Era of Disaster

Chapter 1068: Unlimited territory

The purpose of the Open World Eye Network, the first one, Bai Yi is to completely connect all places into a large network. Through other users, we can monitor the entire solar system without any dead ends. Otherwise, you don’t know what is happening in the solar system. You are so kind to say that you are the owner of the solar system? And these people who have access to the connection device and can connect to the Eye of the World network are ‘eyes’ one by one.

With countless ‘eyes’ in the Internet, the real world eye can achieve near-dead-free control.

And the second purpose is to build a virtual conscious mind through the world eye network. That is to say, taking the entire network as a carrier, a huge'brain' lurking beneath it has no entity. It can also be said that the entire network is his entity. Moreover, it also draws on a certain technology of pure conscious lifeforms on the Domi Star Field, which can borrow other people's conscious operations in a limited way.

How to say, when people outside enter the Eye of the World network with a connector, they are consciously connected. For most people, their brains are often not fully capable. When their consciousness is connected to the Eye of the World network, the conscious virtual brain lurking under the network can use some of these people's free computing power to assist.

One person’s spare computing power may be inconspicuous, and there is no difference between the two. However, when the number of people using the Eye of the World network reaches tens of hundreds of billions at the same time, then the integration of their computing power is very amazing. Too.

Of course, in fact, this article is mentioned in the instructions for use of the connecting device.

That is, when using the connected device to enter the Eye of the World network, there will be a certain extra consumption of mental power, and it may be exhausted relatively quickly. This is still listed separately, but it is clear that no one understands what that ‘extra’ consumption means. Even after using it, many people simply don't feel it, because this is the use of their spare computing power, and there is almost no difference for a single person.

When the Eye of the World was put into use, Bai Ming Lou immediately started the test, monitoring everything on this trial network.

Bai Yi and Ye Ye’s consciousness merged together and took over the ‘consciousness deficiency brain’ in the reservation.

As if an extra space suddenly appeared above the consciousness, Bai Yi and Ye Ye's eyes lit up suddenly. This extra space is not much, compared to Bai Yi and Ye Ye. However, be aware that this is only a trial network, and even in the trial area, the coverage rate at the beginning must be poor. Only after this network is truly fully deployed on the solar system, can we see the huge computing power of this conscious virtual brain.

The main controller is Ye Ye. Bai Yi is just a viewer. Seeing Ye Ye, with the help of two quantum light brains, he began to borrow these computing powers. Bai Yi just stayed quietly.

Ye Ye entered a string of data on the conscious virtual brain, and then began to calculate.

After a while, Bai Yi asked: "How is it."

"Also, the conscious virtual brain is worthy of borrowing the technology of the pure conscious life star field of the Domi Star Field. This way of pooling all the operations of the people is very effective." Ye Ye said. Although the data just entered has not been completely structured yet, as far as the speed of the operation is concerned, it has been discovered that it is very amazing.

"That's fine!" Bai Yi nodded.

"What about stability?" Bai Yi asked again.

"At present, it is very stable like the previous internal test, and no special fluctuations have been found for the time being. However, this is not a short-term test. Only after the time has passed in the future can you draw a conclusion." Ye Ye also said very seriously.

"Don't worry, first determine the stability of the trial network." Bai Yi said to Yeye.

"I know!" Nodded every night.

Not only is Bai Yihe and Yeye paying attention to the consciousness of the virtual brain, but other people in the Baiming Tower also value it. Because everyone knows Bai Yi's plan, it can be said that this is related to the most basic part of a huge plan. Only after the three intelligent brains such as quantum light brain, conscious virtual brain, and biological intelligent brain are relatively complete. It is possible for Bai Yicai to draw lessons from it and eventually perfect the brain of knowledge, so that Ye Ye can be comprehensively improved.

After waiting for a comprehensive improvement every night, we can perform all kinds of data at the fastest speed, fuse the knowledge of the rule level, and create a unique suit for the Baiming Tower-a costume!

It can be said that this is related to the overall improvement of Baiminglou's overall strength, so it can't be careless at all.

If you don’t upgrade Ye Ye’s system, you don’t mean that you can’t make a costume. Instead, if you use human resources to calculate and deduce various data, it’s not so intuitive, and the efficiency will be very low. Even in Baiminglou, many people have entered LV4 and have a sea of ​​consciousness, but their way of thinking is still inclined to the previous mode of thinking. Although the top expert has super ideology, it is unrealistic to let Bai Yi and others calculate this specifically.

