Era of Disaster

Chapter 137: Mutual understanding

After introducing herself, Vera and Alottia waited for Bai Yi's decision. After all, knowledge teaching is now not valued in New Zealand. On the contrary, everyone now pays attention to the ability to survive in the wild. It is for this reason that the two have not found any suitable team. After all, no team is willing to bring two burdens.

"It doesn't matter if you don't fight, you can learn from the beginning. Generally speaking, you don't need to face powerful enemies directly, but you still need self-protection ability. Don't worry about not keeping up with the progress, everyone starts from groping. Yes, you are not even worse than Mo Mo." Bai Yi pointed at Mo Mo with a smile.

"Mo Mo, my daughter, five years old this year, is good at knife surgery, you can see the soul, but you don't like learning."

"Soul!" Alodia and Malvi looked at Mo Mo in amazement.

"I will teach Miss Momo well. In addition, I believe I can keep up with the progress of the fight." Vera did not seem too surprised. As for Bai Yi's proficiency in knife surgery, the two of them are not very familiar, but if even a five-year-old girl can't compare, they shouldn't be confused.

Now everyone knows why Bai Yi chose a teacher, obviously for the development of his own daughter. Although life in New Zealand is now extremely difficult, Bai Yi obviously does not want her daughter to become a female man in this environment. Momo, after hearing Bai Yi's words, immediately embraced Bai Yi's arm and complained. She just doesn't like studying. Is there any way?

After Vera and Alodia introduced themselves, it was Malvi’s turn.

"Cough cough." Malvi pretended to cough twice before finding out that no one had ignored him, so he couldn't help being discouraged.

"My name is Malvi, and I have been with a team before, but once I met a powerful evolutionary creature, which basically disappeared. Only Bonnie and I survived. After that, the two of us didn’t want to join the team to go out and fight with the evolutionary creatures. In order to live a better life, the two of us began to study as a refiner and a pharmacist. At that time, these two occupations were both new and very popular. But I don’t seem to have any talent, and there is no The support of the team is very slow to explore. In fact, I don't understand why Captain Bai Yi invited me to join the team." Malvi said in one breath before waiting for Bai Yi's answer.

"Malvi, don't you know your talent?"


"Talent above the refiner!"

"Now the so-called refiner on Devil Island in New Zealand is not the kind of refiner in the game movie. In fact, it is just a kind of processor, processing the teeth, bones, thick skin and other parts of evolutionary creatures into usable weapons. Armor, it’s not mysterious to put it bluntly. Nowadays, many so-called refiners, but the processing technique is a little better, but the materials are fully used, I have not found any one before." Bai Yi said, withdrawn Sword teeth.

"The sword teeth were polished with the teeth of an evolutionary creature. At that time, they were too hard, so they were corroded by the acid of the sap beast and became brittle and soft. They began to be processed. Although the corresponding agents were later mixed to neutralize this An acid, but in fact, the material of this sword tooth has been destroyed, the hardness and toughness have dropped several times. Moreover, most of the materials are wasted in grinding." Bai Yi took out the sword tooth, Several people explained.

Everyone looked at Bai Yi's sword tooth, which is indeed a very delicate long knife, but just like Bai Yi said, the gloss is not lubricated, like rough, and the blade of the sword tooth In part, even small gaps and cracks appeared.

"Be aware that biomaterials are different from metals. Metals are ductile, so they are easy to process, but most biomaterials can only be polished. Once the shape is changed, they will be broken directly and cannot be connected again, so it will cause great waste. . And you, Malvi!" Bai Yi looked at Malvi solemnly.

"Your weapons are obviously in a way that these biological materials are directly fused, and then condensed into weapons. You have walked in front of all the refiners, don't you know?"

Malvi was dumbfounded, is that true!

"But, my processing is very slow."

"It doesn't matter, weapons are not expensive, if the weapons are good enough, only one handle is enough." Bai Yi sheathed his sword teeth and then looked at Malvi with encouragement.

"I will work hard." Malvi nodded solemnly.

"As for this last one, you are probably not unfamiliar, Raymond the Berserker." Bai Yi pointed to Raymond who was sleeping in bed and said.

"Aren't you worried about his violent madness? Many teams gave up on him for this reason." Vera asked.

