Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 499: New birth technology

Time is coming to September.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Cui Weichuan came back from the adult night school, dragging his tired body and returning to his home.

The engineering company he was in before did not unexpectedly disband after completing the last project. Fortunately, most of the personnel were resettled, and middle-level leaders like him got better arrangements.

He was assigned to a daily necessities company as the production workshop director.

The salary is less than that of the engineering company, but it is stable, no need to work as before, and most of the time is unemployed.

However, after working for less than half a month, he was keenly aware that this is a welfare factory that the government is trying to reduce the unemployment rate. If it can be solved with both hands, it will never use machines, a large factory with more than 1,000 people, machine tools. However, even 50 units were not available, and even 50 machines were under half started.

After only working for a while, a feeling of emptiness came to life, making him feel like he was spending his time.

He can't see any hope here. Maybe by working hard and adding qualifications, he will gradually go to the top, but even if he is a factory manager, a daily production-based welfare without any technical content will be step by step. The factory, in today's social system, is simply insignificant.

As far as he knows, even if the factory manager, his family's per capita housing area is the same as him.

He used to sneak a peek at the state-of-the-art factories in his free time, watching the engineers arguing about a design in an empty, fully automated high-tech factory.

He is still young and his passion has not dissipated. He is not willing to live a life of the same, and he does not want to live in the per capita space of nine square meters per person, living at the bottom of society, whether for the family or for himself. He has to put on a hand.


"Is the night school coming back? I will give you some nightingale." The wife was dragging the floor and seeing him come back, and could not help but stop.

"No, why haven't you slept yet?" Cui Weichuan put down his paper bag with his textbook and hugged his beautiful wife. He kissed him in his face.

This is his second wife, who was met at a blind date organized by the unit. Now it is less than a year after marriage, it is the time when the honey is adjusted.

"Don't make trouble, Ningning hasn't slept yet!"

"Isn't the homework done yet?" Hearing his daughter, Cui Weichuan quickly released his hand.

"This year's new textbook is heard by others, and the difficulty has increased. I am afraid she will be a little difficult." The wife nodded and worried.

Cui Weichuan knows more about this point. Today, the textbooks of the school are changing every year. The thickness of the textbooks is also thicker every year. Originally, only basic additions and subtractions and simple text expressions were required for primary schools.

However, even the content of junior high school has been added in the past three years. This is still the easiest. It is said that junior high school has already involved some of the contents of the original university.

Human knowledge is expanding at a geometric multiple of each year, and the original educational progress is far from satisfying today's society.

In fact, don't say those unlucky students. Even his former college students, nowadays, feel a little hard at night school. If there is a micro-brain-assisted help on the eyeball, it will greatly omit the calculation and analysis. I am afraid I can't keep up with that kind of high-density knowledge.

Unfortunately, for students, only in high school will be allowed to buy and certification, and his daughter is only primary school, it is the time to lay the foundation.

"Would you like to give her a cram school!" Cui Weichuan thought about it.

"Alright, ask her advice when it is time!" said the wife. Although this daughter is not her own, but since she is already a family, she treats her as her own daughter. Fortunately, her daughter is very obedient and does not reject her because she is a stepmother.

Speaking of this daughter is also pitiful, since childhood, no mother, all the way to follow him, in the end of the world to go west, and even died in the earthquake, suffered a lot, it is estimated that this is why she became sensible.

After a while, Cui Weichuan knocked on the door of the daughter's bedroom: "Is the homework done?"

"There will be a while, no matter what."

"Then pay attention to the next time, go to bed early." Cui Weichuan said, I feel a little distressed, such a small child, the class is so heavy, I want to remember to play in the same year.


He helped his wife drag the floor and went back to the bedroom. The two slept on the bed and whispered.

"What do you think we want a child again?" said the wife.

"Still not, the test tube baby heard that the success rate is not high, in case it failed, it hurts the body!" Cui Weichuan sighed and said, before they did not have a test tube baby, but unfortunately failed, the embryo After three months, there was a miscarriage.

