Era of Disaster

Chapter 1166: Game open


Although it was said that a virtual world game from the ancient times was created, it didn't take much time either Bai Yi or Ye Ye. (Because, the two of them just drafted a rough step, and then handed it over to the people below to complete it. The Baiming Building is so huge, and there are a lot of talents. Of course, you don’t need to do everything.

"The ancient times? The Earth chapter has been completed." The following people report here every night.

"Well, I see." Ye Ye said.

"Do I need to notify Master Bai Yi?"

"No need." Shaking his head night after night.

"The forces of all parties acquiesce in the practice of which side's power, and the players in the game are the potential new blood of which side, and arrange some maids to keep an eye on the growth of those people. If appropriate, absorb them into the Baiming Tower. However, when there is no certainty, don’t bother with them, no matter how they develop. I don’t care about their talents. I hope you pay more attention to their mentality.

"Yes!" Inside the Baiming Tower, several big maids answered.

After the communication ended, God Wu came to the three maid classes she commanded and told this to the maid of the bcd three classes: "Master Ye Ye let us arrange some maids to enter the game of the ancient world. Act as a free npc, and pay attention to the growth of some new blood that has been inherited from Baiminglou."

"Hey, I sign up, I sign up!" Guoer and Mai Li from Class C suddenly shouted excitedly and rushed to Shen Wu.

Dang's two heavy blows, the class c leader Miaoer directly punched the two fools with two punches: "It's rude!" Then Miaoer dragged the two of them down, when the two active fools shut up After that, God didn't start talking.

"The ancient world was the previous earth, so there are seven continents. The seven maid chiefs of Bai Ming Building, each responsible for one continent, our three bcd classes are responsible for Asia. However, we generally do not enter the game unless really Obtained the top inheritance of the Baiming Tower. Therefore, you usually need to deal with each class yourself." Shen Wu said.

"Yes!" The monitors of the three classes all answered seriously.

After that, God Wu arranged the rotation of the maid and determined the first batch of candidates to enter the game world. There are not many things in Bai Ming Lou. These maids are sometimes really lazy, so this time it was the maids who handled the game world. In the same way, several other maid chiefs have arranged this matter like God Wu, but they don’t necessarily have the same way as God, because the seven continents are relatively independent. Yes, you only need to complete the rough goals. As for how to do it, it is up to them to decide for themselves. [To read the latest chapter of this book, please go to the popular novel website www.Remenxs.coM]

Soon, "The Ancient World? Earth" will be fully open. In fact, many ordinary people still have doubts about this game, because the recent server explosion was too sensational, and actually killed millions of people. Although it is now announced that the consciousness of those who died is still in the game world, but whether this is the case, who can make it clear.

However, even so, it has attracted countless people.

Because the published news is too appealing, just relying on the fact that all exercises are true is enough to make countless people rush.

Unlike the general game creation of player characters, "The Ancient World? The Earth" is a complete consciousness entry, that is, it is equivalent to its own complete projection. Because only in this way can we know the true potential of these people. And these people know to what extent they can do it.

Ye Ye is very clear why Bai Yi raised this kind of thing at this time.

All real exercises are definitely not as simple as a whim, the most fundamental reason is to want to make the intelligent life above the solar system's star field quickly become powerful. In other words, Bai Yi appears to be very urgent, including directly forcing Masic to start, so as to understand the power of lv6, Bai Yi is very urgent. And other forces will agree with this, obviously also have the same concerns. Although the current solar system is stable, as the center of the turbulence, it has never been stable.


As soon as the game world opened, countless people entered into it, and then dazed. Because unlike the general game, there is no rookie village in this game. Once they come out, they are all civilians. Almost everything is reality, hunger, fatigue, death... In particular, even death is according to the laws of the real world, death, soul death, or complete death.

Generally speaking, before a special inheritance is obtained, once death is completely destroyed, that is to say, everything is completely lost, and then you can only change your identity and start again from the beginning.

Nima, is this a game? Is it so difficult.

Although there are a lot of complaints, obviously no one will ignore their complaints, because this is the rule of the world itself. This is a game, but it is not a pure game. It is a place where all forces choose and quickly cultivate new blood. Of course, death is under pressure. Otherwise, if you really think of this as a game, you can't cultivate that kind of consciousness.

"Why, why am I still a maid after entering the game?" Guoer shouted angrily into the sky.

