Era of Disaster

Chapter 240: The first LV three?

No one came to persuade Momo, because everyone knows that this is not a problem that can be figured out in a short time. Momo is different from them. They grew up in the world of ordinary people, and a worldview has been formed. The gray world, even if it is not exposed to black, does not hinder everyone's understanding of that world. Although Momo was born in Devil's Island, the people around her are all people who love her. They have never been exposed to the complexity of society, so they can't understand this indifference and cruelty.

The sky gradually darkened, and Mo Mo sat alone on the rock by the lake, watching the deep reflection in the lake water. Behind the mountain peak, Bai Yi was sitting on a tree, quietly looking at Momo by the lake. And farther away, Alodia is Bai Yi looking at the top of the mountain.


What a difficult feeling!

This world is indeed gray, but it is a blend of two colors. While seeing black, it also has a world of white sunlight. Bai Yi's indulgence in Mo Mo, Alodia's crush on Bai Yi, and more... Bai Yi just said what he should say, how Momo chooses and how he chooses, Bai Yi does not intend to force arrangements. Mo Mo's path should be taken by herself, not always supported by him.

"What Momo will look like." For a long time, Alodia came up and asked Bai Yi.

"I don't know!" Bai Yi was silent for a while before saying something.

In fact, this problem is not only Alortia's curiosity, but others are also very curious. If it is a normal child, because of the complexity of the world, at Momo's age, you know a lot. But Devil Island has a special environment here, so Mo Mo rarely touches on the issues of human mind and human nature. And now, the first choice is such an important transformation. The most important thing is that Mo Mo is not an ordinary person. The stronger the power, the greater the impact of each choice on the world.

Overnight, just like this.

Mo Mo was still sitting on the rock by the lake, looking at his reflection in the lake water. Momo looks very strange, because Momo has now restored the appearance of human beings, and he is very cute. But Momo is more accustomed to his non-human appearance for a long time. Do not know when to start, Mo Mo looked at the reflection in the lake water and became enchanted. Gradually, the lake water is gradually rippling. The reflection in the lake water in Mo Mo's heart gradually becomes his original appearance.

This look is constantly changing in Mo Mo's mind. With Mo Mo's emotions, countless looks have evolved.

Calm: peaceful everyday!

Warm: Dad's doting and everyone's care!

Joy: teasing Shapi and poo, and playing with Jinjila, no matter how big or small!

Proud: When I beat Dad for the first time and got his praise.

Fear: Seeing various monsters has a powerful impact on young hearts.

Sadness: When friends such as Sarah and Vera passed away in front of themselves, they faced the tragic sorrow when they faced the pain.

Disgust: I hate Yu Han from the bottom of my heart, because he is the one who makes everyone part with life and death.

Surprise: The first time I saw the magnificent and vast world, the first time I smelled a giant stink bullet, the first time...

Guilt: When she saw that the evolutionary creatures she brought back were undergoing experiments, the kind of resentment in her eyes, she felt deeply guilty.

look forward to:……

All kinds of emotions seem to be clearly reflected in the reflection in the water, and then reflected in Mo Mo's mind. I don't know when it started, Mo Mo's eyes were out of focus, as if he had only his original appearance in his mind. And the reflection Moss is constantly changing and merging in Moss mind, everything is Moss own real side.

The next day, Mo Mo still didn't move on the rocks by the lake, and everyone felt not right. Isn't it right? Just because of this problem, can Mo Mo's injury sink to this extent. Everyone was extremely curious about this issue, but Bai Yi didn't say anything, and they weren't good to go in first.

In fact, Bai Yi is also wondering, his daughter is not so vulnerable, is she still entangled in this issue?

Bai Yi stood up. When everyone thought that Bai Yi would continue to persuade Mo Mo, Bai Yi did not move, and stood on the cliff, watching Mo Mo from the mountain peak.

The next day, the weather was gloomy and it began to rain.

On the third day, it was raining heavily, and it seemed like it was almost freezing to death outside. At this time, Bai Yi thought that there was something wrong with Mo Mo, but this time, Mo Mo's side, 21 Mayfly may float out, slowly whirl with a quiet light in the rainy night. Bai Yi finally refrained, and beside Mo Mo, there were a few of them. If Mo Mo really had any problems, Vera would definitely come to tell him. However, Bai Yi did not know that at this time, Vera and they seemed to have been subjected to some invisible suppression, and they could not appear at all.