Fortunately, Bai Yi said that he knows all kinds of knowledge and is good at the research of the opposite. But even if you learn something like Momo, it's a joke to let Momo invest your energy in this area.

Moreover, the masquerade is only one aspect. What really matters is the strength of everyone. In particular, it is meticulously perfecting its own understanding of the law and striving to truly achieve LV6. This is like Bai Yi, Mo Mo and Woolf. What the master should do.

Division of labor, everyone does not need to do anything, just do their own things, it is enough!

When everyone has done their job well, the combined efforts of all of them constitute the now powerful Baiming Tower. Both the strength and the technological system are at the most advanced level in the world.


Baiminglou launched its trial network with its own purpose. But for the average person, this purpose is simply not known and cannot be understood. It is too far away from them. However, it doesn't matter if you don't know this. The key point is that this trial network really caused a disruptive response in society.

Ordinary people only need to know that the consciousness network of the Eye of the World is really very convenient and interesting.

According to the concerted efforts of many people in the Baiming Tower, this network of consciousness already has some preliminary convenience effects and capabilities. Of course, these things are not perfect at present. Even if Bai Ming Lou is very powerful, it is impossible to think of anything.

But it does not matter. With the spread of the trial network, humans and humanoid intelligent races will become more familiar with the trial network, and they will certainly spontaneously research some convenient capabilities.

Just like the original human network!

At this time, the young man who got the connection device before was completely addicted to this virtual world. Even if he left the predetermined safe area, he still kept the watch connected at any time, a transparent virtual interface appeared in front of him, and then he looked at it at any time. Various messages and resources on this awareness network.

‘It’s incredible, it’s definitely black technology. According to common sense, the development of a thing always has inherent laws, and it is always from simple to complex. But this network of consciousness seemed to appear in the world at once, and its functions are still very perfect. This huge amount of promotional power and knowledge is nothing like a new thing. I can't find other possibilities except black technology. "On a forum, a new person said.

‘Black technology is too exaggerated, you’re just too ignorant. ’

‘What do you mean? ’

‘I mean, you know too little about the world. A few years ago, I was fortunate to see an earth-shattering battle. Later, I went to inquire about it, only to find out that it was actually the legendary Baiming Tower, and the enemies were many other extraterrestrials. ’

‘Nonsense, Bai Ming Lou, aliens! ’

‘I also think that the third floor is just forcing, who are you? ’

‘Pretend, hum, disdain to explain! ’

‘Aliens do exist. Isn’t the starry sky hanging city a fusion of aliens? There are many people in the aliens. Don’t you know? "Another person also appeared.

‘No, you’re not kidding, are there really any stars hanging in the sky? ’

‘No kidding, I’m now opening a small shop in the Starry Sky Overhang, mainly to sell some parasitic evolution pets in the East Star Territory. "This man said, took a picture through the connection device. It can be seen that the above are really some parasitic carnivorous beasts of the Ester star field, but they are all very weak ones, and most of them are only ornamental carnivorous animals.

‘I really have it, but I’ve never heard of the starry sky! ’

‘Never heard of 1! ’

'2! ’

‘3! ’

‘I’m stupid, the Starry Sky City is a city with fusion and exchange of extraterrestrial territories. It is very famous in Sifangtian. Even if I live in a remote area, I can know the name of that place. 'I just said that the man who saw the war came up again.

‘Wait, wait, what did you just say, Sifangtian? Do you live in Sifangtian? ’

‘ small town above Sifangtian. ’

‘True and false, you are actually in Sifangtian. I used to listen to it as a legend. It turns out that there really is that world. How do I get in, I heard that all the people living in it are heaven and earth? ’

‘Idiot, you, like him, are they heaven? ’

‘He’s not really a man of heaven, of course I’m not, but it’s better if you guys please him. "I said that the person who lived in the starry sky suspended the city again.

'why? ’

‘Look for answers, why? ’

‘He’s a fool. He said that he saw an amazing battle. According to the rumors I heard from the outside world, there was the former Baiming Tower, and what world is it connected to. I estimate that the place where he lives is not far from Baiming Tower. I say this, you should know what this means. ’

‘No, why didn’t I think of this! ’The man who lived in the area near the Baiming Tower suddenly shouted and became very excited.

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