Era of Disaster

Chapter 1061: Pick a candidate

?Remember【中文网】www. in one second to provide you with high-speed text starting. Barton immediately got away after he got the shape-shifting technique, because he knew the importance of this task. In the battle between the two stars, intelligence is extremely important, and it also involves something more mysterious and mysterious. When he left, Patton was already thinking about who to choose. An unfamiliar and powerful star field, sending people in the past, as long as you simply think about it, you know the danger.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure concealment.

Concealedly, with this technique of change in race issues, there is generally no problem. Otherwise, if you are a different person and say a fart, you can see it at a glance. Bai Yi let the selected dark parts go to the prison area of ​​Xigu Star Territory to live for two months, which is the test. It must not be recognized, and it must have a good relationship with people of different classes. This is not an easy task.

Secondly, it is the ability to survive.

Survivability needs to consider the complementarity of capabilities and adapt to various environments, such as the difference in gravity, atmospheric composition, etc. Don’t look at the people of the Xigu star field jumping on the solar system star field very happily, but once you exchange it, it will be difficult to say what the result will be.

Finally, it is absolute strength. Without absolute strength, nothing else is useful.

In addition, Barton must also find out all the humanities, languages, customs, taboos, etc. of the Xigu Star Territory during this time, but don’t pass the time because these basic things are exposed. Fortunately, there are more than 100 million remaining Xiguxingyu people from different races. Now they are all captives. As long as it takes a while, it is not difficult to get what you want. This is what the dark part is best at.

However, when Patton was thinking about the candidate, he felt very unhappy.

Why, because Button wants to go by himself.

A strange star field, a star field full of unknown and dangerous. This is undoubtedly full of tremendous appeal for the somewhat crazy mentality. However, Patton knew that as a minister of the dark department, he could no longer act as crazy as he did before.

"It's really troublesome to die, it's better to find an opportunity to tell Master Bai Yi and arrange a new secret minister." Barton said slightly crazily. In fact, when he first became a minister, Button was still very happy, after all, he turned right. As a result, after sitting in this position, he found that he was not interested at all, because after being a minister, he often couldn't do it himself because of safety issues, which was completely incompatible with his personality.

Patton thought about the candidate who might become the new secret minister for a while. After thinking for a while, he started to go crazy.

If it is strength, it is not without, but the character of those people is obviously not in line with him. If he becomes a minister, he must be managed by him. On the contrary, it was Kanda Kiyoshi, who knew his character very well and was tolerant enough. Even, in many cases, the thinking patterns of both sides are similar.

"Asshole, Kanda Kiyoshi's woman is actually not a minister." Barton said fiercely.

The original director of the dark part was Kanda Kiyoshi, a woman who has been trained by Japanese ninjas and has evolved near perfection. She is extremely proficient in the dark part. When Kanda Kiyomi was there, she was responsible for the decision of major events, and Button only needed to perform those dark tasks frantically. As a result, Kanda Kiyoshi and Malvi came together. When they became a housewife, they threw the position of the Minister of Darkness to Patton.

As soon as this idea rose, it seemed as if it could not be suppressed. Button had really wanted to return a minister. After thinking about it, Patton felt that it would be best to talk to Bai Yi first so that Bai Yi could be well prepared and select candidates.

After a quick step, Patton quickly returned to Bai Yi.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yi couldn't help but see Barton falling back.

"Master Bai Yi, let's change to a secret minister." Barton said.

Bai Yi was still surprised at what Barton wanted to say when he came back, but after the other person said this, Bai Yi suddenly became solemn.

Barton, who was a master of the United Nations at the beginning of the war, after Bai Yi showed Wanhua Realm, sucked him into it. Also inhaled together were Dorothy's father, former US President Barop Walker Bush, and others. Barop chose to die head-on, and among the remaining people, only one person accepted by Bai Yi was Barton. Because Barton's character is very easy to understand, crazy and sensible, as long as Bai Minglou still has someone who can suppress him, he will never have a rebellious or heresy mind.

And after coming out, Patton has been serving Bai Ming Lou. Although the outside world is completely unknown, but some secret information has his information-Bai Ming Lou, Mad Dog Patton!

