, but it is very important. In the interplanetary voyage, a safe choice of waterway will determine the safety of human beings. The reason for the less attention is that it is still far from the time when the spacecraft departs.


"Wu, Wu, come back to God!" A colleague pushed the door in. Seeing Wu Xinfan as if he was a konjac, he couldn't help but scream.

"Ah, it's old Shen, the mayor is gone?" Wu Xinfan seems to wake up as if dreaming.

"I left early, did you mention the mayor?" asked the old face.

"What?" Wu Xinfan's mind is still somewhat unconscious.

"Wisdom pharmacy, didn't you say it yesterday?" Shen Shen grabbed his head and said that some hate iron and steel. I finally managed to produce some results and successfully attracted the mayor to inspect. Such a good opportunity did not mention the request. If the other party was the director, he had to hold his collar and spray him.

Maybe his voice is too loud, and suddenly it floods into a large group of people.

"What, you didn't ask for it?"

"It has been discussed, you... you are too useless."

The extraterrestrial intelligence offices are all researchers with certain qualifications, and most of them are theoretical work. There is no world in character, and this is not the case.

After Wu Xinfan was splattered by a saliva, the brain finally got a little awake. He coughed: "You guys, all of them give me a stop. When did I say that I didn't ask for it?"

"Really mention, the mayor said, did you promise?" The old sinker of the initiator, the voice quickly lowered the octave.

Wu Xinfan looked at this group of people and looked at the group. The momentum was obviously weaker than the crowd. The heart felt a burst of excitement: "Nature promised, and the quota..."

He dragged a long tone.

"How much!" A mathematics professor knew that the other party was interested in appetizing, but couldn't help but ask.


In the next moment, everyone will take a breath. They will have more than 30 people in the whole department. Ten places means that nearly one-third of the people will get the quota of smart medicine. Some people who have some confidence in their qualifications have already begun to get excited and their faces are red, which means that they are finally suffering and can be proud.

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