Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 501: First test

By the time of May 2019, a new department called the "Spacecraft Internal Security Administration" was quietly established.

On the first day of its establishment, an internal rectification document was issued on the factory and the research institute.

First: Any items that can move freely in the spacecraft must be locked with a dark buckle on the deck. Some lightweight tools that must be moved are always placed in a safe storage box when they are used up.

Second: the factory interior wall needs to be equipped with a flexible package.

Third: evaluate the stability and danger of some equipment sensitive to vibration.

Fourth: All factories and institutions must strictly abide by the safety production regulations issued by the government and must not arbitrarily violate them.


In the following month, the “Spacecraft Internal Security Administration” almost went to the ground and began to carefully check the rectification of major factories and institutions.

Next, this trend of rectification has moved to the community and even to every household.

The atmosphere inside the spacecraft has become more and more condensed, and some sensitive people have already faintly anticipated what.

On the last day of May, all the factories and research institutes, and even most of the government personnel, were on holiday, and everyone began to know that the behemoth at the foot was about to conduct the first test.

The restless atmosphere enveloped the whole society. Perhaps it has been living for a long time. Soon people will forget that the land is not a land, but a huge ship. The human being is not really peaceful. Soon after, Humans are about to flee.


The next morning, the original residential area became very quiet, and every street was also empty.

"Residents, the spacecraft is about to conduct the first trial, please all the residents, binding security devices, do not walk around... This trial, starting at 8:30, lasts for five hours, ends at 1:30 pm, detailed information, please Check out the news network." At eight o'clock in the morning, a soft electronic sound rang over the living area.

Listening to the warning of the upcoming test, Cui Weichuan secretly took a deep breath.

The family of three had already tied the safety device early, and the nervous face of her daughter was already white. She asked, "Dad, we will be fine, right?"

Cui Weichuan quickly squeezed out a stiff smile, pretending to be easy: "Reassure, you know that little spaceship?"

"The one we came to sit on?" The daughter replied with a scary look.

"Yeah, you only sat once, but Dad has been sitting several times, and there has never been a thing. It is comfortable to sit up, not even bumps. There is no feeling, and the earth will arrive." Our spaceship is more advanced than that one. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. You have a good heart.

In fact, for Dad, this time, there are some big problems. This kind of spaceship is definitely more stable. It is estimated that there will be no bumps! ”

"This is for safety. Didn't you drive a seat belt before driving?" The daughter smiled crisply, but it looked a lot easier.

Cui Weichuan comforted the small, and began to care about the big.

"This safety device has no effect on your stomach?" Cui Weichuan looked at his wife's big belly, and some worried. Although at that time, he was not very willing to let his wife adopt the new technology to become pregnant. After all, this genetically modified child is still not knowing his own. If he is born with no similarities, it is really a matter of heart and soul. When he first looked at his wife's enchantment, he finally chose to agree.

Now that his wife is pregnant for nearly nine months, she is already entering the waiting period. Who knows, this trial is going on today, and it will be a month.

"This is for pregnant women, there will be nothing!" The wife touched her stomach nervously and comforted.

Cui Weichuan looked at the bloated, safety device like a spacesuit. He was relieved. He had to say that the government attached great importance to this group of pregnant women. After pregnancy, not only did the daily free meat supply, but also the first few trials. In the day, the safety device was also replaced with a special one.

At this time, his wife suddenly frowned, covering her stomach and suffering.

"What's wrong?" Cui Weichuan looked at his heart and asked quickly: "Is it going to be born?"

"No, the baby is kicking me again!" The wife eased a moment, exhaled, and sighed: "His strength is great, his stomach is kicked, and he will definitely be a naughty ghost."

Of course, this is a big new man. If these new human beings are placed in the superhuman level before the end of the world, if the quality of today’s people is relatively strong, it is really not easy to give birth to it.

Time passed by, and with the repeated warnings from the outside speakers, it quickly came at half past eight.

Everyone held their breath at this moment.


At this time, eight groups of large engine nozzles with a diameter of more than 40 meters distributed on both sides of the tail of the spacecraft began to warm up, and the turbulent high-temperature flame was intermittently sprayed out. After a few seconds, the spacecraft began to be slightly invisible. Slowly fly at a snail-like speed.

In a few minutes, the flame is transformed into a stream of pulsed light, such as streamer, which sings the dark space.

