Era of Disaster

Chapter 1085: Ursula


The more high-end knowledge, the more it is in the hands of the upper layers. This is the unchanging truth, even in the solar system. 【【Diǎn【小】 said, if Bai Yi shows his identity, he can actually easily contact the innate creatures on the East Star field. However, as in the solar system, it is easy to touch, but it is difficult to get what you want. No one will so selflessly subsidize each other, so that those who may be opponents grow up.

Therefore, even the battle on the 1044th star ring is covered by the battle between the two families.

The innate creatures on the East Star Territory are divided into six major factions. If translated according to the language of the earth, it is also called the "Six Great Divine Families." Although ordinary people did not know it before, as the ring master of each star ring, they knew the existence of these six great divine systems. Because, even as a congenital spirit, it is impossible to be true. No, maybe you don't need any material needs, but you can't completely avoid contact with the whole world.

If there is no contact at all, then there is not much difference from non-existence!

Like a real god, let ordinary people worship and look forward to, but it seems unattainable, in order to maintain its own strength and mystery.

What Yugong Yuko collected was the way the world of ordinary people meets that world. Bai Yi they need to enter that world without revealing their identity, and at the same time get what they want.

The 1044th star ring is located within the scope of the ‘Urx’ divine system. Originally, the connection between the ring master and the above should also be very close. It's just a pity that the Salon family had a sense of dissatisfaction because they saw the real powerful power in the solar system. Simply put, as an ordinary person, peeping into a higher realm. And these things, the Salon family dare not let the congenital spirits of Ursu know.

Originally at the last moment, Bauer had already planned to request the congenital spirits of the ecclesiastical system, but I never expected that Bai Yi would give him a perfect flesh armor.

It was Bai Yi's behavior that pitted Bauer into it.

Considering that there is hope, Bauer certainly does not want to expose his family's power to the eyes of the so-called Destiny System. But what I did not expect was that I hoped to come fast and go fast, and in the end there was no time for regret, so I was buried by Ernest. It is because of this that Bai Yi and they did not encounter any kind of predicament.

Now Bai Yi what they have to do is to enter the interior of the Ursu **** system!

The identity adopted is, of course, very simple. Of course, after the Frye family became the owner of the 1044th star ring again, they showed their surrender to the **** of the order of Ursu. These things don't need Bai Yi to intervene, the people below will do it quickly. At this time, the talents of the Erxian Department of God knew what happened next.


It took a lot of time between them, Bai Yi and Mo Mo, as members of the Frie family, entered the territory of the innate spirits of the Esoteric department.

Bai Yi and Mo Mo are now completely like ordinary Eastman, without showing the slightest breath.

Both of them can see that this so-called Destiny God Territory is completely similar to the world of Sifangtian, but it is much smaller, and it was created from the original star ring world. There are a lot of people here, who seem to worship the so-called Desire Gods very much.

After arriving at this place, Bai Yi and Mo Mo quickly integrated into the life here.

Soon after, the two found out that although they were translated into ‘divine systems’ according to the human language of the earth, they were actually different from the divine systems circulating on the earth. At the very least, the theology here is not preached as omnipotent and unattainable. And the humans in the East Star field are not as foolish as those in the earth age. In itself, the technology on the East Star field is very developed, and in some ways even exceeds these divine lines.

In general, the "sacred system" here is not completely untouchable, but a relatively high-end group.

On technology, it integrates the technology on countless star rings and absorbs some talented people, so it has a unique achievement. And as innate spirits, the power they possess is also very attractive to ordinary Easters. For example, the increase of one's own strength and longevity, the special way of life rebirth, etc., make ordinary people want to stop.

Even if the technology is further developed, the use of carnivorous armor by the Esters has only gained strength, and has not broken the life and time constraints.

Bai Yi and Mo Mo are not very concerned about the existence of the gods here. This belongs to East's unique pattern, and they do not need to participate at all. The two cared about how to get what they needed in this place.

The two were brought here as ordinary Easters. If they were ordinary Easters, they might be really interested in the things presented here, but the two But there is not much interest in those simple ways to enhance their own strength. For now, the main purpose of the two is to find out the pattern here and where the core knowledge is.

"I'll check it in the Xueli Building over there." Mo Mo said to Bai Yi.

"Well, okay, I'll go look elsewhere." Bai Yi also said.

Xueli Building, some places like a library, or a library, store some knowledge. Momo went to that place to check it out, and Bai Yi's power was more convenient to walk in the entire territory of the Esoteric department. At least, if Mo Mo goes to those hidden places, it may be found accidentally, and Bai Yi does not have to worry about these.

Both of them are people who have shown their surrender as the Frye family, and have been authorized to send'learning'. Therefore, this place is not a core place, it is just an academy that allows the following people to get acquainted with and learn. It is worth mentioning that the spiritual education here is excellent, and of course, the brainwashing ability is even better....

Neither Bai Yi nor Mo Mo commented on these educations.

Because, before coming here, the decision made by Bai Minglou was not to interfere with the political, religious, and ruling systems of other civilizations. No matter how huge the difference between the other party's system and the civilization on earth, and how unreasonable it is, it is ignored. This is a different pattern between different civilizations. They have no reason and no qualification to intervene. Only those who come to the alien universe above the solar system are treated equally.

The two heads separated after diǎndiǎn, Bai Yi randomly chose a direction and walked out. went to that building.

The Xueli Building is quite quiet. As the ‘ordinary’ Easters who have just been picked up, Momo does not have much authority, and currently can only study on the first three floors. The recording method here is actually similar to that of paper books.

"So many things, in short, record them all first." Mo Mo said a word, and then walked towards it. As Mo Mo moved, a faint mist of soul spread from her side, gradually infiltrating into the nearby books, and then gently brushed from above.

In order not to expose his own power, Momo’s movements are not obvious, but the dip of the things recorded on the books seem to be copied by the mist of the soul, immersed in Momo’s consciousness. This is Momo's own invention, a lazy learning method. That's right, it's the lazy way of learning. In order to be lazy, Momo only invented this secret technique.

The Mist of Soul keeps burning and copying all the knowledge here, and Mo Mo is bored to find a place to sit down, and then pulls a book from the high bookshelf and turns it out.

It didn't take long for Momo to sit in front of another Easter girl, quietly reading another book of practice.

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