Era of Disaster

Chapter 403: Are monsters

Belulu checked Salsa's core, and there was no problem, he was relieved. M Bai Yi noticed that when Sasha's core was taken out, it also had some milky white silk thread similar to this blue-black silk thread. However, this milky white thread is not energy, but the existence of matter. These silk threads are less than the size of hair, but they look extremely tough.

This is why the core can control the limbs!

Bai Yi thought to himself. Over the night, in order to refine the body, numerous methods have been tried. However, with the current technology of mankind, if you want to drive the limbs, you must have a complete power cycle. The common circuits are too much space. Basic movements can be completed, but if you want to spread all over the body like biological nerves, it is impossible. Perhaps, the method of refining puppets can be used on the body of Ye Ye. In other words, such a puppet itself is equivalent to a new independent existence.

"Beluru, your doll..."

"what happened?"

"No, it's nothing, just a little curiosity, some questions, maybe you need your help in the future." Bai Yi remembered, now is not the time to ask this.

Bellu Lu was surprised, and did not pursue. Bai Yi asked Belulu to put away Salsa's body, and the blue-black energy thread on it had not dissipated, as if it had been materialized. Instinctively, Bai Yi felt that this blue-black silk thread was more advanced than the milky white silk thread used by Beluru.

"So, let's find other people first, and then look at what Genero looks like," Bai Yi said.

"Are you going?" Belulu felt stunned.

"Of course you have to go, don't you think that Genero's current state is really very wrong." Bai Yi nodded. "His current situation is somewhat similar to a runaway runaway. Whether it is to find the reason or prevent him from continuing to rag out in this way, he can't just let it go, otherwise it is estimated that many people will die." Bai Yi explained.

"Where is your companion?" Bai Yi asked again.

"Dong Ting and Xie Fei haven't dealt with it recently, they are in conflict, so there are not many people coming. I still have a teammate, but I lost it in the previous fight." Belulu said slightly.

Bai Yi glanced at Beluru, Dongting...a force that occupies a large area of ​​China's east coast. Surely it has developed into this. Bai Lulu is close to himself, there must be a reason for this, Bai Yi thought to himself. "You don't have to worry, as long as your upper class is not the group of rulers behind the scenes, then I will not interfere in the fight between the evil concubine and you."

"Yes...but not!" Belulu saw Bai Yi said this level, could not help but say his purpose of following Bai Yi. "Although the present Dongting belongs to the forces behind the scenes, we do not intend to continue this way for a long time. If there is no accident, there will be a change in the near future. I hope Lord Bai Yi will intervene and let the evil concubine temporarily not at this stage. Shot." After Bellulu finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yi seriously.

For this purpose!

Bai Yi couldn't help but pause. Do the people under control want to subvert the ruler behind the scenes? It should be found a way to release control. This kind of thing, Bai Yi, of course, is undesirable. If the opportunity is right, Bai Yi will even help this group of people and wipe out the ruling class behind the scenes. However, now Dong Ting is not dealing with Ning Xue, which is a little troublesome. You know, there is no better chance to attack while the other party is chaotic.

Bai Yi is 80% sure that if he makes this request, Ning Xue will definitely agree. After all, in the past three years, Bai Yi's team... Woolf and Poo's help to Ning Xue is not a little bit. However, once this request is made, it is equivalent to helping Ningxue cultivate an opponent. Does Ning Xue now want to create a peaceful country or the ambition to rule China?

"I will answer you later." Bai Yi said.

"Well." Belulu nodded, obviously knowing that this kind of thing could not be decided so easily. Moreover, this is also a temporary intention after meeting Bai Yi. In fact, she did not expect to meet Bai Yi in this place.


Belulu didn't know where his teammates had gone, so he and Bai Yi acted together for the time being.

The two first found Betsy and then said what happened just now. Tobias has not yet found it, and now he can only hope that he will not meet the current Jeaniro unlucky. As for the data chip, it's not very important anymore. If there is no accident, Humphries will share it. So the most important thing now is to resolve the sudden change of Genero.

Bai Yi confirmed this when they found the trace left by Genero.

