Era of Disaster

Chapter 404: Visualize

In fact, without Betsy's notice, even Bendigo, who is more than twenty kilometers away, can feel the vibrations there, and people with foresight have begun to evacuate outside. M. After Betsy came here to inform them, most people started to run away, and only a few people remained here. For example, the ruling forces of the original city cannot simply leave.

"Do these people want to die?"

"No way, even if the current city is very ruined, there are still many people who are very homesick. Moreover, these people are not only lovers, but also taking advantage of the chaos to fight hostile forces and expand their territory may also be one of the purposes. "Bei Qi said.

"Actually, there is another way." Yaohong suddenly inserted.

"Hey, demon red, do you have a way?" Bellulu himself was very surprised.

"As long as it is Bai Yi fighting over there, probably, that's it!"

Everyone could not help but stunned when they heard Yaohong say this, and then Becky understood what it meant, and then laughed.

"Then Momo is not more deterrent here." Beqi said. Yaohong means that Bai Yi is a scourge, as long as the place of battle is always destroyed very seriously. Whether it is Qatar or Japan, it can be said to be an example of fact. However, when it comes to battle destruction, Momo is obviously more deterrent than Bai Yi.

Of course, this is just a joke, and in the end no one uses this to inform people here. After all, Bai Yi had already planned to lead Genero to other places, and maybe he would never come to this city at all. Moreover, they have already notified Becky that it is their own business to leave. It is impossible for Becky to try to persuade these people to leave.


After fighting again, Bai Yi only knew how strong this guy's attack and defense was. The simple blue and black aperture caused by a tentacle flick was like a small nuclear bomb, which instantly caused a huge impact. And this guy's attack range is particularly huge, if not Bai Yi's amazing speed, it is impossible to avoid this guy's attack. And not only is the attack, this guy's defense is also very amazing, as soon as Bai Yi's attack falls, a blue and black aperture will also appear on this guy's body, eliminating all attacks invisible.

It was another attack, and Bai Yi was about to avoid it, but suddenly, the two rows of eyes above the guy stared at Bai Yi.

Bai Yi instantly felt a trance in front of his eyes. Although he was bounced back by the inverted flower pupil in an instant, the blue-black aperture hit him heavily. With a buzzing sound, Bai Yi's shirt shattered, and his body flew and rolled out instantly, sliding out a few kilometers in the air, and hit a hill. And this guy has not stopped, taking advantage of this opportunity, continuous attacks and continuous impact, even the surrounding ground was completely plowed.

Bai Yi bumped heavily on a small hill in the distance. The strong impact almost blasted the hills, and then Bai Yicai fell deeply into the rock. A trace of blood oozes from the corner of Bai Yi's mouth. If it is not that the dark filaments have a strong defense under the muscles, it is estimated that Bai Yi will be directly smashed into pieces in the attack just now. But even so, Bai Yi felt that the physical injury was very huge.

I was so unlucky?

Bai Yi couldn't help thinking for a moment. Bai Yi is not a boast, but he also feels that his strength belongs to the top level in the current world, but every time he comes out, he always meets some meta-level opponents. Could it be that he could only spend the dead and injured cycle?

It was self-deprecating, but Bai Yi was really surprised and cautious about the fact that Jeniro was far away.

That guy's abilities are getting more and more abnormal. The guy just used pupil surgery, and it's a magic surgery. While Bai Yi was thinking this way, the guy on the opposite side had flown over again, but the huge body was extremely fast. Several tentacles danced toward the front in the air, and a blue-black aperture several times larger than before gradually converged at the tip.

Bai Yi couldn't help but smile a bit, this guy seems to have identified himself as an enemy, who asked him to fight with Genero for such a long time before.

Although Bai Yi was thinking, but the movement was not slow, the transparent air lines around him suddenly rolled up, the surrounding gravel shattered instantly, and then Bai Yi flew out towards the sky at high speed.

As Bai Yi rose to the sky, the huge aperture spread instantly, and the powerful shock spread out for ten kilometers. And this direction is exactly the direction of Bendigo. If you are still watching before, this time you don’t know the distance from the powerful attack, so that the remaining people in the city are completely scared to death. Even Becky and them hurried away towards the distance. If such an attack is really involved, it is not a joke.

