Era of Disaster

Chapter 428: Joint Summit

Bai Yi took Woolf back to the underground palace and waited for others here. This joint summit, of course, cannot have so few forces, Bai Yi and they are considered to be an earlier group of people. Bai Yixian's purpose is to confirm the safety of this place. So after coming, Bai Yi began to prepare to search all the underground palaces.

Bai Yi and others have started to look around. This underground palace is estimated to occupy about seven or eight kilometers of the area. Most of it is covered in yellow sand, and the remaining part is the main body of the palace. Because people haven't arrived yet, almost everyone who came here first was observing this underground palace, and was curious and meant to confirm safety.

"What's wrong, do you know?" Woolf asked Bai Yi when he saw Bai Yi carefully looking at the text on a slate.

"I don't know." Bai Yi shook his head.

"Look at you for a long time, and thought you knew the text on it." Woolf laughed loudly.

Bai Yi also smiled, but it was not what Woolf meant. Bai Yi does not know the text above, but Bai Yi can also be sure that this is definitely not any kind of text known on earth. Because Bai Yi has almost learned more than 80% of the current knowledge of the entire world. If it is comprehensive, it is estimated that only night and night can be comparable to Bai Yi. Now Bai Yi can confirm that this kind of writing is not a modern writing or an ancient writing. At present, there is no record of such writing on the earth.

Bai Yi and the three came to a part of this underground palace covered by yellow sand. There is no way ahead, the palace seems to be broken in the distance, the yellow sand is crowded in, and the direction is completely blocked. And there, there is a huge underground river, just passing inside the palace, driving the gravel above it, forming a huge quicksand.

Bai Yi stood on the edge of Huang Sha, his eyes looked inside, and suddenly, his eyes changed and entered LV4. When Woolf looked at Bai Yi, he was slightly surprised. Did Bai Yi find anything? After a while, Bai Yi returned his gaze with a slightly puzzled look.

"Waiting here." Bai Yi said.

"Oh, okay." Woolf said.

Bai Yi's air flow suddenly flowed around him, and then walked towards the sand wall in front. Bai Yi hadn't approached yet, the sharp airflow cut fast on the sand wall, and then Bai Yi gradually fell into it. After Bai Yi fell into the sand, the outside gradually returned to its original state. Woolf and Alodia were both waiting quietly outside, not knowing what Bai Yi found.

The air flow around Bai Yi turned and sent Bai Yi inside. Although the line of sight cannot be seen farther, the life field can see farther distance. After walking six or seven hundred meters, Bai Yi came to the edge of the broken building.


Bai Yi said a word in his heart. The sand around him was suddenly pushed by the air and gradually spread towards the surroundings. Soon, around Bai Yi, a space of two or three meters in diameter appeared. In this space, there is a relatively flat stone wall, which is the broken layer of the palace. However, on the opposite side of the cut surface, it is completely yellow sand. Even farther away, no palace remains were seen.

Bai Yi frowned slightly, and then walked toward the edge of the palace's incision, and then made a circle in the ground.

The size of this circle is the area occupied by this underground palace. The buildings in other directions are more common and almost destroyed under the yellow sand, so Bai Yi can't confirm whether there is an edge, but at the edge of the palace where Bai Yi entered, Bai Yi can confirm that there is no similar wreckage.

How to say, although Bai Yi does not know how to be an archaeologist, he also knows that a building basically has a core, and the more core parts, the better the basic preservation. At the edge, it will definitely be affected by the passage of time and become unidentifiable. However, on this face of the underground palace, Bai Yi felt as if he had been cut with a knife, and the other parts were completely removed.

No, this is incorrect, as if the underground palace was not here, but was suddenly sent to this place. And the part that was sent over was not complete, as if it was cut on a complete palace and thrown here.

"How is it possible." Bai Yi said to himself.

After all, the place where the incision is located is where the underground river flows. Perhaps it was only the crust that changed the palace in half. Half of them remain in this place, and the other half may be completely destroyed by the change or do not know where to move.

