Era of Disaster

Chapter 180: Comparison table

One month after Bai Yi and their awakening, the last Becky and others also entered the drowsiness period, but their drowsiness period was much worse, snooze, but could not sleep. m If Bai Yi didn't help, they probably had anxiety disorder. The second batch of Nancy, Alotija and others also woke up occasionally, and then exchanged some things with each other, and went to bed again.

Bai Yi records everything about everyone's changes.

It didn't take long for Nancy, Alottia, and Malvi to enter a long-term deep sleep, and if nothing went wrong, they began to transform. Three months later, the three of them woke up, and Bai Yi quickly asked about the result. Malvi entered LV2, while Nancy and Alotija shook their heads.

"What's going on, you don't seem to be transformed into failure." Bai Yi asked. In the data every night, the probability of incomplete transformation is as high as 62.8%, and it becomes a defective product. And these defective products, although they also have the strength close to LV2, but their heads are not sober.

"How do you say, sister Alodia, how do you feel?" Nancy asked Alodia with a smile.

"Me? It was when I was transformed that I felt like I was missing something, and then I stopped subconsciously." Alottia said.

"Me too." Nancy nodded with a smile.

Malvi heard what the two said, and at first he looked a little happy, and he became quiet. "Is there something missing, I feel it too, there is an unnatural feeling, but I thought it wouldn't matter if I rushed over, so I naturally let the body change. Is it something I am missing?"

"Don't be nervous, you have already entered LV2, and you haven't lost your mind. What will be worse?" Bai Yi relieved.

"So how do you feel now, can you control your own state?" Bai Yi asked the two women again. In the experimental data of the night, the transformation is passive and uncontrollable.

"Okay, there is a feeling that I want to break through, but as long as I control it subconsciously, it seems that this state can be suppressed." Nancy replied, and at this time, Alottia also nodded.

"That's it, then record it." Then, Bai Yi took out a notebook.

"I'll come, Uncle Bai." Alodia said to Bai Yi immediately. And Nancy smiled and looked at Bai Yi: "Why are you doing this kind of thing, others?"

"Hahaha, I want to give it to others, but it is not suitable. There were only five people who entered the LV2 metamorphosis period before-me, Momo, Woolf, Shapi, poo, who do you think I gave them? Becky, do they, although it works, but I don’t think it’s possible for me to have the most intuitive feelings if I didn’t enter LV2 in person, so I started by myself.” Bai Yi explained with a smile.

"But since you all said so, Alotija, you can help record and organize it." Bai Yi handed the notebook to Alodija. In the New City of Christ, Alotiya has been similar to Secretary Bai Yi for a long time, helping to organize some things.

"Okay!" Alodia nodded.

Although Becky and others have entered the sleepiness period, their sleep is not very deep, so soon, a group of people who have not been together for a long time will gather together. After hearing that Nancy and Alodia felt that something was missing, and actively gave up to stop the transformation, all four of Becky took it seriously. Their situation is worse than that of Nancy. They even need Bai Yi to help hypnotize during the sleepiness period in order to ensure a good deep sleep.

Soon, Malvi who entered LV2, like Bai Yi, began to explore his own changes. Of course, because Bai Yi had already figured out some of them, Malvi certainly looked at the information that Bai Yi had compiled.

After such an attempt, everyone immediately saw the difference.

Although they all entered LV2, Malvi can control much less energy than Bai Yi at the same time, and the control level is not very good. In order to more intuitively compare, Alodia even made a table, which is more clear, so that after comparison, everyone will notice what is wrong.

Bai Yi: The total content of heterogeneous energy, the rate of heterogeneous energy mobilized at the same time is the maximum rate. At the rate of consumption, when the heterogeneous energy is consumed to the left and right, Bai Yi will feel tired, and the rate of heterogeneous energy that can be smoothly mobilized begins to weaken. Until the energy consumption reaches around, it is the limit of Bai Yi. It is obvious that there are different kinds of energy in the body, but mentally, he can't use the slightest. At that time, Bai Yi's spirit was extremely exhausted.

Of course, Alottia’s table is relatively simple, everything is based on Bai Yi, and then the measurement is done on other people.

Bai Yi: total amount, fluency rate, maximum rate, normal consumption, maximum consumption, awareness.

Momo: total volume, fluency rate, maximum rate, normal consumption, maximum consumption, awareness.

