Era of Disaster

Chapter 1067: Trial network

Bai Yi originally planned to set aside some time to train his apprentices. In any case, Bai Yi thought highly of the three. But did not expect that Ning Xue would actually send something like "The Art of Doppelganger". It can be said that this secret technique just solved the problem that Bai Yi was most worried about. Bai Yi didn't know that Ning Xue was deeply troubled by himself, so there were other reasons for pushing this thing. In short, I am very grateful.

It can be seen from here that not only is Bai Minglou improving, but other forces have never stopped in their own footsteps.

Bai Minglou has its own deduced power system, and other forces, I am afraid not to let too much. The experience of the broken age has made every force attach great importance to this sector. During this time, the intervention of the extraterrestrial power, the use of those weapons and power, and the dependent race, etc., make the current solar system extra active.

After thanking him, Bai Yijian took note of the incident and waited for the opportunity later to return the gift.

Reciprocity is not just a mere word, the relationship between Baiming Tower and Zhongxuefu is very good, but it also needs to be maintained. Since Ning Xue has sent such an important gift, then Bai Minglou certainly needs to express something.

Bai Yi carefully read and realized "The Art of Doppelganger" before learning. Obviously, since Ning Xue dared to deliver it, it means that it has been perfected. At least, Bai Yi could not find any omissions in a short time. At most, it is to use itself as a sample in some small places and make minor adjustments. When the adjustments were made, Bai Yi performed the avatars according to the mysteries described above.

The art of avatars is very different from the art of avatars in the previous anime, or rather, it is much more esoteric.

, The division of soul and power, to maintain two or more complete individuals. This is definitely not as easy as the surface. Even, basically, without the subtle control of LV4, there is basically no qualification to use this mystery. It is the same as the transformation form that Bai Yi took out before.

When Bai Yi came out again after half a month, he became two people. When Bai Yi came out, the outsiders were surprised when they saw Bai Yi.

"Bai Yi, what are you?" Woolf asked.

"The technique of avatar, sent by Ning Xue, the technique of dividing the body, I just feel that one person is a little too busy. However, I think you may not be able to use it. Your immortal body needs a complete If you don’t destroy the whole, if you separate, it will create a huge loophole, and you are not recommended to learn.” Bai Yi said, throwing the avatar to Woolf.

"After reading it, put it in the database, and wait for the transformation body? After the completion of the change technique, also send a copy to Zhongxuefu." Bai Yi said, walking towards the outside.

"OK!" Although Bai Yi said that he might not be suitable, but avatar, how could Woolf not be curious.

Two Bai Yi, the first Bai Yi is almost the same as before, while the other, the breath is weaker than dozens of times. But even so, this Bai Yi has the power of LV5, and is the leader in LV5. In other words, the real Bai Yi now has reached a near bottleneck.

The first Bai Yi continued the previous research, while the second one came to the place where he had notified several students to gather.

"So, come with me." Bai Yi said to the three apprentices.

"Yes!" The three didn't see any difference between Bai Yi and Bai Yi before, they were all as strong as they were. Obviously what excites the three is that Bai Yi finally has to teach them all three.

Bai Yi looked at the slightest excitement of even the most steady Qiunuo, and couldn't help but smile.

At that time, don't cry!


When Bai Yi's doppelganger took his apprentice out for teaching, the first Bai Yi continued his previous research. In fact, in this year, the exploration of this aspect has never been interrupted in the Baiming Tower. Four quantum light brains have been produced, and the cultivation of biological wisdom brains is slow, and even the first batch has no shadow at all. This is entirely because the biological brain is ‘living’. If you want to cultivate it, you must follow the laws of life. If you stimulate growth, basically destroy the potential of the biological brain.

However, even if there is only quantum light brain, it is enough to open the world eye network at present.

Of course, it is only a small area. With the previous human electronic network as a template, the Eye of the World network began to be gradually implemented in the area around Baiming Building according to this model. There must be a lot of imperfections in this, but it is always necessary to try gradually and find the problem before it can be solved.

