After Huaihua finished speaking, she retreated.

Thomas ran to the window and looked towards the kitchen, where a large group of people were busy...

As for Joshua, all eyes were on the dress in the glass case. It was so beautiful, wasn't it?

"Second dad! Second dad! Here are two foreigners. This is the dish they ordered. Old and beautiful people shouldn't be able to eat spicy food. It's slightly spicy ~ Yunyue's taste."

"Hey, order eight for two people? Have you finished eating? It's such a waste! What's the point of burning so much money?"

He Yuzhu took the order menu and put it on the clip.

"Fever? You haven't seen anything worse yet. Dad, where is my mother?"

"I'm helping your second mother settle the accounts out front. It's too busy for one person. Now we don't even need waiters to serve food outside.

Push the cart to the side and put it on the table by yourself! Fortunately, we have this cart, otherwise the food would not be served. "

"So hot?"

Sophora japonica hurried to the front...

Good guy, such a big front hall is packed with people! Clear the table? No need for the waiter to do anything, you just need to wipe it.

Stack the plates together, stack the bowls together, and when the car comes, the waiter will load it into the car!

"Godmother, godmother, there's something going on here, come here!"

"What's the matter, Qiuye, I'll go over for a while and come back later."

It's not that Ran Qiuye is slow in calculating the accounts, but she is afraid of making mistakes. With so much money, one after another, she has to be responsible for collecting the money. Saying that Lin Shuyun came to help her might as well be said to embolden her.

"What's the matter? You're still calling me here!"

"Mom, that's what happened~ Didn't two foreigners come here just now? The two foreigners are getting married. They fell in love with the Ming Dynasty clothes above our house and wanted to spend money to customize one!

They still have fifteen days..."

"Fifteen days is enough to make a whole suit. I can't do it, but I can ask your dad to get the finished product and I can make some changes. But how much will they pay?"

Lin Shuyun's eyes shone.

During this period of time, I have been spending money, but basically nothing has come in. I spend a lot of money, but my income is like counting sesame seeds. This makes Lin Shuyun very irritated.

During this period, even Yunyue walked around her, fearing that she would be scolded accidentally.

When Huaihua saw this situation and covered her forehead, she knew! When it comes to making money, their godmother and Huaihua are almost like steamed buns.

“My dad said that the foreigners who come to our country at this time are all rich people, so we can’t give less!

Mom, I called you over because I wanted to discuss with Dad what to do. "

"Okay, let's go then."

When he came to He Yuliang, He Yuliang temporarily put down his work: "What's going on?"

Huaihua told He Yuliang the matter again.

Chapter 311 Troublesome Foreigners

He Yuliang had long expected that someone would take a fancy to these clothes. This was his second step in the plan, but he didn't expect that someone would take the bait so quickly.

He Yuliang thought about it~

"This is not a difficult task. Later, you take your godmother up to measure her size. After the measurement, they will ask for a deposit. You must tell them that this tailor has not made clothes for a long time. Our family has a That one was made a long time ago.

You need to tell them that this dress is very precious. If there is any mistake from embroidery to cutting, it must be corrected. If it takes fifteen days, you can only make the embroidered ones for her first. Normally, this kind of dress would take one person at least half a year. time.

It must be said that this tailor is inherited. An ancestor made clothes for the queen a long time ago and is the queen's designated tailor...

Besides, it doesn’t matter how much we want for these clothes, we let them pay for them themselves! Let's just say that this master no longer makes clothes for people other than acquaintances, and he doesn't know what price he should charge. Don't worry, he will never give less when the time comes.

You guys get busy first while I go out for a walk. Sophora japonica, when the food is served, you must not be the one to serve it. You must let the waiter serve the food. No matter how busy the people below are, there must be someone else.

You can't walk too fast, you can't pass food over people's heads, and you have to use the tall glass over there for wine..."

"Oh, Dad! I know, I've been trained in this!"

"Okay, then you get busy, I'll go out and buy something."

He Yuliang went out for a walk and got back a tape measure specially made for tailors. He bought it from an old tailor's house far away for a high price of one yuan.

I don’t know how many years I’ve been using this tape measure, and it’s all worn out. I handed it to Lin Shuyun when I came back.

"I will measure her after dinner. Do you know how to measure?"

"Hey, I've been making clothes for so many years, but I still don't know how to measure them? Hey, why did I buy a measuring tape? How much did it cost?