This guy now has no restrictions at all. He continues to destroy and kill along the way, and then absorbs the flesh and blood of the creature to build a new body. Moreover, this guy's absorption is not just twisting the muscles together. Under the series of blue and black silk threads, these flesh and blood seem to really become his body, perfect fusion. Even the epidermis is not that bright red muscle, but a dark red skin. And this guy not only stopped absorbing the flesh and blood of the body size, but continuously absorbed, and then left the essence part of it, and re-secreted the dross.

"Can you beat this guy Bai Yi?"

"It's hard. Just when this guy wasn't in this form, he was already on par with me. Now even the real body has grown out, and it is estimated that I am not an opponent." Bai Yi said realistically.

"So strong?" Becky and Nancy were very surprised.

"The key is that the anti-flower pupil has no effect on him, I was almost repulsed. When I wanted to pull him into the world of illusion, it was as if his spirit was not Genero, but it really became a mythical character and The beasts are the same. And according to what Hewitt said at the end, 80% of it is the imagination of Jay Niro." Bai Yi said.


"That's a bit bad. The first 20 kilometers is Bendigo, which was a key city in Australia before." Nancy took out an electronic map and compared it. Australia itself is close to Devil’s Island, so the change is the biggest. In the past three years, the population has been reduced by more than 30%, and the original city has also become ruined and depressed. But even so, the original city is still the choice of most people to live, so there are still many people in Bendigo.

"You go to inform the people in that city to evacuate. I think I can lead this guy away." Bai Yi said.

"That's too dangerous." Nancy stopped suddenly. Bai Yi just said that he was not the opponent of that guy.

"It was so decided, this guy became like this, and it can be said that it also has a great relationship with me, so it is necessary to stop him. And I just led him away, not with him." Bai Yi said, Take out a grass dew essence and put it in your mouth. As soon as Nancy and Becky watched Bai Yi's movements, they felt awkward. The guy opposite was really strong, otherwise Bai Yi would not start to pay attention to the consumption of heterogeneous energy at this time.

"Be careful, if not your opponent, leave early." Betsy and Nancy reminded.

"Of course!" Bai Yi nodded.

After Bai Yi finished speaking, he flew out again. But Becky and Nancy immediately turned around and made a circle to prepare for Bendigo to let those who live in the city leave. Several people also paid attention to Bai Yi's direction when they circled, fearing that Bai Yi might have any accidents. As a result, less than thirty seconds later, the monster that changed the size of Genero suddenly turned around. One of the tentacles flicked instantly, and a circle of blue and black light shot out towards the front.

The transparent aperture quickly expanded as soon as it appeared, and then instantly hit the sky and the ground in front.

With a hum, everyone felt a huge tremor and roar, all of which exceeded one kilometer along the way and exploded in an instant, as if dozens of tons of explosives were buried. All the people stopped and looked in that direction in amazement.

"Bai Yi!" Nancy said worriedly.

To be honest, Bai Yi did not expect that after having a body, this guy's strength has simply increased by not knowing how many times, and it is so perverted after just one attack. At the end of the attack, Bai Yi crossed his eyes to block in front of him, and the transparent lines around him continued to rotate and spread Another punch was transparent and the blue and black ripples were shot out. He rushed up to the sky, and closed his right hand on his chest. After accumulating for a while, Bai Yi's right fist suddenly slammed towards the front. With a hum, it seemed that the whole sky was broken. The powerful impact instantly spread from Bai Yi's right hand, no weaker than the blue-black aperture just now. The attack spread toward Genero in an instant, and the smoke that had just risen along the way instantly produced countless shocks.

Another blue-black aperture appeared, and then there was a strong shock in the middle, and the surging air seemed to blow everyone out.

"Monsters, both!" Yaohong grabbed Belulu's hair, his body was almost blown up, and then said.

"Uh huh." Beluru also nodded.

"No, Bai Yi is at a disadvantage." Becky and Nancy looked at the impact from there. Although they were far away, they also saw that Bai Yi's attack was not as good as the other.

"Hurry up to Bendigo." Several people are not hesitating. If this level of battle is really involved in the city, even they will only be involved, let alone those who have just been fused with active cells.

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