The speed of the spacecraft began to increase gradually with a slow acceleration.

A meteorite flying high on this side, before hitting the spacecraft, was hit by a high-energy laser that didn't know where it came from, and it instantly turned into a void.

At this time, the central control cabin of the spacecraft was packed.

Not only the spaceship crews, including Luo Yuan, all the high-levels gathered together to pay close attention to this trial.

"The spacecraft is continuing to accelerate... 1 km / sec!"

“1.1 km/s!”

“1.2 km/s!”

Because it was the first test flight, everything was stable, and the speed of the spacecraft was quite slow.

On the giant three-dimensional screen on the left and right sides of the main console, countless data and calculation formulas are changing rapidly. Most of them are flashing away. For most ordinary people, just look at the data. It can make people feel dizzy.

Driving a spacecraft with a high-speed spacecraft is an extremely complicated matter.

Not only will meteorites be encountered in space at any time, the nearby planets and the gravitational pull of the stars will also have an impact on the spacecraft's routes.

This involves a lot of calculations. The spacecraft needs to calculate the trajectory of each meteorite in advance, and at the same time continuously correct the spacecraft's route. There is no powerful master control brain, and it bears a lot of calculations. In space navigation, it can only touch. Luck, good luck, safety, no luck, the ship is destroyed.

These data are boring and boring, and no one has noticed it except the mathematician who took the smart agent in the mind.

Most of the high-level eyes are placed in the virtual reality of the central government.

The virtual reality picture looks like it is much brighter than the real outside world. You can even see the meteorites passing through the distance, but the meteorites are not common. Most of the time, you can only look at the distant places that are more ambiguous than the earth. Starlight.

On the way to flight, all operations are basically handed over to the brain control. The crew does not need to do extra operations. Unless they need to issue new instructions, they will basically only play a supporting role. After all, compared to humans, facing accidents, wisdom The brain responds faster, it does not have a reflex arc, does not require peripheral buttons, indirect control, as long as the command is issued, the spacecraft's various systems can respond immediately, all related to its logical computing power, and logical computing capabilities, it Undoubtedly a myriad of times human beings.

Even Luo Yuan is far from unmatched. This is a natural gap. The wisdom of biology is stronger. It can't be compared with a super quantum computer with a hundred thousand qubits. Perhaps it is only a thorough four-dimensional brain. Can be compared with it.


Over time, the speed of the spacecraft has gradually approached one hundred kilometers per second, and a brown-yellow planet appears in the line of sight. This is the eight planets, Venus, and the direction of this flight.

It is flying in the direction of Venus, not Mars. It is because there is a meteorite belt between the Earth and Mars. The environment is complicated. As the first trial, it is undoubtedly the first safety.

At this time, the distance is far. This planet, which is about the size of the Earth, is like a brown-yellow marble, hanging quietly in the sky.

"Magnify Venus!" Luo Yuan looked at it for a while.

"Yes, Lord Captain!" The brain immediately responded to Luo Yuan’s orders.

The virtual reality on the central screen is immediately split into two halves. This orange planet starts to zoom in quickly and quickly takes up half of the screen, but it continues to zoom in, and the 3D screen has a certain sense of immersion, plus The high-definition picture makes people feel like the body is falling towards the planet.

However, in a few seconds, the lens has penetrated into the atmosphere. It is not as quiet and peaceful as it was when it was viewed from a distance. The turbulent atmosphere is flowing at high speed, and it is a storm of terror. The typhoon of the earth is only a light breeze. It’s raining, maybe only after anti-matter bombs have destroyed humans.

It must be said that the detection system on this spacecraft is terrible, its picture is still magnified, and in a short time, it has already passed through the rich atmosphere and into the ground.

This is a **** of devastating atmosphere. There are volcanoes and magma everywhere, and the rich acid gas also erodes the mountains and rocks.

Most of the people here are the first to face the alien scene. At this time, the heart is shocked.

"According to the exploration, this is a rocky planet with a radius of 6051.8 km, gravity: 0.9 g... the surface temperature is about 400 degrees, the pressure is 90 times that of the earth, and 97% of the air is carbon dioxide. It also contains a lot of water, and the value of the transformation is low. It is recommended to be used as a mining planet."

For the wisdom brain's suggestion, Luo Yuan's heart smiles, they will soon leave the earth, perhaps for most people here, it is difficult to come back before life.

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