Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 500: Space fighter

"Why don't you tell the truth about the people? Maybe it can be accepted by the public through good publicity." In the office, Chen Xinjie asked for a cup of tea and asked Luo Yuan.

In her view, this time the decision is really not brilliant. There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and there is no secret forever. After strict strict secrecy, there will always be a truth that will be revealed. It will inevitably usher in the dissatisfaction of the people. And anger.

As the secretary of Luo Yuan, she is very clear that the reproductive technology that is being promoted today is not as perfect as the propaganda. The genetic material of both parents is only an illusion. The essence of a scorpion and implanted mother is still cultivated in the institute. Clone.

Moreover, with today's technology, it is not difficult to make modifications on the basis of normal fertilized eggs. Although it requires a lot of scientific research power, there is basically no sequelae.

"Do you know how many children are 0-5 years old now?" In the face of Chen Xinjie's incomprehension, Luo Yuan asked.

Without waiting for her answer, Luo Yuan asked himself: "There are less than 50,000, a little more than six to ten years old. At this age, just after they were born, they ushered in the end of the world, and their ability to survive is not strong. Many people In the troubled times, it is not a lack of medical treatment and death. It is cruelly abandoned. Today, the total number is only about 180,000, accounting for only one-thirtieth of the total population.

The same ratio of eleven to fifteen years old is far less than normal. The age structure of human beings has undergone serious faults. The issue of fertility is already a very serious problem. Although propaganda can convince people to accept cloning, the effect is Undoubtedly too slow, and the final result will not be too good.

It is strange to blame the clones in the past film and television propaganda, the bad impression has been ingrained, people are afraid of this, want to completely reverse is not simply propaganda can be reversed.

Instead of using administrative enforcement and resentment, it is better to let them be born first. In fact, our propaganda has basically explained the truth, acceptable, naturally acceptable, unacceptable, and not deceived. Even if you regret it and don't want to raise it, you can also give it to the government to raise it. When it is mixed with the clones in the laboratory, you can perfectly hide the true number of laboratory clones. ”

"But doing this will ultimately damage your image!" Chen Xinjie was somewhat worried that she was not a Madonna, and she opposed it. She only worried that the truth would affect Luo Yuan.

"You are still too young, politics is not suitable for you. When the truth is revealed, someone will take the initiative to take everything, and I don't know anything, pure and innocent. What's more..." Luo Yuan stood up and smiled. With a cold meaning: "The reason why I sit in this position is never because of the image!"

Chen Xinjie seems to have been shaken by Luo Yuan’s shamelessness, and has lost his life for a long time.

It was not until the voice of Luo Yuan came again that he came back.

"Notify the aircraft manufacturer, wait for me to pass." Luo Yuan read through the documents that the secretary had just brought, and soon his eyes lit up.

"I will call right away!"


Not yet at the door, the factory leaders and a group of workers representatives have been waiting at the door, the station is full of guards, and the atmosphere is extraordinarily grand.

"Don't affect the normal work of the factory because of me, go to the factory area and see your new fighter." Luo Yuan waved his hand, such formalism, although he did not catch a cold, he clearly could not avoid it.

Whether it is before or now, technology can develop, but humanity will not change. As long as power is still high, this cannot be eliminated.

Of course, if you come back and inspect, no one is welcome, and everyone ignores him. Instead, he really wants to consider whether this person has a political tendency or not. Is it dissatisfied with the government?

After a while, Luo Yuan and Secretary Chen Xinjie rushed to the factory area, and saw a heavy-duty aircraft with a delta wing.

This is a huge object with a slightly pointed head, a shape like a sword tip, and a cross-shaped scissor-like tail, but it doesn't look rough and ugly, it has a smooth curve and a bright black surface that is cast in one piece. With a strong sense of beauty, it exudes a strong sci-fi atmosphere.

It is large and exquisite, subtle and introductory, elegant and powerful. It seems to be a low-lying black cheetah, which can be chosen at any time.

"The mayor, this is an open space dual-use fighter, 20 meters long, and the wings are about 15 meters narrow. After all, its main activity range is in space, and the aerodynamic requirements are not high." Engineers who design it, next to it A face-to-face introduction: "It's technically equivalent to the Bose's aircraft, with two medium-sized nuclear fusion furnaces, two micro-pulse engines, with a top speed of 0.1 light, but flying in a meteorite-dense galaxies. Its safe speed is 0.005 light speed, otherwise it is easily destroyed by meteorite fragments."