Sharpei: total amount, fluency rate 95, maximum rate, normal consumption, maximum consumption, sense 95.

Poo Poo: total volume, fluency rate, maximum rate, normal consumption, maximum consumption, awareness.

Woolf: total amount, fluency rate, maximum rate, normal consumption, maximum consumption, awareness.

Malvi: total volume, fluency rate, maximum rate, normal consumption, maximum consumption, awareness.

All the data are all sorted out and converted by Alotiya according to the different circumstances of each person. Perhaps this table is not very accurate, but the general situation will certainly not be much different. With this form, you can know the difference of everyone at a glance, and then Malvi immediately knows what he is missing.

The total content of heterogeneous energy, and the difference in perception!

If Bai Yi and all five of them entered the LV2 metamorphosis, then Malvi’s behavior was a bit risky and was successfully transformed.

Consciousness is Bai Yi’s new measure during this period, which is used to measure the total amount, rate, etc. that he can mobilize heterogeneous energy. Now Bai Yi, of course, hasn't distinguished the sense of consciousness in such a detailed way, but anyone can see the difference between the six people at a glance. Malvi is a bit worse than Bai Yi and they are five.

At this time, Alodia again expressed his conclusions.

Perfect transformation-from the fusion of active cells, it has been constantly reconciling with the soul. When the transformation occurs, it will come naturally, without any hindrance. And this transformation can also strengthen the heterogeneous energy that can be stored by itself and the sense of consciousness to the individual perfect value.

The so-called individual perfect value is because everyone has differences. For example, Momo has a small body, and the content of heterogeneous energy is obviously small. Woolf is big, but everyone knows that his mind is simple. Although the total amount is three times that of Mo Mo, his sense of perception is much worse.

Forced transformation-Harmony with the soul is not very good, but forced transformation succeeds. The total content of heterogeneous energy, as well as awareness, etc., are not perfect, leaving a regret.

Metamorphosis failed (alive)-LV2.1 inferior defective metamorphosis, the strength must be much stronger than the previous LV1, but the sanity is not very clear.

Metamorphosis failure (death)-death is dead, of course there is nothing to say.

Bai Yi and the five of them have basically been together since the beginning of the fusion of active cells. No, it should be said that Bai Yi has awakened the pupils and started to be together. At that time, it was still a period of binge eating. From that time, everyone began to enter deep sleep under the hypnosis of Bai Yi to reconcile.

Nancy, Malvi, and Alodia joined the team only after Bai Yi entered the snow valley. Bai Yi became more cocooned and slept for more than half a year. In this comparison, the gap is obvious.

If you want to make a perfect transformation, it is estimated that you need to continue to reconcile the soul from the beginning. If you don’t do anything, it must be like the experimental body in the research institute, and the data there every night, the probability of failure reaches 62.8%.

"Does perfect transformation have to start with the reconciliation of the soul from the beginning?" Becky and others asked. Now everyone's differences are so intuitive, if they can, they certainly want to make a perfect transformation.

"I don’t know, but I don’t think it will be so difficult. The experimental body in the institute can’t even suppress its own changes, but can only passively transform. Nancy and Alortia Can already suppress their own changes, and control not to change, maybe, there are some ways to make up for it." Bai Yi said.

"What method?" Roman and Ulysses couldn't help but eagerly ask As a man, of course they are more concerned about this matter, because it is obviously related to their future strength.

"Sorry, I don't know." Bai Yi spread his hands.

Roman and Ulysses couldn't help but feel very disappointed, but at this time, Bai Yi indicated that they should not be nervous. "I will try to help you reconcile the difference between your soul and you. Even if you can't enter the perfect reconciliation, but at least you must reach the level of the three of Malvi, so that you can control your own transformation and keep yourself at a critical point."

"What's the use?"

"Of course it puts you at the critical point of the LV1-3 sleepiness period, and then finds a way to make up for it later. We can show something, and others can also show something. Maybe, now, there are already a lot of things outside Way." Bai Yi said, then looked away.


The explosion of active cells was at the same time. The ecological changes of Bai Yi and his group of evolutionary creatures and humans are actually not very different. It has been more than a year since Bai Yi entered the Arrowsmith Mountains. Since Becky started to enter the drowsiness period, the outside world and other people should be similar.

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