Bai Yi flew up towards the sky, and Genero immediately followed. At this time, Bai Yi looked at the huge thing like the legendary guy behind him, and he couldn't help licking his lips, there was a trace of excitement in his eyes. Inside the bone, Bai Yi also likes to fight.

Unconsciously, the surrounding air is converging toward the middle, and a huge white spiral bomb condenses behind Bai Yi. When Bai Yifei flew to the top, he suddenly turned his direction and pressed down at high speed towards Genero who was catching up from below. Bai Yi's hands dragged behind him, a tens of meters in diameter, and a spiral bomb about the same size as the current Genero was carried by Bai Yi and fell like a meteorite from high altitude.

Bai Yi's eyes flashed with excitement and fierceness, and the huge spiral bomb fell instantly.

With a hum, the huge spiral bomb collided with Genero rushing up below. The powerful impact force swept all around in an instant, and a blue and black light curtain appeared on Genero, just like a force field, resisting Bai Yi's attack. At this time, Bai Yi's mouth also opened with excitement, revealing a grim look, all the strength of the body was used, and the spiral bomb pressed heavily towards Genero.

go to hell!

With a loud bang, a huge spiral projectile pushed Genero and hit the ground, and the second wave of impact raged again towards the surroundings. Whether it was vegetation or the ground, it instantly shattered like tofu.

Becky and others, who were tens of kilometers away, looked at the powerful shock wave that suddenly burst, and couldn't help but slap. Even if they knew that Bai Yi had perfected part of his cultivation practice in the past three years, they did not expect Bai Yi to be so powerful. However, the stronger Bai Yi was, the more they were surprised by that Jay Nero. How did that guy practice, actually, the strength was still above Bai Yi.

The powerful impact blasted the ground into a huge depression with a diameter of several hundred meters. In the depression, the spiral projectile still slammed against Genero's chest, and the body built by Genero broke more than half. At this time, Bai Yi's own upper body skin also cracked, exposing his muscles, revealing the dark filaments below. The powerful impact was not only caused by Jairo, but Bai Yi did not completely avoid it. But at this time, Bai Yi gritted his teeth, and the spiral bomb continued to press down heavily.


In Bai Yi's heart, there is an impossible feeling. Such a powerful attack is actually blocked by the thin blue-black light curtain, which is like an invisible repulsive force field. 'S attack can only return without success on the surface. At this time, Bai Yi dare to determine that this is definitely not the ability of Jeniro itself. If he has such a powerful power, it is estimated that he has become very famous in the world.

If it is not the ability of Genero itself, then there is only one explanation. This is the powerful force given to this existence by Genero visualization.

Is this a manifestation of imagination, and then a powerful individual that should have been an illusory existence occupies the consciousness of Genero itself.

Bai Yi They were the first to discover imagination, but for imagination, they dare not say that they must have walked in front of others. However, what Bai Yi knows is that everyone's visualization technique is not the same, just like the mythological maps brought out by King R when he first tried it, many people will choose a powerful presence to visualize. In legend, these beings always have incredible power.

Reverse flower pupil!

Bai Yi crushed Jay Nero and used the reverse flower pupil again. At this time, Bai Yi also wanted to wake Jay Nero. After all, Bai Yi promised that Humphries only stopped the chasers behind him, not really want to kill everyone else. Using the reverse flower pupil again, Bai Yi's spirit instantly contacted with the existence of Genero's vision.

What is this?

Although it was only a but Bai Yi was shocked enough. A more terrible thing than the current Genero appeared in Bai Yi's eyes. Almost instantly, a weird head came towards Bai Yi.


Genero, who was badly injured, gave a strange and harsh roar, and Bai Yi immediately frowned painfully... this guy. Genero's two tentacles were lifted up, and fell towards Bai Yizhong. Bai Yi immediately released his right hand, flew up, and then avoided the attack.

When Bai Yi just flew, the tentacle fell instantly, and Jeniro opened his mouth, and a blue-black aperture appeared again instantly, aiming at Bai Yi in the sky.

Bai Yi saw Genero's movements, and a ghost flashed to avoid it, and a blue-black impact instantly flew into the air. As if the sky had been penetrated, a large transparent hole appeared above the clouds, and his eyes gradually shone down and sprinkled on the vast earth. Bai Yi bathed in the sun and opened his hands slowly. Bai Yi's eyes turned against the pupil at high speed.

"Sorry!" Bai Yi took a deep breath.

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