Era of Disaster

Chapter 1060: Transfiguration·The Technique of Change


When Mastic was bored and was about to be truly built into a house, Bai Yi was very busy. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d Bai Yi thought about it after leaving here Take it out. This exercise is not a direct boost to strength, but at some times it is very useful.

Transfiguration-the transformation of the form of the real blood.

The different blood true spirits usually change spontaneously, but in the Baiming Building, they are the best at summarizing and tracing the principles clearly. For example, the real blood of different blood changes from human form to another powerful form, whether it is volume or weight, etc., and the various principles therein are actually very important. The most important thing is that through a thorough understanding of this process, we can not only use instincts, but also exert the powerful power of our own blood and other spirits in a more scientific and efficient way.

The transformation method has been perfected before, and at this time, Bai Yi stopped what he was doing, and he wanted to modify some of them.

Different realms have a completely different understanding of nature. At first, it seems that there are some mysterious things. In the view of Bai Yi, it is very easy to understand, and it is easy to derive the derivatives. It is not just that change becomes its own form of true blood, but it seems that it can be summed up to form a unique technique of change.

The art of change!

Bai Yi remembered a long time ago when he was in Italy. At that time, Bai Yi turned into Sabbatino with the help of Andrew Luigi's transformation ability. At that time, Bai Yi counterfeited Sabbatino and led Italy's evolutionary human forces for a long time.

At the time, the technique of change was only Andrew's unique ability, but now, with the deployment of the brain of knowledge, Bai Yi's original experience and perception immediately emerged.

Bai Yi's left hand gradually began to change, and within a moment, it became a sharp claw. This is definitely not the form of Bai Yi's different blood true spirit, but Bai Yi combined the two theories of change together and then tested it. After a while, Bai Yi's left hand began to grow larger, and suddenly, suddenly grew outward. The rumbling sound sounded, and Bai Yi's left hand suddenly became a terror left hand that was more than ten meters long, with muscles and blue muscles entangled, and even the weight had changed dramatically.

Soon, Bai Yi's left hand turned into a sword wrist again, and the sharp edge was comparable to the longest hard knife.

"Send the three different races and beasts of Xiguxingyu to each other." Bai Yi ordered to the outside.

"Yes!" There was a reply in the air of no one, and then disappeared faintly.

It didn't take long for Bai Yi's order to be completed. It should be known that although more than 100 million Xigu Starfield soldiers are not being detained, in essence, there is not much difference in being captive. Soon, the main wisdom race of Xiguxingyu, eight wisdom subspecies, and different war beasts were sent to Bai Yi. It can be seen that these people were very frightened, especially when Bai Yi walked towards them.

Bai Yi first came to one of them, and then his eyes suddenly changed. Not only that, Bai Yi's left hand also stretched out and penetrated the calf of this tall and fierce Xiguxingyu.

Bai Yi stood still and didn't move, it seemed to be analyzing something.

At first, these Xiguxingyu people were very anxious, afraid that Bai Yi would do something for them, but after a period of time, Bai Yi didn't do anything, these people suddenly began to think. In particular, now Bai Yi, even with his eyes closed, stood in front of them in such an unobstructed way.

The original uneasiness gradually turned into a commotion. If they catch the person in front of them, can they threaten the outsiders?

The Xigu Xingyu people who were pierced by Bai Yi's fingers into the calf belong to the Ligui tribe, one of the wisdom subspecies. The height reached more than eight meters, and the sudden force warlords they met before were the people of this race. At this time, Bai Yi stood quietly. After seeing that Bai Yi seemed completely unprepared, his right hand gradually agitated, and the protruding flesh ~ grains appeared, full of a powerful force.

Grab this seemingly unusual person and escape from here!

The man of the Ligui tribe suddenly grasped Bai Yi with both hands, and wanted to grab Bai Yi with one hand.

However, at the moment when this man of the power ghost family moved, Bai Yi raised his head slightly, his eyes very cold. Only for a moment's glance, this Ligui tribe even wondered if he had an illusion. However, in the next moment, Bai Yi, who was about to be caught by him, suddenly began to change from his left hand. The sound of tumbling muscles swelled. Bai Yi's left arm suddenly changed into the shape of Liguizu, and it was even bigger. With just one arm, it has reached a size of tens of meters, but Bai Yi's body has not changed at all, so how to look and how to coordinate.

With a bang, the Ligui tribe was easily pressed to the ground, and the sound of bone fracture came from all over.

After the shaking of the ground gradually stopped, other Xiguxingyu talents looked at Bai Yi in horror. Anyone can see that Bai Yi's left hand is like the arm of the Ligui tribe.

The silky dark blood gradually ran down from under the body of this Ligui tribe, and then Bai Yi's left hand gradually became the original look. Not paying attention to this guy who had been seriously injured and dying, Bai Yi walked towards the next clan of Xiguxingyu.

