Era of Disaster

Chapter 241: ◆【Level 3: Blooming】

Everyone thought Bai Yi would sleep for a long time. After all, Bai Yi and Mo Mo did not eat, drink or rest for half a year. m did not expect that in just one day, the two woke up one after another, and then rushed into the hall with a smell. At this time, Betsy and Bemira had already prepared a lot of food for warming the stomach, and they were waiting for Bai Yi to wake up.

"Hungry too long, you need to start warming your stomach with mild food."

"Don't eat too much, take care of it for two days." Becky said. Bai Yi and Mo Mo are very obedient. Although they are madly clamoring for hunger now, Betsy is a professional chef, and the nutritional mix is ​​definitely the best among all people. Nancy also came to help Bai Yi and Mo Mo, mainly on the body. After the unanimous decision of Nancy and Becky, Bai Yi and Mo Mo took care of them for three days before letting them eat and drink.

Even though it was known for a long time that the appetite of the two would be amazing, after three days, when Bai Yi and Mo Mo let their appetite go, they still scared everyone. I'm going. Is this really a human? During the binge eating period, it's not as good as Bai Yi and Mo Mo. Fortunately, Becky had to prepare food the day Mo Mo woke up, otherwise it would not be enough. It's terrifying. Bai Yi and Mo Mo both have great teeth. Let alone ordinary food, they even chewed on their bones.

In the end, Becky and Bemira, who were cooking, were exhausted to death.

Once not knowing how much to eat, Bai Yi and Mo Mo finally hiccupped. Bai Yi and Mo Mo now look very weak, and their bodies are as thin as dry wood, but their spirits are very good.

"Finally come alive." Bai Yi exhaled.

"Due deserves, who told you to not care about your body so much." Alodia blamed.

"Dad." Mo Mo came over and embraced Bai Yi in attachment. Mo Mo entered a weird state at that time. It seemed to be asleep, and it seemed to be a deep indulgence, but he knew everything around him. Bai Yi has been waiting for her for half a year in the mountain peak not far away, Mo Mo has always known.

"Although it is not appropriate to disturb you at this time, I still want to ask, did Miss Momo enter LV3?" King R came in from the outside and asked. This question, from the day when Mo Mo was awake, everyone was curious.

Mo Mo heard a glance at King R, and the cold in his eyes instantly tightened King R's body.

"Last time, Dad asked me to figure out what to do!" Mo Mo said.

"I can't understand it for the time being. My father said that my experience is different from that of the average person, and my understanding of the world is also one-sided. My father didn't say that I should change, and I didn't want to change. I still hate your indifference to life. I have also killed many creatures, but I feel that we are completely different. But since Dad stopped me at that time, then I will not pursue this matter." Mo Mo said.

Is disregard for life different!

Eleanor closed his eyes slightly, and the researcher could dismember a living creature without changing his heart. The kind of indifference is indeed unmatched by the butcher.

"Then it will be fine. Let's start to talk about the problem of LV3. You don't need to detect it. Miss Mo, you feel your own changes and let us know how LV3 is different."

King R didn't seem to care about Mo Mo's words just now, as if he didn't know that he had walked on the dark path. No, it's not that I don't know, but I don't care. Everyone has understood this time. King R is a pure researcher. There is only one thing of curiosity, the exploration of unknown things. As for the exploration of this process, whether the content is moral, whether it violates the law, or whether it violates human nature, are not considered by this guy.

"I still need to feel it carefully!" Mo Mo replied.

King R nodded, this girl is still very good. One thing is one thing. Since the previous incidents of the experimental body have been said not to be investigated, then as long as you do not touch Mo Mo's restricted area again, you will not be entangled in this matter.


Bai Yi and Mo Mo took care of it for a month, and the body gradually recovered to a healthy state. And this month, Momo, as the only LV3 here, has also expressed his feelings.

"Bloom?" Bai Yi asked suspiciously.

"Well, what did I say at the time, my absolute life field and consciousness strength reached a critical point, which can mobilize the heterogeneous energy of the whole body in an instant. At that moment, it is natural that the absolute life field breaks through the constraints of the body , Blooming towards the outside like an explosion, spreading out of the body." Mo Mo thought back seriously.

"Now, how does it feel different?"

"In the scattered life field, I can control my energy freely. It seems that I am slowly assimilating the heat energy in the air. By the way, I seem to be able to feel everyone's soul..." Mo Mo carefully Feeling his own changes, stretched out his hand to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi suddenly felt a sudden palpitation, as if something was pulled by something.

"Ah!" Mo Mo suddenly called out.

