Era of Disaster

Chapter 1086: ?·Star Flower


Although there is another Eastist girl in front of him, Mo Mo's eyes haven't changed. How to say, Mo Mo is not a temper that is easily influenced by the outside world. However, Mo Mo seems very quiet, but there are always some guys who can't calm down. It didn't take long for a Eastman to come here again, looking handsome and handsome. After seeing this side, the Eastman suddenly blinked his eyes and walked over.

"Miss Peggy, I'm glad to meet you by accident here." The East man walked over and said to the girl.

"Master Marcus." The girl sitting opposite Mo Mo suddenly showed a weak and uneasy look, but still politely greeted.

"Miss Peggy, do you like these cultivation volumes? These are just basics. If you like, I can help you find a more profound volume." The young Master Makas looked at the book in the hand of the girl and said . Such an obvious gesture, I personally understand that this Makass is presumed to be a girl, saying that by chance, 80% came here specifically.

"No, Master Marcus, I don't need it."

"However, as far as I know, the new college competition is about to start, and there are few chances of winning these basic things now. Under the glory of the Gods of the Order, we cannot use external forces, ourselves. The real power is the real power," said Master Makass again.

After the girl Peggy heard this, she suddenly showed an embarrassed look.

From beginning to end, Mo Mo didn't even lift his head, even if the opposite side was playing a drama of picking girls. Although he slowly looked at the unknown books in his hands, the mist of Mo Mo's soul never stopped. It didn't take long for all the knowledge copied and burned to enter Mo Mo's consciousness completely. But at this time, Momo unfolded superconsciousness, and then quickly analyzed and sorted it out.

In just a moment, Mo Mo learned this knowledge completely.

After yawning, Mo Mo was ready to put the book back in the past. Now there are people here, Mo Mo does not want to reveal his own strength, otherwise the book can fly back with just one click.

It was not until Mo Mo stood up that the two seemed to find that there was another person in front of them. However, what they could not understand was why the other party was sitting there just now, as if they had ignored it subconsciously. When Master Makass saw Momo, his eyes lit up suddenly. In his eyes, Momo's appearance did not match the usual Eastman's saving beauty, but unexpectedly, it looked abnormal. The softness is like perfection. This is the effect of Momo's use of "Transformation? The Art of Change" to become intentionally retained by the East, some traces of humanity.

"Does this beautiful lady need my help?" The young Master Marcus immediately showed his demeanor.

"No, let it go." Very plain tone, but the unobtrusive refusal made them both stunned.

Until Mo Mo put the book back and then left from here, the two were still in a daze. Inexplicably, when Peiji saw Mo Mo's gesture, she suddenly felt some envy, if she could have Mo Mo's gesture. It is a pity that the girl is very delicate and has no guts, even if you can enter here, it proves that her family background in the ordinary world is not low.


Soon after, Momo gained higher authority and entered a higher level of learning. Of course, what Mo Mo is interested in is not this less important knowledge, but just to get some useful clues from it.

During this time, Mo Mo met the two again a few times, almost every time, the young Master Makas was attentive around Peggy Xian. Of course, after seeing Momo again, the young Master Marcus also dedicated himself several times, but he was always forced back by Momo's cold emotions. Moreover, this guy will be very measured, after discovering Mo Mo's indifference, he continued to focus on Peggy's body. As for the real reason, Mo Mo can see so much, but he is too lazy to ignore it.

Momo could see that the young girl didn't like the young Master Marcus, but she didn't know how to refuse. It is not that she is a girl of ordinary people, being persecuted or the like. On the contrary, the strength of her family is still very large. She is purely a character problem, a weak and kind girl like a bunny.

Mo Mo had always been too lazy to ignore the two, even if they often staged third-rate Korean dramas in front of themselves.

Until, in a conversation between the two, Mo Mo happened to know that Peggy's family was good at cultivating and researching biological brains. Not only is it very famous in the world of ordinary people, but even in the Ursu **** system, Peggy's family has great power.

"Your name is Paige???????????????????????????????????? Momo interrupted the conversation between the two for the first time.