When Bai Yi came out again, not only Woolf and Alodia were waiting outside, but also several others. These people were all familiar with Bai Yi, and after seeing Bai Yi, he immediately came up.

"Bai Yi, I heard you entered the sand layer. Did you find something wrong?"

"No, it's just a fault. It was found that the fault where the underground river was located cut a part of this palace, so I was a little curious." Bai Yi said.

Although Liu Lixia was still a little puzzled, since Bai Yi said so, they did not continue to ask.

After everyone checked this one after another, basically, there was nothing dangerous.

But the same, Bai Yi and they did not find anything important. Of course, if this is really valuable, Bright will not say this place, the guy is not so generous. In the final analysis, this is a buried underground ruins, maybe some ancient civilization, but now who cares about this.


One after another, the leaders and representatives of other forces also came to this underground palace, some of them came in from the sand, and some pressed the call button and were received here. When everyone came here, the joint summit began.

Bai Yi was relieved after discovering that everyone had arrived, and that no one from the United Nations had made trouble. To be honest, Bai Yi has been prepared to deal with the sudden attack of the United Nations, because it seems that he has never done a thing when he is doing something, and is always subject to various obstacles.

But this time, it seems that the luck is not bad, is it because he is not the reason? So far, no one seems to have leaked the news. Although I chose this place where the bird does not produce smoke, but at least the level of confidentiality is indeed good. Otherwise, in any other city where humans gather, so many gangsters appear, I am afraid they will inevitably leak their whereabouts. Because as long as there is someone, there will always be loopholes. In general, except for the harsh environment of the desert, after everyone has been tossed around for a while, there is no other big deal.

"So, let's get started, about this joint summit." Truman said.

The joint summit was initiated by Truman, so he naturally became the moderator. There are not many people here, only 31 people, which respectively represent the 31 forces on the earth. The strength of these forces will be ignored for the time being, but it can basically be confirmed that it has nothing to do with the UN side.

"Everyone knows that at present our situation is not very dominant. Most of the people who come out of Devil's Island are pretty good, but apart from a few people, they have no absolute advantage. Those of the former peace regime have even more strength. It’s a lot worse. After the chaotic impact of the opening battle, the people of the United Nations gradually stabilized. And they also changed their strategy. For those evolved humans, they are no longer dominated by control, but have adopted co-op etc. Means. Because they occupy most of the world’s resources after all, it is still very attractive to many people. If we continue this way, we may be gradually compressed by the other party...." Truman began Just tell the current situation.

Although everyone already knew this, they listened carefully.

Indeed, with the exception of a few relatively powerful people, the others are not so well mixed at present. It can be said that there is currently only five parties to completely settle down in their own country.

Of course, although the power of other people has not settled down, it cannot be said that their strength is very poor. For example, although Ning Xue is still fighting, it is entirely because there are too many people in China. However, being able to occupy nearly one-third of the territory in such a huge China has shown that Ning Xue is powerful. Of course, after Woolf and Poo Po leave, Ning Xue's strength has weakened a lot. Mainly due to the lack of top combat power, it is estimated that it will shrink slightly in the future.

"Specifically, since you initiated the joint summit, you must have plans Bai Yi asked.

"Yes, we intend to build a force similar to the United Nations, but it is not the nominal union of the United Nations, but it really integrates the powerful ones in each force to form an overwhelming advantage." Truman Said.

Bai Yi's eyes lightened slightly. In fact, before coming here, Bai Yi had already guessed this kind of result.

"and then?"

"Then, of course, with the power of absolute superiority, starting with the power of you, one country by one country, gradually calming the entire world." Truman said.

"What about your opinions?"

After Truman finished speaking, he looked at the crowd. The people here are not weak and have their own considerations. However, the idea that Truman said was really tempting. Isn't they uniting because of insufficient strength? If you can use the power of other forces in this way, then it is really not a problem to assess a small country.

But... who should lead such a force?

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