Era of Disaster

Chapter 1165: Ancient Times·Earth


One move, all destroyed!

Words like hitting a server are always slippery in games, but it is estimated that no one really thinks such a thing will happen. But now the Eye of the World network is noisy, because the server of Xigu World really burst. This is not because there is any server problem, and then it is as simple as dropping the whole server, but the real servers have burst.

According to preliminary statistics on the Internet, all the players in the game were mentally shocked. A large number of players collectively fainted, and accompanied by signs of cerebral hemorrhage, consciousness fluctuations and so on. Moreover, this is not the case for dozens or hundreds of people, but for hundreds of millions of players.

And the most important thing is that even people who were not in the game at the time and only on the Internet also had this symptom.

That's why the servers all burst.

So many people were injured and even died. It is strange to say that it does not cause noise on the Internet. At this time, according to the comparison of some well-informed people, it can also prove that the people who appeared in the game at that time each have a very amazing identity, which even made the network extremely hot.

I originally thought it was just a game, but I didn't expect to have these strong men in reality.

"Every night, has the eye of the world been fixed." Bai Yi asked.

"It has been fixed, and it has been completely locked at the moment of the explosion." Ye Ye replied.

"Then you are in trouble. Originally, you had to design a costume, but now you have to do this kind of thing first."

"There is no problem at all. Now this kind of thing is nothing to me. It is enough to separate some of the computing power. Now that this network area is completely fixed, what do you want Bai Yi?" Ye Ye said .

"Build a virtual world!" Bai Yi said his vision.

"Actually, games are also acceptable. Although it wasn’t our intention to explode, but after all, it caused so many things. Moreover, I had this idea when I was fighting Masti. Although only It’s a game, but if you don’t enter as a player character, but if you really enter with self-awareness, you can actually temper combat experience and skills in it.”

"The ruined Xigu world is like this, and build a new blueprint on this foundation. The real world, the various exercises in it are completely true, the reality can be cultivated in reality, and the experience in the game can be brought into reality. What’s unpredictable in reality can also be tried in the game."

"Using the difference between reality and games, although it is impossible to gain real strength, can you increase experience in advance. (Advertising)" Bai Yi guessed Bai Yi's plan at night.

"Yes!" Bai Yi nodded.

"No problem." Ye Ye said.

Over the years, the Eye of the World network has accumulated a lot of experience. In particular, there is a Xigu world as a reference. Although it was created by Mastic, it is after all a high-level crystallization. What I want to do now is just to improve the various experiences in it. This may have been difficult in the past, but for the night and night now, it is not a problem.

"If the exercises are all true, then other forces are needed to cooperate, and the low-level exercises have to be re-evaluated. After all, if you count the number of people, tens of millions of basic exercises are not enough."

"Low-level exercise deduction is not a problem. Once one can do everything, as long as he pays attention to the basic points, it can evolve randomly. As for other forces, I will say it." Bai Yi said.

At this time, Bai Minglou and other forces are still busy helping the wounded. Anyway, these players were only affected by this because of their reasons. The orders of these powerful forces are much more efficient than those of the state, and the people below immediately began to act. Hundreds of millions of people are actually not difficult to deal with. In many cases, what is lacking is only execution power. But will the power of Baiminglou lack execution power? Instead, the state is an appendage.

However, even if this is the case, there is no way to quell the noise on the Internet, because a lot of people have died, no matter how seriously injured, what to do if they die.

There is no so-called official answer, but the parties have reached an agreement with Bai Minglou.

All agreed with Bai Yi's plan for the virtual world.

Everyone can see that the meaning of this virtual world is not a game, but a rapid selection and training of talents. The time difference between reality and game allows ordinary people to quickly accumulate experience. And if the exercises are true, they can quickly comprehend many things.

However, the forces of various parties still put forward some different aspects. For example, there is no so-called gm in the game, so it is impossible to supervise everything in the game.

Moreover, even if the exercises below lv3, all forces are willing to hand over. Because they know that Bai Ming Lou will not plot these things. However, the exercises above lv4 are different. Although they believe in Bai Ming Lou, they will not be so generous. In the end, the other forces decided to play by their own people. When the players inside really get the advanced skills above lv4, the World Eye Network will automatically notify them, and then they will take the initiative to inherit.

On the surface, it seems that the player got the exercises → then learn.