"This time is different. It is a new technology. The success rate is almost 100%. Have you not read newspapers or news recently?" said the wife.

Cui Weichuan went to work during the day and went to the evening school at night. He was too busy to die. When he had time to read newspapers and news, he suddenly sighed: "Now technology is developing too fast, or you can see it again!"

For the birth of a child, he has no pressure. Now the government encourages birth and gives birth to a child. You can get a substantial subsidy and a three-year maternity leave. Coupled with free education, there is basically no pressure on life.

Even if the house is in time, it can be replaced with a bigger one.

"I heard that this technology is quite advanced. In the state of fertilized eggs, the hospital will modify the genes, delete the defective genes, and make the children born more intelligent, beautiful and strong. Or we will take a vacation tomorrow morning. "The wife can't wait to say, the more excited the more.

After all, for a mother who wants a child, who will reject a baby like this.

However, Cui Weichuan's character is relatively conservative. He still has some hesitation about this new technology that has not yet verified safety. Moreover, his child is involved, but when he sees his wife's excitement, he becomes: " Tomorrow, I will tell the factory manager that the leave should be no problem."


Early the next morning, the two went to the hospital in a hurry.

The hospital is inside the building, on the second floor of their home, and there are few steps.

There aren't many people in the hospital, but today there are a lot of people. Cui Weichuan found that both husband and wife are coming and going, and suddenly they are in the heart, obviously also directed at this new technology, not just a pair.

In the process of queuing, Cui Weichuan found that after some couples came out, many people frowned. It seemed that it was difficult to make up their minds. He couldn’t help but wonder, but they didn’t think much. They had been in the team for nearly two hours and finally they were their turn.


"Do you mean that children who may be born are not too much like parents, or even parent-child genes will have problems?" Faced with the doctor's euphemistic explanation of the new technology, the wife seems to have been splashed with cold water and stunned.

In the face of customer doubts, the doctor calmly said:

"The situation is like this. There are many genes modified in this technology. It is basically a comprehensive change. For example, some parents are not very good, but after modification, the children born will be very beautiful.

Of course, I also know your concerns, but now the government promotes this new technology. Every family that gives birth will receive a huge subsidy. Even if you don’t want to raise it, you can send it to a special care facility to raise it. Down, you will not lose anything! ”

The better the conditions are given, the more Cui Weichuan feels that there is a problem in his heart. Even the paternity test will have problems. Is this still his own child? He quietly pulled his wife's clothes, but he saw his wife's face tangled, it seems difficult to make up his mind.


Undoubtedly, this technology is naturally the product of the "Human Genome Optimization Program" established nearly a year ago.

It redefines human genetic standards and eliminates the effects of unlocking the virus on fertility. With the formal implementation of this technology, it means that a new and optimized human being is about to be born, and humans will no longer have genetic defects. Genetic diseases will become legends. .

Not only strong, smart, beautiful, but also a long life.

The new generation of humans, the average attribute including IQ, can generally reach 13 to 14 points, and the average life expectancy is about 300 years. At the same time, the natural reproduction ability of human beings is restored to normal.

In fact, when it comes to Luo Yuan, there are not only one genetic standard program, but other programs are more radical. In contrast, this human genetic standard is the most conservative and cautious. The new human being does not deviate from the concept of conventional human beings. There is no such strange and mysterious evolutionary ability. In addition to adding a weak self-healing ability that can make life longer, it does not make any drastic changes. It can only be called optimization.

However, after these plans were put forward, Luo Yuan thought twice and carefully, and chose this most conservative one. This program has the greatest advantage. The ability of new humans to multiply has not been weakened. It is enough to abandon other radical schemes.

After all, cloning technology can only save the moment, abandon natural reproduction, and rely on cloning, it is not impossible, but undoubtedly embarked on evil.

Survival is the first priority of civilization. Human development cannot be smooth sailing. On the scale of time, in the process of civilization development, there will always be ups and downs. Once civilization encounters an accident, science and technology will regress and there is no excellent natural reproduction ability. Perhaps waiting for humanity is to perish.

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