After such a long period of time, Bai Yi has completely accepted Patton, so even such a heavy task as the Minister of the Dark Department was given to him.

But, now Button suddenly came to himself and said to change a secret minister!

Bai Yi's expression suddenly became serious, and he was already thinking about why Barton proposed this suggestion, is it...

"Why, reason?"

"It was just after being a minister for a while that I found out that I was not suitable for this position. I still like..." Barton explained immediately.

"ok, I get it."

"I will pay attention to the selection of the Minister of Darkness. At this stage, it is still up to you." Bai Yi couldn't help crying, but said seriously.

"Yes!" Barton turned and left again after saluting.

After Barton left, Bai Yicai could not help but twitched the corner of his mouth. This is the reason, because I don't want to sit behind the scenes and like the madness of performing dangerous and shady tasks, so Button does not want to be a minister, but hangs the title of a deputy minister to continue the free and crazy life of the past. Moreover, Barton did not ask the minister much, just like the former Kanda Kiyoshi, he could understand his thoughts, and don’t just manage the East and West at any time.

It was really helpless. Bai Yi pressed his head and couldn't help crying and laughing.

His solemnity and nervousness was just a false alarm. A guy like Button is really easy to understand and master. However, Bai Yi did not mean to pervert Patton. Since he doesn't like to be a minister, it is necessary to change candidates. The original Kanda Kiyoshi is very suitable, but now it is sweet and sweet with Malvi, it is not easy to let her come out again.

Bai Yi thought for a while, but did not find a suitable one. It was not a question of strength, but of character and mentality. No matter how the secret department is better than other departments, the requirements on the mind are very important.

Well, forget it, Bai Yi thought about it for a while and put this question down temporarily. In short, pay attention to it later, if there are suitable candidates, then replace Button.


After Patton left from Bai Yi again, there were no other moths, but immediately returned to the dark department, and then found his auxiliary doll Saline, and then called Deputy Minister Baywater, Bai Yi’s The order told them. For this command, neither of them has much to say. The main thing now is to select among the members of the Dark Department who are more suitable for going to the Xigu Star Territory.

Soon, the dark department called back some dark members who had no mission. Among these members, some are the captains of the dark part, and some are ordinary players, but each of them has reached LV4. There are not many people in these people, only 28. The reason why there are only 28 people is the result of Patton’s special selection. The ability of these 28 people to travel to a strange area in the Xiguxing region may be more useful.

"This is a new exercise, you must learn to master it in the shortest possible time. Those who learn will need a stage of testing, and then I will select the right person." Barton said.

All the members of the Dark Department who were called back suddenly became solemn and needed to learn new exercises, as well as periodic testing and selection. It is conceivable how important the next task will be. However, they are all members of the dark department of seniority, so they will never ask anything.

In fact, when I saw this exercise, many people guessed what the task would be.

Because, it is too obvious, in the transformation body? The technique of change, several inherent morphological changes are all Xiguxingyu. If this mission has nothing to do with Xigu Xingyu, they will not believe it. It's just that even if they guessed it, they wouldn't say these This is the Department of Darkness, which has always been in the dark world.

"This is the first stage of the transformation technique. If you complete this task, you will get the second stage of the reward. The complete transformation? The transformation technique is performed by Master Bai Yi and can be changed freely. The technique of change." Sarin said to the 28 people below.

Twenty-eight people who were reading the exercises below heard the words, and their eyes suddenly shined.

The second stage of change, free change of form!

Looking at the content of this first stage, they know that this book "Transformation? The Technique of Change" is a very precious secret technique. The free change form, as a dark part, if they do not yet know the purpose and value of this ability, it is a joke. Leaving aside many other myths and legends, such as Sun Wukong in the Journey to the West, it is only 72 changes. In this way, it has been widely circulated by humans.

Anyone who heard Sarin was not calm enough.

The dark part is also a human, and appropriate rewards are definitely needed, but they all need to complete the task to get it. Even, their chances of obtaining some precious secrets are much greater than those of outsiders, and of course, they are also much more dangerous.

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