But in fact, it is actually the players who get the exercises (the previous short paragraph) → The Eye of the World network notifies the true owner → the direct inheritance of the strong.

In this way, the method inside is actually just a communicator, so it is impossible to leak.

Moreover, all forces also promised that they would never violate their promises because of personal preferences. That is to say, no matter what role in the game, through any means to get these exercises, they will be truly inherited.

All things seem to be a lot, but in fact it is just such a thing if you count carefully. The World Eye network was affected, injuring more than 100 million players and dying millions. However, under the control of all forces in the entire world, there has been no major fluctuations.

Because, they all know what is going on.

The consciousness of those who died did not dissipate, but merged with the network. For such a long time, it is estimated that it is impossible to resurrect with their strength. However, by the time the virtual world conceived by Bai Minglou emerges, they can become the aborigines and have their own consciousness.

Just go through the game!

Moreover, in order to compensate these people, every one of them can be directly inherited when they appear, generally at the level of lv3. It doesn't matter whether they will teach others or cultivate by themselves afterwards. To some extent, these millions of dead people will become free npc in the new world. In theory, they can actually be resurrected, but it is impossible to be so easy. Probably, it will be necessary to wait for them to make a breakthrough and become a purely conscious living body like the Domi Star Territory.


One and a half years have passed since the Big Bang server explosion. Under the control of various forces, this matter has basically subsided. Even if a person with a heart wants to promote the trouble behind the scenes, it is impossible to succeed. Because, what they see at most is the country, but the country can only be regarded as an accessory now.

At this time, another game was launched on the World Eye network.

"Ancient Times? The Earth"

"Brother!" A young girl ran back home anxiously, then loudly knocked on her brother's door.

"Straight leaf, what's wrong?" Inside the room, a face looked slightly pale, and the lifeless boy asked.

"Brother, there is a new game." the girl said loudly.

"Oh, I'm not interested anymore." This teenager was a victim of the Big Bang in Xigu. His consciousness fluctuated. Although he was finally rescued, he lost his motivation. Because the girlfriend he met in the game was not rescued so luckily, and he died completely at that time.

"Brother, no, this game was launched by the people above." Nao said.

"The people above?"

"Well, Baiming Building, Zhongxue Mansion, Humanoid Sanctuary..." The girl found out that she couldn't explain clearly, and immediately pulled over her brother, and then opened the personal information terminal for her brother to check. In fact, the girl doesn't usually play games, but she really can't look down on her brother's depression. The most important thing is that she introduced the game and found that the consciousness of the person who originally died will also read in it; .

Naoki's excitement made the teenager a little interested, and began to carefully review the information in it.

First of all, this game was jointly launched by various forces, East Tomorrow-Bai Yanlou, Xihaitian-Bishuitian, Nanmingtian-Ghost Prison, North Shentian-Thick Earth, which is Sifangtian. Then there are the eight pole columns, Zhongxue Palace, the top of the snow sky, the Amunite Palace, the Temple of the Sea, the ancient sea ruins, the Cherry Blossom Hill, the Buckingham Palace, the Northern Han Palace. Then, there are other well-known forces, such as the Baiming Tower, the Humanoid Temple, the Bhutan Palace, Foduna, the Green Palace, etc., as well as the seven humanoid countries, Yahe, Papua, Kamel, Poseidon, Amuni, Atlantis, Vinod.

Many ordinary people have never heard of these forces. However, each force sent representatives to prove their authenticity.

Bai Minglou came out with Abe Zhenyang. She has always been a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and she has been doing her job.

The truly powerful, the unique logo representing each force, can confirm that this is definitely not a joke. Nor does that country dare to joke with so many top powers. Even a country can't afford it.

There is not much news about the game, UU reading but each one is enough to make all people crazy.

One: The exercises in it are all true, from the lowest lv1 to the highest lv5, they can fully reach the highest level of the Divine Realm.

Two: There was no explanation before, compensation for those who died.

The people who died in the beginning did not completely die, but the consciousness was trapped in the world eye network, and this time, they will reappear with the emergence of the new world. As soon as these people appear, they will be compensated for lv3 exercises. And, if they want to be resurrected, it's okay, just need to be strong enough to become an independent conscious life.

Three: Others please explore by yourself.

The young boy stood up suddenly, with a shocked look on his face.

"Brother, do you want to play?"

"Play, no, that's a new world. I entered into it to find Asuna. This time, I will never let go." He Ren said with determination.

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