Era of Disaster

Chapter 181: Energy properties

"Absolute life field exists in the body, but it can bloom vaguely outside the body, with a distance of one centimeter to ten centimeters from the surface. M The role of the absolute life field can control substances to a certain extent in addition to driving energy. The substances everyone controls, Due to personal differences, it looks a bit different." Bai Yi said slowly.

At this time, in Bai Yi's hands, a circle of transparent air was slowly turning.

Alottia was next to it, of course, nothing could be seen, but Bai Yi walked over, and her right hand was about to touch her cheek, but she didn't really touch it. Alodia's face suddenly turned red, but at this time, Alodia felt a slight wind blowing from the palm of Bai Yi's palm. At this time, Alodia realized what Bai Yi said just now.

The role of the absolute life field-1 drive energy, 2 control matter!

Alodia quickly recorded Bai Yi's present. Of course, now that Bai Yi hasn't seen them yet, another role of the absolute life field is also the most important role. The absolute field ensures that its own various components are not controlled. But even so, being able to show this during this time is already amazing.

During the metamorphosis period, each person's soul, energy, consciousness, and absolute life field are undergoing different partial changes.

For now, only Bai Yi has the most rapid changes. Bai Yi's energy has been slightly different from the common heterogeneous energy. In addition, Bai Yi's absolute life field can already simply control objects, and what Bai Yi can control is air. Although this control is still slight, Bai Yi has gradually speculated that he is partial. However, Bai Yi is not sure that he is completely in control of the air. It seems that there are other changes.

As for others, the changes are equally obscure and difficult to understand, and can only rely on their own feelings and speculation.

Woolf-The name of the energy is not yet determined, but now it can be seen how much the nature of Woolf energy. A strong protective ability seems to increase Woolf's defense, making his hard armor become tougher, but not difficult to move. As long as the power of injury does not exceed the upper limit of energy protection in Woolf, basically Woolf will not be injured.

Because of this, Woolf is now fighting more and more violently.

Sharpei-It seems that the two heads are respectively in control of different energy properties, but because of the short time, the distinction is not particularly clear. But even so, everyone can see that Shapi's attack power is ridiculously strong, and a claw tears, and the destructive power is amazingly powerful.

Momo-There was a symptom long ago, the soul is partial, and the specific attributes cannot be tested at all. Speaking of which, although the amount of heterogeneous energy in Momo is not a lot, the values ​​such as sense control are the highest among all. These data make people have to sigh. The drop of mother's blood obtained by Mo Mo was absolutely precious.

Malvi-The energy genus has already appeared. If there is no accident, it should be high-temperature energy. Now it is close to sixty or seventy degrees. If you accidentally touch it, you will feel a slight burning.

Puff-puff-this guy is still lazy, the energy is completely absent, and I don't know what it looks like.

After Bai Yi finished speaking, he practiced knife surgery again by the lake. Finally, Bai Yi held the red kiss, and the heterogeneous energy gradually flowed into the red kiss from the body. The already sharp red kiss appeared even more strange. Bai Yi can see that this is the state that Malvi said before. Under this state, hemolytic toxicity on the venom of blood scale centipedes can be stimulated.

"Meow!" Jin Jila suddenly yelled, rushed out from the side, and rushed to the crab on the water.

But the crab suddenly sank into the water and quickly crawled into the cave. Jinjila fluttered in the water for a few moments, then climbed up, her face full of frustration. It failed again, when can I eat the steamed big crab that Bemira said. It's a pity that Bai Yi didn't seem to want to intervene, otherwise he would have caught it already.

Bai Yi and Alodia looked straight at each other. They had shown this big crab long ago, but they did not intend to interfere in the junior's hunting operations. Moreover, Bai Yi can see that this crab is quite smart.

When Bai Yi returned, Mo Mo was sitting on a shabby balcony, holding a book and reading quietly. Next to Momo, Shapi lies quietly on the ground. Momo now has a quiet and noble temperament, of course, when it is quiet. After Vera's death, it seems that he agreed with Vera's soul. Momo has now begun to learn.

"Dad!" Mo Mo glanced at Bai Yi.

"Well." Bai Yi nodded and sat down.

Seeing Momo's black long knife on the table, Bai Yicai smiled. How can a normal girl always carry a long knife on her body, but at this time, it is indeed inseparable from this thing.

"Is Woolf still haunting Malvi?" Bai Yi poured himself a cup of tea and asked.

