Era of Disaster

Chapter 138: Repair sword teeth

Hearing Malvi needed other materials, Helois immediately handed a tooth from the side, the same tooth that Bai Yi had shown him to Malvi before.

"It's really good material, but I think it's best to keep it." Malvi said to Bai Yi after looking at it.

"Teeth are generally divided into enamel, dentin, and pulp... Although this is an evolutionary tooth, it will not break away from this. Relatively speaking, the hardest tooth is the outermost enamel, which The enamel of the tooth is extremely brilliant and brilliant. It can be seen that this is an extremely hard fang that can be easily broken by steel. This material, frankly, is the first time I saw it, it should be very rare. Right." Malvi explained slowly.

"Well, this is the tooth of a dragon-like evolutionary creature, only one!" Bai Yi nodded.

"That's it. Although this tooth looks large, it is not a lot if it is just enamel. I think that instead of wasting a part of it to repair the sword teeth, it is better to dissolve the enamel completely and then build Become a new long knife, that is definitely more suitable. As for the restoration of sword teeth, if there is no other material, then use my gun head."

"That gun head?"

"Yes, the spearhead made of the fangs of the blood scale centipede is completely enough to repair the sword tooth after dissolving, and the material will not be much different. And, in this way, the sword tooth will also bring natural The toxin, once cut, can be very fatal. As for accidental injury, I also have the antidote of the blood scale centipede prepared by Bonnie, otherwise I will not get the teeth of the blood scale centipede." Malvi said Problems in refining and processing have become exciting. Obviously, since this time, it is estimated that he really likes this profession.

"Is it possible to poison the knife, will the prey be contaminated with toxins, not even eaten?" Vera asked.

"No, the blood scale centipede's poison is a hemolytic toxin. It will only work when the trauma penetrates. As long as it is not contacted with a wound, there is generally no problem. As for consumption, it does not matter. In fact, the toxin is plain. It’s just a viral protein serum. After high-temperature cooking, it’s actually not much different from ordinary protein.” Malvi explained immediately.

"In this way, Malvi, you try to see if you can change the sword teeth into a special knife. The toxin is hidden, and only certain stimuli can excite the toxin." Bai Yi said.

"Oh, well, I try, but there is no guarantee that it will be completed." Malvi nodded.

"Then please, Bai Yi handed the sword teeth to Malvi."

"I can't process it here. This is still a problem. Although I joined the team, the refiner usually needs sufficient equipment and space for grinding, dissolving, etc. Although there are not many things in my place , But there are many, it is impossible to follow the team everywhere." Malvi said again.

"Is that so, this is indeed a problem." Bai Yi nodded his head in contemplation.

"Let's take a look at how big your tools are. Since it is a team, it must be together in the future. As for how to arrange it, of course, it will be confirmed after reading it." Bai Yi said.

Bai Yi asked Woolf and Malvi to move the tools over. Although Malvi said that the tools are large, they do not require large-scale machine tools and molds like modern technology. They still rely on manpower. So the two were enough to move things back, at most it was a bit of trouble. Moreover, if Bai Yi went out at this time, it would be more troublesome, so he would not go out.

For others, this time is more familiar with each other.

It didn't take long for the two to move the tools back, and with the power of Woolf now, it was a bit difficult to carry these things, and one can imagine how much they weighed. Grindstone, a kind of hard rock peculiar to Snow Valley, is very convenient for grinding knives. In addition, there are some molds, working tools, and Bai Yi are not very familiar with them. Anyway, they are all tools that Malvi has tossed out and think useful.

"So many, it is really inconvenient to take the hurry, but are these necessary?"

"If you want to polish a good weapon, it is indeed necessary, but if you repair the sword teeth and build another tooth in the early stage, you don't need so much, you only need a sealed container." Malvina A bottle of transparent solvent came out.

"That's it. This is the solvent that Bonnie accidentally formulated. It has a biological acidity that can penetrate bone and make it soft, just like plasticine. Moreover, this change does not destroy the structure of bone, just need After drying for a while afterwards, it will re-condense into a new shape. However, this process is very slow, the harder the bones and teeth, the slower it is. I use the large carrion horn to process, it only takes a day It’s enough, but it took more than two months for the teeth of the blood scale centipede to dissolve the outer periphery and then cast it together.”