After receiving instructions from Bai Ming Lou, around Bai Ming Lou, an area about the size of the earth, the first batch of Eye of the World network was opened.

The Eye of the World network exists on the entire star field of the solar system. The Eye of the World network is also different from the previous electronic network, but similar to the virtual mirror world, it is a false world. As long as consciousness is connected, an intuitive visual image can be formed. However, unlike the real world, in this world, like an electronic network, many places ignore the distance and can be transmitted directly.

Simply put, it is like opening a different website on an electronic network.

It's just that on the Eye of the World network, people are sent directly to different places. The Eye of the World network also borrows from the Domi Star Zone, the consciousness network above the pure conscious life star zone. Of course, because there is not much information obtained, it is only superficial.

It can be said that this Eye of the World network merges and absorbs a lot of things, which seems very complicated, but there are also many loopholes.


With the power of Bai Ming Lou, he controls the secular world. In this area similar to the size of the earth, many network access points have been established for the eyes of the world. And then, it was to popularize this world eye network in the whole world. Moreover, this is definitely different from the development of electronic networks in the previous earth age, and it will take a lot of time to gradually be popularized. It seems that at the same time, the news of the Eye of the World network is known to countless people in this area.

At the same time, the government of the secular world also began to sell a connection device for the World Eye network.


In a country in the applicable area, at a point of sale, a group of people are buying this connection device. Use personal ID card as a credential for personal binding.

However, not many people buy, because the Eye of the World network is still a little strange to people of this era.

On the contrary, some old people in the broken age are more interested. In other words, the network of the conscious world originally existed only in fantasy. Now it is implemented in the first place here. This is very curious for the elderly.

However, although there are not many people buying, after all, it is implemented by the government, so the number is still quite large.

A slightly disappointed young man took the flyer and came to the place of sale. Then I got a connecting device from the saleswoman. After buying the connecting device, the young man returned to his residence. Because the place is wide and the population is sparse, the room is not small. It's just that it's a little messy inside.

When I opened the box, I saw something similar to a neck ring. The young man looked at it, then opened the neck ring and put it on his neck. And in the next moment, this thing closed automatically, and then an electronic voice came out.

‘The Eye of the World’s network is open, and the first time you use it, your identity is locked automatically. The following starts the detection. The nearby is an unsafe area, and only the table connection can be made. ’


The youth suddenly became stupid, and then opened the manual, and then carefully checked. After this look, the young man discovered from the manual what the so-called unsafe area is.

World Eye Network, if deeply connected, consciousness will sink completely into the world of World Eye Network, so a safe place is essential. And if it is outside, such as the street, etc., you can only connect tables, and only a translucent perspective will appear in front of you. This perspective is the perspective that appears in front of this young man.

The connection angle of the watch is very simple, similar to the previous electronic screen on the earth, but it is transparent and virtual, and can also be touch-controlled.

At this time, the youth continued to look at the so-called safe area.

Houses, schools, hotels...and other public or private places that are generally safe. Seeing this, the young man could not help but scolded.

" Is this discrimination? I don't have a deep network connection here." The young man glanced at his slightly desolate cabin. In fact, because of the implementation of the Baiming Building and the government, the popularity of the Internet is already very high, but after all, it is impossible to spread it to the entire world at once, so only those areas with better environment.

"Asshole!" The young man scolded for a while, and curiously checked the nearby safe area on the electronic touch screen, preparing to rub the World Eye network.

After finding a nearby school, the youth immediately ran out.

After coming to the school, the young man discovered that there were actually a few people who had the same purpose as him. Soon, the two new arrivals looked at each other and found that the first few seemed to be completely addicted to it.

"Connect start!" the youth said.

As if consciousness was pulled in, the youth's vision suddenly turned around and then appeared on a huge square next moment. This square is very grand, and there is a sense of illusion that the real world can never achieve. The real and illusion are intertwined, and a huge shock has formed.

this is!

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