The same way, with the analysis of the soul, and then with the transformation of the transformation, imitating their appearance.

It took more than a day for Bai Yicai to clarify the main races of Xigu Star Territory, as well as eight wisdom subspecies, as well as common war beasts. After doing all this, Bai Yicai looked at a group of Xiguxingyu who had already been sluggish. Bai Yi's changes did not avoid them. These people all saw the scene of Bai Yi's constantly changing body. Even the stupidest person can guess something from it.

"Sorry!" Bai Yi said indifferently.

After hearing the words of Bai Yi, these Xiguxingyu people immediately reflected what Bai Yi wanted to do. However, without waiting for their resistance, Bai Yi's left hand suddenly turned into a very slender bone tail, which is one of the unique tails of the war beast, the snake tail cone. However, now that Bai Yi is out, it is almost ridiculously long. With a snap, the sharp snake tail cone suddenly ejects out, and then passes through the air. All Xiguxingyu people brought here were all connected in series to the snake's tail cone in the next moment.

The length of this snake's tail cone is probably no less than several hundred meters.

"Hello... ruthless!"

"No, I'm kind, but also indifferent enough. As the party that first provokes war, you are not qualified to point to any cruel behavior of me." Bai Yi's finger was penetrated through this body four times, almost Xigu Xingyu's forehead fixed in the air said indifferently. With the sound of Peng, an illusory flame suddenly appeared from Bai Yi's hand, and then fell on everyone's body along the snake's tail cone.

Soon, all the people brought here disappeared, leaving no dust left.

Bai Yi left this place, and then began a careful deduction. After spending more than a week, under Bai Yi's strong sense and deduction, the modification of the transformation was completed. The speed is faster than expected. The super-ideological calculus and absolute focus will not be possible.


After modifying the exercises, Bai Yi immediately notified the dark department.

"Sir Bai Yi!" The Minister of Darkness Barton was very respectful.

"Take this, choose the right person, let them learn quickly, and then live in the captive area of ​​Xigu Star Territory for two months. If they can get acquainted with others and are not found, then go to perform a task "Bai Yi said. The thing he modified was popped in front of Button.

Barton took this simple document in his hand and carefully checked it.

Transfiguration? The technique of change!

Patron, the reshaped body, knew that it was the way of transforming the real blood. However, the technique of change, Patton looked carefully, and found that it is based on the evolution of the subtle control and transformation of LV4. After possessing the ability of fine control, you can change the form spontaneously, and the transformation of the body involves the laws of some of these forces and so on. However, this is very difficult for the general LV4, and can only be carried out instinctively.

However, Bai Yi's practice has cured the above forms.

The main races of Xiguxingyu, eight wisdom subspecies, six common war beasts, do not need LV4 to know the sea and really control each of their own cells, only need them to inspire this in the inherent way above Power can change into a certain form.

This is the first stage, and in the second stage, the exercises are clearly written. In the first stage, there are only the above-mentioned inherent forms; while in the second stage, the specific principles of the transforming body? In other words, as long as you understand this principle, you can change into any form at will. However, the required strength is very high, it is estimated that only the super-ideology of LV5 can do it.

Seeing that all of the inherent forms are the same as the Xigu star field, Button immediately guessed what.

"What is the task of the dark part?"

"Choose the right person and wait for them to become familiar with the first stage of the change technique, and then let them go to Xigu Starfield. I need all the valuable news." Bai Yi said calmly. What I got from Mastic is very one-sided, and it will evolve into something that Bai Yi can't guess. Bai Yike doesn't want to face an unknown enemy, so sending someone to Xigu Star Territory is destined.

"Yes!" Button suddenly took his orders seriously.


After Patton left, Bai Yi took another look at the turning body? The technique of change, thinking about it, Bai Yi let Vera come in.


"Send this exercise to the research department to let them perfect some existing biological race changes. In addition, see if you can completely fill the loopholes in it, for example, to avoid those special life exploration The best way is that the pupils can't see the difference."

Vera nodded and left quietly.

In the broken age, Bai Yi did not have time to get these things, but now that he has figured it out, it is necessary to perfect this thing. Because everyone knows the value of the art of change. The change in true free form requires at least LV5, which is not something ordinary people can practice. However, the fixed change method does not require such high strength. LV4 is enough. Bai Yi asked Vera to send the exercises to the research department, which is to let them improve the fixed biological change method.

However, even if there are more changes in the way of fixed creatures, the essential differences of life races cannot be changed, and they cannot be hidden in front of some powerful people. So Bai Yicai said that to completely fill this loophole, it is best to see the difference against the pupils.

Of course, if you think about it, you know that the energy required is not a little bit.

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