"Don't worry, this is the welfare of joining the team. As long as you are in the team, you don't have to worry about entering a violent state unless there are special circumstances." Helois said with a smile.

At this time, Bai Yi pointed at his own eyes. When the three people looked at Bai Yi's eyes, Bai Yi's eyes suddenly changed gradually from their ordinary pupils, slowly, like the same reverse-rotating flower. bloom. The three suddenly felt a slight trance, and immediately turned their heads vigilantly.

"Reverse flower pupil, my ability, has a strong deterrent hypnotic effect. Generally speaking, if you are not mentally strenuous to the extreme, you can currently hypnotize into deep sleep. The information I have published said that it is most needed at this stage. The only thing is to reconcile with the soul, but there is nothing that can be better than deep sleep. The plants that are peaceful and soothing that the outside world is looking for are just a way to make people sleep peacefully." Bai Yi explained.

"By the way, it's not that we deliberately hid the news. It's really useless to say it. The changes in my eyes are due to changes in gene fusion. They are mutations and accidents, so they are not replicable." Bai Yi explained again. Although it doesn’t matter if you don’t explain it, in case a few people think it’s Bai Yi, they deliberately have a way not to tell others.

"Of course, my eyes are not unlimited, so basically, only members of the team can enjoy this treatment. In fact, my eyes have been blind for more than a month because of excessive use." Bai Yi Explained again.

Several of Vera are smart people and immediately understood Bai Yi's words. An ability that only Bai Yi possesses. Others can't learn if they want to learn. Bai Yi can't help others for free. If he rashly tells others, it is just to make them plain jealous of Bai Yi.

"However, this time I have to tell everyone roughly." Bai Yi said softly.

Bai Yi and Gary discussed first to unite all living human beings who are still alive, to find available resources, available talent, and to find ways to return to human form, at least to live in New Zealand. And as a person who connects all people together, it is Bai Yi, because only Bai Yi has this reputation. Of course, Yu Han is also OK, but who knows where Yu Han is now.

As a person who connects all the forces, Bai Yi's exposure will definitely increase, so Bai Yi is ready to announce his basic ability first. Active, more acceptable than passive.

And the ability of Bai Yi's eyes has a sense of salvation. For evolutionary humans who are terribly afraid of violence and fear that they will become irrational monsters forever after falling into violence, is there anything more worth looking forward than Bai Yi's eyes. It can be said that although it is impossible for Bai Yi to help everyone, it gives everyone a hope that even if they fall into a violent situation, they can be restored.

"So, this is Woolf, a big-hearted idiot." Bai Yi said softly, and then began to introduce the others in the team to Vera.

"Hello, this is Woolf." Woolf introduced himself with a rough smile.

Woolf, Hylois, Momo, Shapi, Puff, Chinchilla, Vera, Alotija, Malvi, soon everyone knows each other, from now on, even if they are in a team Member. Of course, it will definitely be a little strange at first, but Bai Yi believes that he can get along well afterwards. As for the Raymond who was asleep, this guy still wants to escape.

"Oh, Malvi, what about Bonnie you said?" Bai Yi asked doubtfully. Just now Malvi said that there was another girl who survived with him. He was groping to become a pharmacist. If he had a good personality, he would of course join the team.

Malvi was silent for a said lowly. "Dead! When I tried medicine, several common plants were mixed and became a deadly poison. When I went to her the next day, I found that she fell into her room. In fact, she was The real genius, the solution I used to fuse the biological material, was prepared by her, but unfortunately..."

Bai Yiwen said that he patted Malvi's shoulder slightly, comforting him.

Now in New Zealand, it is so cruel, any accident will kill you, especially in the profession of pharmacist. Finding suitable agents for formulating drugs in countless mutant plants in New Zealand, without any experience to learn from, relies more on feelings. Therefore, the profession of pharmacist is extremely talented.

"By the way, since they are all a team, you can see now, can you help me repair the sword teeth. Although the backbone is still very hard, but the blade part is already overwhelmed." Bai Yi said, pulling away Mar Dimensional attention.

"I see, it should be repairable, but it would be better if other materials can be added." Malvi took the sword teeth of Bai Yi and carefully checked it for more than ten minutes before he said seriously.

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