"...!" It seems that Mo Mo took the initiative to talk to the two of them, so that they both raised a trace of consternation. You know, Mo Mo has been unusually cold before.

"Well, yes." Paige whispered suddenly.

Moreover, the more the girl said back, the smaller the voice, and even buried her head. So, how did you develop such a weak personality? However, Momo didn't care about this, but the girl's surname. ?, also known as the Xinghua family, is the family that is most good at biological wisdom and brain in the Eschian **** system, directly helping the innate spirits of the Eshoku **** system.

Peggy? Star Flower? Man Ryan!

Mo Mo did not expect that a girl she met by chance was a member of the Xinghua family. Originally, after learning about the existence of the Xinghua family from Xueli Building, Mo Mo still thought about how to contact this family. He didn't expect to have such a person beside him. It just seems that the girl's weak face doesn't seem to be an important member.

However, Mo Mo glanced at Marcus again, no, no, this guy is so persistent in pursuing this Peggy, perhaps, the identity of this girl is not low.

"I can help you get a good ranking in the college competition, if you want to directly get the first place." Mo Mo said to Pei Ji.

"Really?" Not only did the girl not believe it, but that Master Marcus did not believe at all.

"This lady, don't boast about Haikou indiscriminately," Macaston said.

"However, I need you to pay something." Momo didn't pay any attention to Marcus at all, but said calmly to Peggy.

"Pay something?" The girl looked at Mo Mo in surprise.

"Don't worry, it's at least a lot less than what he wants." Mo Mo pointed at Makass next to him.

"This lady, can't talk nonsense, what is what I want. I really like Miss Peggy, so I am willing to help." Macarston said nervously. It's just that I don't know what to do. When seeing Mo Mo's pure double pupils, Markas felt inexplicably guilty in his heart.

"What does he want?" The girl Peggy asked this question.

"You want to know?"

"...Thought!" After a slight silence, he answered firmly.

"He may have love for you, but it is not the kind of unforgettable love. More, but only after measuring your identity and family background, and the possible help for him later, I chose to pursue you only. . Of course, what he needs is the family and identity behind you. Of course, you are also a good girl and you can play well." Mo Mo said indifferently.

"You bullshit!" Hearing Mo Mo's words, Markas could no longer sit still.

Mo Mo did not refute, but looked at Makas with transparent double pupils. Somehow, looking at Momo's eyes, Macaston felt that everything in his heart seemed to be seen through. The pupil of the soul can directly see through the depths of the soul. Mo Mo has already seen through the other party's real purpose. It used to be too lazy to ignore it. After seeing Momo's eyes, Markas did not refute Momo, but immediately anxiously explained to the young girl Peggy.

But at this time, the girl Peggy was completely sluggish. After a while, she looked at the two in shock.

Mo Mo's expression is very calm, calm and indifferent.

Marcus is constantly anxiously explaining, trying to prove his true heart.

The young girl Peggy kept looking at the two of them, her mouth opened, but in the end she said nothing and suddenly ran out towards the outside. Seeing Peggy run away, Mo Mo did not speak, and continued to sit quietly. And Marcus gave Mo Mo a hard look and rushed up immediately.

"Who are you, do you know the consequences of talking rushed up and wanted to catch Momo. But Momo didn't move at all, this guy seemed to step on It slipped and fell heavily on the ground. However, this fall was much heavier than normal and almost even the floor was broken. From beginning to end, Mo Mo did nothing, Just put the books together, and Shi Shiran left here.

Some people who noticed the movement here looked at this scene, and they all admired Momo's light clouds.

Whether the fact is as Mo Mo said, they don't know. However, Momo analyzed the essence of the other party in a calm tone, but he didn't care at all. The kind of temperament on his body surprised the students around him.

I didn't care about the people around me, and even Peggy and Mo Mo ran away. Momo is confident, that weak girl will definitely come to find her again, absolutely!


After four days, Mo Mo was still sitting in the original position. Suddenly, Peggy came to Momo with a gaunt expression. The gaunt expression, the eyes with bloodshot eyes, and a hint of perseverance inside.

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