"So I said at the beginning, if this sword tooth wants to be processed, it will take at least a year, or a conservative estimate." Malvi explained.

"So get a little more of this solvent, isn't it enough to cast a few more weapons at a time."

"Impossible!" Malvi shook his head.

"When Bonnie prepared this solvent, one of the materials added was my blood. It was just a joke, but I didn't expect it to be like this. So, it is impossible to prepare a large amount of this solvent. And I One of the reasons why I don’t want to join the team is also because of this. It’s not that I don’t trust other people. I’m really afraid of being treated as a blood cow by others, and bleed to distribute this solvent.” Malvi explained, while looking at Bai Yi they.

Bai Yi also looked at Malvi seriously, and of course he understood why.

Everyone is not guilty, he is guilty!

Frankly speaking, in addition to this solvent, Malvi has really no other merits, he will, others will, and better, so Malvi does not want to join other teams. And Malvi told Bai Yi of this news, obviously he really believed in Bai Yi. Trust is mutual, and among them, it is estimated that Bai Yi had told them the reason of the reverse flower pupil.

"Thank you!" Bai Yi nodded to Malvi.

"It doesn't matter, I choose to believe everyone." Malvi smiled before taking out Bai Yi's sword teeth. "It is estimated that it will take more than one month to repair the sword teeth with all your strength, and do you have any plans to cast another fang directly afterwards?"

"It's good to repair the sword teeth, and then help everyone build a suitable long knife. The combat power is not born, and it can also be exercised. The swordsman swordsmen in the movie also started to exercise from an early age. Just right, the team recently It is also summarizing some practical knife skills, everyone learns the best." Bai Yi said.

"So good, but what about the materials?"

"Repair the sword teeth first, and use the materials after they are available. If not, dissolve the other fangs first. Although I usually encounter a lot of materials, it is too much trouble to carry on my body, if it is not the top material , We really don't have much interest to collect." Bai Yi said.

Others couldn't help but feel relaxed. Bai Yi said this, obviously they met a lot of battles along the way, and the pressure was not very great. The general materials were not good for collecting. From this aspect, it also shows Bai Yi's strength, what can be more reassuring than joining a strong team.

"Okay, I'll fix the sword teeth first, and you can start now, but you better collect some animal and plant ingredients for me. I need to prepare a little more of this solvent. In addition, does our team have any plans recently? If I need to travel, then I’ll be ready first.” Malvi nodded.

"I won't be out of the valley for the time being. Gary and I still have something to do. We need to call everyone in the valley to participate." Bai Yi said.

"what's up?"

"In order to make plans for all evolved human beings, to put it simply, it is to mobilize everyone from now on and fight for our future. The specific what should be done, has not yet been fully discussed, but it is estimated that there will be detailed in the near future Planning." Bai Yi explained.

"If this is the case, I can help." Vera said suddenly.


"I'm also good at all kinds of planning. If the evolutionary human beings should return to the peaceful and safe world now, I also have some ideas." Vera said.

"Then it helped a Because of the small number of people, I had to focus on Gary before."

"Does the captain mean that you want to capture all the credit this time?" Vera asked suddenly. Bai Yiwenyan immediately looked at Vera, then shook his head.

"No, but balance. It is undeniable that once this event is initiated, all evolved humans will be brought together, and in this, many people will rise from the bottom to become high-level. I am not opposed to this. This kind of thing, but it does not allow a few people to seek self-interest for themselves at this time. Of course, I am not a noble person. In fact, this kind of thing cannot be prevented completely, but, at least. It must be based on the evolution of human beings for the benefit of everyone." Bai Yi explained slowly.

"Is that true, then I'll think about it." Vera nodded.

"Then please you, of course, Mo Mo's teaching is the same." Bai Yi looked at Mo Mo again. Mo Mo heard the words, immediately holding Bai Yi's thigh, constantly twisting his body, wanting to be coquettish, but unfortunately, Bai Yi is absolutely impossible to compromise at this time. At this time, it is not easy to find a suitable teacher. Teachers like Vera are completely out of luck.

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