"Don't make trouble, pay attention to our identity." Another maid of class B, Shila said.

"Hey, what is our identity?"

"The maidservant of Semiro Manor is responsible for the daily life of the young lady and trains some new people," Shira said.

Guo'er also immediately turned to his data. The maidservant of Semiro Castle: Guoer, the other maidservant was Shira. The owner here is Alice, the British nobleman, the eldest lady of the Alfred family. Except for her and Guoer, most other people are npc automatically generated by the system, using the junior puppet intelligent program of Baiming Building, as long as it is not particularly tricky to compare, it is basically not fake.

And two of them are free people, those who had died in the attack of Mastic before.

One is Asuna and the other is Xuye.

"It's all smart npc, so that's fine, I can do my own thing freely." After reading the information, Guoer suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the sofa without any image.

Shira said nothing, but looked to the other side.


"Well, what are you doing, maidservant's conduct." A clear and majestic voice sounded.

"Yes!" Guo'er was shocked and jumped up immediately.

After a brief reprimand, Miss Alice went out. Then Guoer looked at Shira in amazement: "Why, why am I involuntarily afraid, is she not a smart npc?"

"Fool, look at the name yourself."

"Alice, Alice? Alfred!" Guoer immediately began to think, and after a while, his eyes widened.

Alice? Alfred, is this not the record of Bai Ming Lou, which gathers most of the spirituality of the earth, and finally becomes the Alice who is "Oath? Sword of Bright Rebirth". Oh my god, they were made afterwards, so I haven’t seen Alice, but now I know at a glance, even if I haven’t seen them, they also have a natural respect for Alice.

Okay, they can play casually in the game!

Guo'er wanted to cry without tears, but he didn't dare to say anything to the squad leader. It is estimated that this was specially arranged by the squad leader.

The slightly discouraged Guoer came to the novice maid, preparing to train these new maids. Of course, Guo'er knows that most people are npc, and she doesn't need to pay any attention to it. She only needs to care about it, just that Asuna. In addition to training her, you also need to find an excuse to teach her the lv3 level exercises. After all, this is the compensation that all forces have already decided on.

"Are all the recent maids here?" Guo'er began to speak.

"Yes!" answered all the maids.

Only Asuna standing in it was extremely at a loss, why, why she became a new maid as soon as she woke up. She remembered that she was not in the game of Xigu World before, where is it? Everything around him looked very real, and it was even more real than the ancient world of Xigu. She made her feel that she had crossed it?


"Asuna!" Guoer shouted twice, before Asuna recovered.


"On the first day, I started to be distracted. Don’t bring your habit at home here. For the first time today, I won’t pay a heavy penalty. After a while, Asuna will clean the small library alone. If It will not be so light to commit again in the future." Guoer said.

"Yes, maidservant!" Asuna replied immediately.

It didn't take long for Asuna to be sent to the small library for cleaning after the training. Guo'er secretly looked at Asuna and waited for her to discover the exercise. This is the opportunity that Guoer arranged for Asuna. As long as she enters the small library to clean it, no matter what, she will find a volume of lv3 level exercises. As for what she finds, then I don’t know.


Guo'er said something in her heart, and then waited for Asuna's decision. If she didn't say anything like this, if she practiced, she wouldn't pursue anything. However, it is estimated that she would randomly find an opportunity to let She left the castle and went outside alone.

At this time, Asuna was also very surprised. She didn't expect that she actually found a book of exercises in the small library. The box is gray, but the inside is exquisite and the exercises are very simple.

"Three Flowers"!

Asuna flipped through the previous and immediately found out that this exercise is probably true.

After taking a breath, Asuna closed the exercises and put them in the box. Guoer looked at all this and waited for Asuna's decision. Unexpectedly, Asuna did not hide or practice, but directly found her and handed over Sanhua.

"This set of exercises, I immediately gave it to the lady." Guoer said as a surprise, and then ran towards Alice.


"Hey, how are you there?" Guoer asked Shila in a place where there was no one on the other side.

"Not bad, preliminary qualified." Shira said.

"I am here, too. It's really rare. I thought she would hide it and study by herself. Ah, so I can't be lazy. I also have to choose the right exercises for her and basic teaching." Guoer Said lazily.

"So assign it, what do you teach in "Basic Skills"?" Shira asked.

"Just pull it!"

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