The soul is surrendered and fearful to Momo's natural birth!

"Uncle Bai, you have a rest, I'll watch it." Alodia persuaded.

"No, I will stay here." Bai Yi shook his head. Bai Yi didn't know if he was correct. Perhaps Mo Mo had an abnormality already. He should have awakened Mo Mo, but Bai Yi didn't do it, just let it happen naturally. . Since Bai Yi chose to let Mo Mo change, he also chose to stay beside Mo Mo, one step at a time.

On the fourth day...

On the 30th day...

The second month...

Sixth month...

At this time, everyone already knew that Momo must have changed, but he didn't know what had changed.

Momo sat quietly by the lake for more than half a year, and Bai Yi was also at the mountain peak. He had been watching Momo for more than half a year and never left. For more than half a year, Mo Mo and Bai Yi haven't eaten anything, and they don't even have time to fall asleep. Everyone thinks that Bai Yi must be crazy, but unexpectedly, King R is very curious about the state of Bai Yi and Mo Mo.

Even the evolved humans, Bai Yi and Mo Mo also became very weak at this time. Every time it rained, every time the sunlight, the body sucked the precious nectar greedily. But what everyone didn't notice was that after these six months, Bai Yi's eyes became deeper and deeper, and Mo Mo's eyes lost their focus completely, like empty holes.

It was another violent heavy rain. With a click, a burst of thunder suddenly fell from the sky and fell to the lake. Mo Mo seemed to be awakened. His eyes finally changed, and he slowly extended his right hand toward the front.

A buzz!

Mo Mo's body seemed to be broken, and it bloomed instantly! The already decaying clothes suddenly became powder. Mo Mo's petite, dry body was suspended in the air, her hair fluttering. At this time, the two Soul Release Pendants on Mo Mo's chest suddenly shattered, and all the souls flew out, forming the form of mayfly spirits, flying continuously around Mo Mo. And starting from Momo's body, all animal plants began to die and wither!

At this time, all the people in the institute felt as if something had swept through, and they looked in Momo's direction with amazement.

After those people came out, they just saw this amazing scene. Within a few hundred meters, countless mayfly spirits continue to dance and dance beautifully, but within this range, all vitality is completely cut off from the general silence. At the very center is the body's Momo, but no one has the slightest blasphemous expression, but it is extremely shocked, completely stunned.

The dance of the undead is dead and poignant!

"Dad!" Mo Mo glanced at Bai Yi above the mountain, said a word, and then fell directly to the ground. The original mayfly spirits, like a hundred birds returning to the nest, have entered Mo Mo's body.

Bai Yi stood up early when Momo changed. At this time, he flew down from the mountain and hugged the fallen Momo in an instant. Bai Yi glanced at Mo Mo and found that Mo Mo's small face was dry because he didn't eat for a long time, but it revealed a serene atmosphere.

"Uncle Bai!" Alodia also quickly ran over, handed a dress, and put it on Momo's body.

"Take care of her!" Bai Yi collapsed after she finished speaking.

Seeing Bai Yi fall was in a hurry again. Others also started to take action, and quickly took Bai Yi and Mo Mo back to the institute. Of all the people, only King R and his student Cheryl still stay in this place. r thoughtfully looked at the place where Mo Mo had stayed before, and walked over to carefully look at the withered plants.

"Lv3, how did it break through!"

That's right, Mo Mo's changes, anyone at first glance knows that it is a breakthrough into lv3. But how did it break through, and what does lv3 represent, it is not so easy to think clearly. Is it just sitting on the lake for half a year? Of course it won't be this simple, but it obviously needs to wait for Mo Mo to wake up before he can get the answer.


After Bai Yi and Mo Mo collapsed, Nancy immediately gave the two warm preparations they had prepared. I have been hungry for more than half a year, and I can imagine how much the two of them have dried up. If it were not for them to enter lv2 now, they would not be ordinary people anymore. It is estimated that dozens of people would have starved to death.

At this time, Betsy sent out the others and quickly got the ingredients. All the ingredients were captured back. Look, when Bai Yi and Mo Mo wake up, that appetite will definitely scare a bunch of people.

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