"Well, Uncle Woolf wants Uncle Malvi to make a new heavy chopper for him. Uncle Malvi has agreed, saying that as long as he has the materials, he will be pulled to hunt." Mo Mo nodded. "If you are threatened, if you don't go, just pull out your fangs as material." Mo Mo thought for a while, then added.

"Hahahaha." Bai Yiwen said with a smile, even Alotija next to him could not help but endure.

Woolf's heavy chopper is worthy of the heaviest material, and there has not been much damage until now. But now, it is not suitable for Woolf. After all, the heavy chopper was made of metal, and Woolf soon showed that when he held the chopper, heterogeneous energy could not flow into the chopper. Bai Yi and Mo Mo have no such obstacles. The result of the final thinking is of course due to the material problem.

The heavy chopper is an alloy, while Bai Yi and Mo Mo's long knives are made of biological materials. These materials contain active cells, so they can conduct different kinds of energy. So after Woolf's own chopper was eliminated, he only helped Malvive build a new weapon.

Bai Yi didn't ask Woolf where they had gone, they were already LV2, and their strength was not carefully protected by Bai Yi.

"When they come back, let's go out." Bai Yi said to Mo Mo. Although this valley is still safe, no one knows whether there will be any accidents, so under normal circumstances, Bai Yi will not leave them all, they will be guarded. Today Momo and Shapi guard outside, so Momo didn't go out.


"Other people's weapons should also be changed. If you have a chance, start now." Bai Yi said.

"Okay!" Mo Mo nodded immediately.


The big crab awaits Bai Yi's arrival every day, and then carefully looks at Bai Yi's knife technique in the water. But this time the big crabs waited for three days in a row. After not seeing Bai Yi, they finally felt a little wrong.

In fact, the big crab himself knew that Bai Yi had already peeped aside, but Bai Yi didn't pay attention to it. However, Bai Yi's disregard does not mean that other people ignore it. Bemira and Jinjira never forget to take this big crab and make a steamed crab or something. After they didn't show up for a long time, Xie Baiyi finally found the courage, climbed up from the lake, and gradually looked towards the mountain side.

When the big crab came into the cave carefully, he finally confirmed that there was no one here.

Are you gone, that group of humans!

The big crab felt a little frustrated and crawled slowly towards the outside. Suddenly, the big crab suddenly saw the mural on the wall, which was the interest of Jinjila when he was bored. Bai Yi asked Bemira to develop a more powerful knife technique than the Great Shock Wave. As a result, Bemira was thinking in a mess. Jinjila also took these swords on the mountain wall.

This is what came... An ancient cave with a set of peerless martial arts on it.

Jinjila actually knew nothing about it, but Jinjila itself had the habit of grinding her paws, so it should be by the way. Anyway, Jinjila was very happy at the time. But at this time, the big crab was seriously looking at the scattered murals on the wall, and then began to slowly dance his crab legs.


When Bai Yi and they left again, it was already another half a year later. At this time, it was already July, and more than four years had passed since the active cells exploded.

Everyone recalled these four years, and they were very emotional. It was a completely unimaginable experience in a peaceful era.

In addition to the original Bai Yi five and Malvi, other people were not surprised, all stuck at the critical point of the drowsiness period, the edge of transformation. In this way, everyone just went out again to see what New Zealand has become after more than a year, and look for ways to make up for it.

Now the members of the team are 1 Bai Yi, 2 Mo Mo, 3 Woolf, ④ Shapi, ⑤ Poo Poo, 6 Malvi, ⑧Alotija, ⑨Beiqi, ⑩ Bemira, Roman, Ulises, Jinguila. A total of 13 members, nearly half of them have entered LV2, the strength is far from comparable before. Of course, Bai Yi also believes that the outside world is also changing more dangerously than before.

After more than a year, Devil Island has become more worthy of the name. Becky's sleepiness period is over, indicating that New Zealand's first batch of living cell-fused organisms also spent half of their sleepiness period and then began to metamorphose. In the research institute, the probability of metamorphosis failure reached 62.8%, becoming a defective product. The key is that these defective products are only unclear in consciousness, only knowing the killing, growth, and strength, but the level of absolute LV2 is much more violent than before.

Bai Yi didn't go far, they met this LV2 creature several times. Of course, Bai Yi didn't need to do anything basically. After not having to worry about getting into a violent situation, the aggressive nature of Woolf and Shapi was completely ignited.

For the new weapon, Woolf did not choose the heavy chopper, but chose the glove!

Covering the back of the hand, revealing a few sharp claw buckle gloves, plus Woolf's own claws, once caught, as long as Woolf does not let go, the opponent basically has no room to break free. With the defensive energy of Woolf, it is simply tailor-made.

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