Era of Disaster

Chapter 402: Body

Under the tentacle of a tentacle, the servant's strength was not weak, so he evaded away in a hurry. M But in the next moment, Genero suddenly looked in his direction, his mouth wide open invisibly. The servant's flexible body stayed in place as if it were sluggish, and then several other tentacles fell instantly.

"Sir Hewitt!"

At this time, the people from Western Australia shouted in amazement, but Hewitt was close to Jerono. How could Jerono suddenly attack Hewitt.

Several tentacles were instantly inserted from all angles, and the blue and black flames splashed down along with the ground, burning slowly. The dust and flame of the dust gradually rose, and everyone on Western Australia was dumbfounded. After killing Hewitt, Jeniro didn't seem to stop, he snarled painfully, and rushed towards the group again. Although the body is huge, this guy seems to be against gravity and flew out instantly.

"It's a bit bad!" Bellulu said stupidly when he saw Genero flying over.

"Hurry up!" Yaohong said immediately.

This sentence simply said the voice of everyone. No matter who they were, all of them ran away frantically, fearing to be caught up by this guy. Everyone can see that Genero is now out of control and has no complete consciousness at all. Continue to stay in this place, it is just to death. Although Genero's body is very large now, but the speed is faster, it is almost like a teleport, and soon chased behind a person.

With a snort, this guy was directly caught by a tentacle and pulled into the transparent body.

"Ahhhh!" the guy screamed back in fright, but all the attacks were completely invisible in the foamy body. Soon, this guy had no spare power to fight back, and the strong pressure directly squeezed this guy's body, and then muscles and blood gradually penetrated into the transparent body of Genero.

Seeing this scene, Bellulu was taken aback.

Not only was Bellu Lu shocked, but others were also scared to death. Is this kind of death a bit too bloody? At this time, Bai Yi was looking at Genero's movements in the sky, thinking slightly, this guy would not absorb the flesh and blood of other people to build a body.

Soon, two more slow-moving guys were caught in and instantly squeezed into flesh.

After absorbing the flesh and blood of several people in a row, everyone saw it. The monster that Jeniro changed was really absorbing the flesh and blood of other people to build his own body.

Bai Yi stepped under his feet and was about to take the two men of Belulu and Humphries to avoid this place, but suddenly, Bai Yi saw Hewitt who was the first to be attacked. This guy's lower body disappeared completely from the waist, and it was probably absorbed by Genero. However, even if this guy did not die completely, the powerful vitality of active cells left him a breath.

Maybe, this guy knows something.

"Tell me, what is Genero?" Bai Yi asked, falling down.

"Look, think, technique!" Hewitt was dying at this time, and there was nothing to hide. He directly explained the reason. However, he said it too simply. After three words, he swallowed directly.


Bai Yi frowned in his heart, whether visualisation had this drawback, or was Genero the exception. Bai Yi pushed Hewitt's body into a big pit, then took a Soul Release Pendant from his body and dropped it on it. After burying Hewitt, Bai Yicai chased forward. Bai Yi did this because he hoped that Hewitt’s soul would be preserved, and later he would ask Momo to control his soul and ask, maybe he could know the real reason.

At this time, all talents knew how strong Genero was, and as long as they were caught up, almost no one escaped. At this time, everyone discovered that the more people who ran together, the more fierce Genero chased. As if all he needed was quantity. So the two subordinates of Humphries and Belu Lu were not lucky to be caught up at first.

However, when everyone was separated, Genero chased toward Beluru.

"Mother, don't chase me, they are just puppets..." Belu Lu flew at the highest speed, but still couldn't compare to the huge monster behind him.

"Master, let me stop it for a while." Sasha said, the responsibility of the knight is to protect the master.

"Don't!" Belulu reached out to grab Salsa, but by this time, Salsa had already flown out.

Yaohong glanced at Salsa, and then instantly caught Belulu who wanted to go back. "Go, don't let Sasha's pains in vain." Yaohong said, and took Bellulu toward the front and flew out. Several other puppets were basically led by Yaohong. Although they knew that Salsa had flown like this, they were basically buns and dogs, but they didn't stop there.

Knight Charge!