"what happened?"

"Just now I seem to be able to control my father's soul." Mo Mo said in surprise. In fact, Bai Yidu was also surprised. The palpitations in the moment just now apparently Mo Mo touched his soul.

"Controlling the soul?"

Bai Yi suddenly thought of the fact that when he and those ordinary soldiers fought, both he and Pirosi had already appeared, and could control the composition of ordinary people's bodies. Later, after testing, they are indeed the case, but they only need to pass through the transmission of the absolute life field to control the components in other people's bodies. Now Mo Mo's life field blooms outside the body, not to say that Mo Mo can control other people's souls in a wide range.

After finding a few new creatures on Devil's Island, Momo tried it. Sure enough, Momo could pull out their souls directly through the life field within the range of nearly 100 meters. For those who entered LV2 and possessed an absolute life field, Momo was very laborious to control.

"By the way, that day I saw all those souls ran into your body, what is going on?" Bai Yi asked.

"It's that fruit. It's like the soul wood. It has a huge space suitable for the life of the soul. If the spirit wood is a small piece, then the space inside this fruit doesn't know how big. Right dad The butterflies are also inside. They are not dead. Not long ago, my six soul-eating butterflies also entered, and have returned to the ethnic group." Mo Mo said, raising his right hand.

Everyone looked at it and suddenly flew countless spirit-eating butterflies from Mo Mo's right hand, dancing in the sunlight. Mo Mo ran up and jumped and laughed with these little butterflies. Bai Yi smiled at the back, and Mo Mo was still a child.

Soon, these materials were summarized, the process of LV2 entering LV3 is called-bloom!

And LV3, named-life stage!


◆【Third Level: Bloom】!

Bloom-Absolute life field broke through the limit and expanded beyond the body.

Conditions for blooming-the absolute life field and awareness reach a certain intensity. There is no direct test method for the strength of the absolute life field in the early days, so the criterion for judging whether the absolute life field reaches bloom is that the absolute life field and the strength of consciousness can support yourself to mobilize all the energy of the body in an instant.

The bloom is only related to the absolute life field and the strength of consciousness, and it can bloom regardless of whether the metamorphosis reaches the limit.

Of course, generally speaking, as long as the metamorphosis limit is reached, it can definitely bloom, which itself is a natural stage of life evolution. Those who are lack of metamorphosis, even if they forcefully bloom successfully, compared with other metaphysical limits of life, there are still great deficiencies. And this biggest deficiency is the shortage of life field.


Life Field-The extension of the absolute life field outside the body.

Through the absolute life field, creatures can actively mobilize and control the different energy in the body. However, once these heterogeneous energies penetrate the body, they cannot be controlled and can only be dispersed in a natural state. Bloom is to transmit the absolute life field outside the body as a carrier of energy transfer, so that the evolutionary organism can also control its own energy outside the body.

Life with insufficient metamorphosis, narrow life field range, slow energy transmission, and sparse energy control at the same time are all gaps.

The role of the life field:

1 Substance control.

Just like putting a piece of metal in the magnetic field of a magnet, it will be subjected to the same magnetic force. Evolutionary creatures can also control certain objects within the scope of the life field. Because of the different life fields, the controlled objects are also different.

Pan-material control, including earth, liquid, air, sand, rock, metal, blood...etc.

Precise material control, including the control of a single object, such as iron, nitrogen, etc.

Whether it is pan-material control or precise material control, it will consume different kinds of energy in the body. Even if it behaves very well, the behavior of these control objects still follows the law of conservation of energy, and as much work is done as much energy is consumed.

Material control can generally only control the material in the space ~ ~ has no effect on the body in the individual's absolute life field. Absolute life field means inviolable, but it is not included in some special cases.

What Mo Mo controls is-soul!

2 Energy conduction and control.

The transmission of energy requires a medium and the existence of a life field, so that the energy of evolved organisms can be transmitted through the life field and controlled in vitro at the same time.

For example: if the high-heat energy of the evolutionary organisms of the flame system is naturally dissipated outside the body, it will form a natural combustion shape, but if controlled, it can form unnatural forms such as fireballs and firebirds.

3 Assimilation absorbs energy.

The source of heterogeneous energy used to be only the transformation of active cells, but when the life field blooms outside the body, with the assimilation ability of the life field, the evolutionary life can directly assimilate energy from the outside world. The more it matches its own energy, the faster it is absorbed.

The life field generally has the above three functions, but it will be somewhat biased and inclined to a certain aspect. However, it is precisely because of this partiality that the battle is more flexible and exciting.

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