If you want me to tell you, take a rope and put it up, I will compare it, and it will be..."

"So you are not professional. When dealing with foreigners, you must make them feel that even if you hold a fire stick, it is the same one that Zhu Yuanzhang carried.

Their inheritance only lasts a few hundred years? Things from fifty years ago can be called antiques, but things here fifty years ago can only be regarded as rags.

We can't let them look at it casually, because it's easy for them to pay for it. "

"As long as you can, I'll pay for it first. I don't know how much they will give you. Don't pay any more..."

Lin Shuyun said in a broken voice.

"Hey, is the food served?"

"We just went up. Ma Hua and Zhu Zhu were busy. A waiter and Sophora japonica brought it up just now. It's time to come down now."

Not long ago, Sophora japonica was walking in front, and the waiter was pushing the cart behind.

"Mr. Thomas, Ms. Joshua, these are the dishes you ordered, sweet and sour pork, kung pao chicken...

We only have white wine here, no red wine to go with the food, sorry.

This is our Chinese tableware ~ chopsticks. Maybe you are not used to them, so we have prepared forks and spoons for you.

Please enjoy your meal. If you have any questions, please press this green call button. "

"Oh, okay! Thank you, Ms. Huaihua, you are such a good manager. When will the tailor come to measure me?"

"It won't take long. I'll be here after you finish your meal."

"Oh, that's great."

After Huaihua finished speaking, she came out. This button was also designed by He Yuliang. It was just a light switch. The lights were on a board in the kitchen. The brand below was the private room brand corresponding to each light.

As long as there is light here, the kitchen will know it.

After Thomas went out, he stuck a fork into a piece of soft fried tenderloin. It looked familiar and he took a bite~

"Joshua, this is it! This is it! This is what I ate when I was a kid! It would be better if there was some ketchup, I wonder if they have it here!"

"What? Ketchup? What is that? Can tomatoes also be used to make sauce?" He Yuzhu looked confused.

"For tomato sauce, boil it in water, peel it, remove the stems, crush it, add lemon, boil the sugar juice and mix it with it." He Yuliang said next to him.

"Oh, this is going to take a long time! All the food is gone! Besides, what is this lemon?"

He Yuliang's mind was racing: "Here, you make a sweet and sour gravy, use fruit vinegar to make it sour, make it sweeter and thicker, and then let Sophora japonica serve it.

Sophora japonica, just say there is no tomato sauce. This is a special secret sauce. Let them try it. "

"Brother, are we fooling people? Also, how can this foreign devil eat sweet and sour pork with ketchup on it? He really has horns like a dog..."

Soon, the "secret sauce" was served, and the two of them showed off how delicious it was!

The lights flickered, and He Yuzhu looked up and saw the lights of the "Ming" Hall again.

"Who is that? Tell Huaihua that the foreign devil has turned on his lights again!"

"Mr. Thomas, Ms. Joshua, how can I help you?"

"Oh, God, everything I ate before must have been fake. These delicacies are so delicious, although I can't even name them now. They are so thin that they are as thin as the buttocks...

Very delicious, really very delicious! Can I meet the chef who prepares the food? Oh, who should I contact for checkout? Is it you too? "


"Okay!" Joshua said, taking out two hundred dollars from his bag and handing it to Sophora japonica!

"Oh, I'm sorry, can you pay in RMB, because I can't give you change in US dollars, and this is too much..."

"No, no change, you deserve it."

Although Huaihua heard He Yuliang say that Americans have the habit of tipping, and would even ask for tips if they don't give, but this...

"Ms. Joshua, there is no custom of tipping here..."

"Oh, no! In our hometown, if you receive such attentive service, it will be frowned upon by God not to tip. Please respect our habits.

In addition, we only have US dollars and have not gone to the bank to exchange your coins. "

"Okay, please wait a moment. I'll call the chef and tailor's apprentices."

Huaihua came down: "Second dad, mom, let's go up. Mom, please measure the foreigner's size."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

He Yuliang came over, holding a cotton cheongsam: "Shuyun, change into these clothes before going up. Don't let them look down on us."

"Getting measured and changing clothes? Well, I'll listen to you, it's really a lot of trouble..."

He Yuzhu was unhappy again: "Why do you want me to go up there? Didn't you see that the place is so busy and smoking? There is a large group of people outside waiting for the mutton slices."

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