Salsa is very small, and the difference from Genero is like ants and humans, not only the size of the volume, but also the strength. But at this time, Salsa radiated a dazzling light, and rushed towards Genero in an instant. Sasha drew a dazzling white light in the air, hitting heavily on Genero's face, and then the knight sword cut wildly. But soon, Salsa was caught by a tentacle and directly plunged into Genero's body.

"Sasa!" Bellulu shouted a little bit at first, showing a painful expression that had never existed.

Double cut!

Bai Yi's hands were parallel, carrying the impact of high-speed flight, and appeared here in an instant, then cut across Genero's body. Even the body made of energy and flesh and blood is like a cross cut by two sharp long knives, flying a huge piece. And in this piece, there is just the salsa that just fell into it.

Bai Yi grabbed the flesh, spread his wings, disappeared instantly, and then appeared beside Beluru.

"Everyone grabbed me and left first." Bai Yi said to Bellulu and a few puppets.

After Bai Lulu and several puppets grabbed Bai Yi, the dark wings behind Bai Yi spread out and soon disappeared into the distance. At this time, Yaohong they knew that Bai Yi hadn't even flown at the highest speed before. After the wings were spread, Bai Yi's speed was called terror. But Beluru didn't care about Bai Yi's speed at all, but looked nervously at the salsa wrapped in energy and flesh. Even if it was cut by Bai Yi, these energies have not been completely dissipated, and there are blue and black filaments inside, just like blood veins.

Bai Yi appeared in an instant and cut off a body, which made Genero irritated, but his anger had not yet vented, and Bai Yi had disappeared into the distance. After losing his goal, Genero can only continue to wreak havoc around. Not only the original evolved humans, but any creatures around them, after encountering Genero, could hardly escape, all were sucked into the body, and then squeezed into flesh and blood.

Soon after, Genero completely lost its original appearance, and the flesh and blood of various creatures twisted together to form a new body.

This guy still didn't stop, but continued to catch up in the direction of Bai Yifei's walk. As long as the creatures along the way were all killed, let them absorb their bodies. However, it seems that his body is so big, after absorbing new ones, he will squeeze out some more fragile substances from the surface, making it more powerful.


Bai Yi took Beluru in a large circle in the distance, and then returned to the original battlefield. In the eyes of Yaohong's doubts, Bai Yi dug out Hewitt's body, and then took off the Soul Wood Pendant.

"This is?" Yaohong asked.

"Soulwood Pendant."

"Oh, this, absorb his soul?"

"Yes, he hasn't died completely just now, so he wants to collect his soul. Judging from the situation just now, he has a close relationship with Genero. Maybe he knows why Genero has become like this." Bai Yi explained.

"Wait!" Bai Yi suddenly stopped Belulu.

From the beginning, Belulu was a little lost, and was very nervous about Salsa. Stopped at this time, and immediately wanted to tear the energy and flesh wrapped around Salsa and rescue Salsa. However, Bai Yi noticed that when he used the anti-flower pupil to look at it, from these energies and flesh, countless blue and black silk threads entered Salsa's body, so if it is rashly torn, it may be harmful to Salsa.

"How?" Bellulu's voice cried a little.

"This is the case. Inside these energies and flesh, there is a blue-black silk thread that enters Salsa's body." Bai Yi explained.

"What about then?"

"Is there a knife?" Bai Yi asked.

Belulu immediately took out a sharp She often needed to collect a lot of materials to refine the body of the puppet, so the tools were still fully equipped. After Bai Yi took the knife, his eyes turned against the pupil, and then cut into the body mixed with energy and flesh. Bai Yi's movements were precise and careful. Soon, the useless flesh was cleared, and then Salsa was exposed.

There are more than ten thin blue and black energy threads swaying on Sasha's body, even at this time, they have not dissipated.

"Sasa!" Bellulu shouted nervously.

"Don't worry, is the core of your puppet a diamond crystal in the heart?" Bai Yi asked.

"Uh huh." Belulu nodded immediately.

"Then don't worry, because the rescue speed is very fast, so the blue and black energy thread does not enter the core of Salsa, but in the refined body, which prevents her from moving, you take out her core. White Yi said.

"Okay." Belulu immediately started to act, carefully taking the core of Salsa. Salsa's body, which had lost its core, completely became a lifeless figure, lying on the ground quietly.

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