Luo Yuan nodded. The defense of the Bolistar's technology against the spacecraft is actually no good way. Humans have absorbed the Bosestar technology, which is also a problem. For the defense of meteorites, it has only two means, one is by the spacecraft's armored hard resistance, which can only defend against meteorite impact at low speed.

The second is to use the spacecraft's detection system with the high computing power of the brain, to actively avoid the meteorite before the impact, compared to the former, this is the most important means.

According to the advanced master quantum computer of the spacecraft, as long as it is a little larger than a meteorite, it can basically detect the target within a distance of one hundred light seconds, avoiding it in advance, and hitting it, basically dust.

The horrible lying on the surface of the spacecraft's armor is the result of the impact of these dusts.

At the speed of sub-light speed, even if it is only one milligram of material, the kinetic energy generated by the collision with each other is equivalent to 10 tons of TNT energy burst, and as long as 1 gram, it is basically a shipwreck. There is no protection at this stage. It can withstand the impact of this high-intensity-like super armor-piercing projectile.

The black area between the stellar system and the stellar system, although rare in matter, is by no means impossible. This spacecraft can fly here and has to be said to be a kind of luck.

"Does he need personnel to control it?" Luo Yuan asked, coming back.

"No, the mayor, this is a drone, there are two modes of operation, a remote control, a personal micro-quantum computer through the eye, operating with brain waves, and the other is directly through the host computer. Artificial intelligence on the task to complete the task."

"In terms of weapons, it has two 100-kilowatt 1 kg-class electromagnetic guns, and the theoretical launch speed in vacuum can reach 0.012 C. A 150-kilowatt laser cannon and a new fifteen-core fusion engine. Missiles, if necessary, anti-material warheads.

It can perform all destruction missions within a short distance! ”

Of course, this short distance is not a short distance in the conventional sense, but a short distance in the astronomical unit.

This aircraft, in Luo Yuan's view, is already quite powerful. Compared with the Bolivian aircraft, although it can't be said to catch up, it is also the same level of technology.

Next, Luo Yuan visited the other workshops of this factory.

As the only aircraft manufacturer in the spacecraft, in the past two or three years, their results are clearly more than this space fighter.

In a workshop next door, Luo Yuan found an unexpected surprise.

This is a miniature spaceship, its shape is exactly the same as that of the mother ship, but even a miniature spacecraft, it is also a huge monster. It is about 80 meters in diameter and 30 to 40 meters in height. Fortunately, the factory area is quite high, otherwise I want to It is not easy to accommodate it.

"This is an experimental spaceship model!" Seeing Luo Yuan's gaze, the factory leaders immediately said: "The ratio of our mother ship is 20:1. We mainly do some technical verification on it. ”

"How come you haven't heard that you are building this big project?" Luo Yuan heard the surprise, but turned to doubts.

Seeing the leadership of the factory is a bit embarrassing. Luo Yuan understands at first glance, no doubt wants to make a big move. After the success, put a big satellite. Now many research departments have this problem. Now the competition of various scientific research institutions is too fierce. The results are endless. If you can't get a sensational result for a long time, you will soon become a margin, waiting for it to be either dismissed or merged.

"How is the progress?" Luo Yuan is not difficult for him, and asked instead.

“Now it has reached 85%, but this is the result of the cooperation of many units.” The leaders of the factory did not dare to make a contribution. After all, no other units cooperated with the production of qualified accessories, even if they were a shell, they also produced come out.

Nowadays, the major factories on the spacecraft, in addition to some welfare factories related to the people's livelihood, mainly research and absorb Bolistar technology, and there are not many production tasks. They have enough time to cooperate with relevant units to produce some necessary accessories. Even joint research and development.

“It’s done very well!” Luo Yuan nodded with satisfaction and applauded: “I hope to come back next time, when the spacecraft is completed.”


Luo Yuan left the factory with excitement in his heart. From this model of the spaceship, it can be seen that human beings have absorbed most of the technology of Bolivia. During this time, human beings have made great progress at an incredible speed. With his most optimistic estimate, it will take at least five years for the conditions of interplanetary voyage to mature. However, with the current progress, I am afraid that it will not take long for humans to fully control the entire spacecraft and even have the ability to manufacture spacecraft.

But rationally, he also knows that the remaining 15% of the progress is the real difficulty. If you want to solve this 15% progress, it may take more than 85% of the previous time. More, maybe even in the foreseeable future.

But this is undoubtedly the worst case. With the increasing number of people taking smart drugs, in fact, the development of human science and technology has been accelerating, and scientific and technological achievements have emerged. Copying this spacecraft may be far more than expected. Fast.

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