Era of Disaster

Chapter 430: Campaign

After a few hours of discussion, everyone felt a little tired, so for the time being, the meeting ended here, and then each went to rest casually. But in this underground palace, it is not a high-end place. Although it can basically rest after being arranged by Bright, it is definitely not very comfortable. There are a lot of people complaining about this, but now it is impossible to change places, at most it can only complain.


"You have changed too, what words are free, bright, justice, how awe-inspiring." Graves said suddenly when he passed by Bai Yi.

Obviously, Graves was saying what Bai Yi said just now.

"Not change, but adaptation and flexibility. I know what you are laughing at. In essence, no matter how grand the reason is said, war is war, and it will bring death and pain to countless ordinary people. No matter how noble it is. The reason, in the final analysis, the essential motivation is because of the benefits... If it is not because of the huge benefits that can be obtained after the war is won, it is estimated that no one will really be willing to work hard." Bai Yi said.

At this time, there were no other people around them, and the two controlled the sound volume, and only two of them could hear them.

"But this is not the case in this world, is it necessary to expose all the essence to the surface to be calm? Most of those who show the essence will not be accepted by people, but will be ridiculed by all kinds. This is Don’t the other people know...No! For most people, they know their own nature and the nature of the world, but they do not want to admit it, but they need a shame." Bai Yi said.

Grevis glanced at Bai Yi, and the two were slightly silent, not knowing what the other was thinking.

In front of is another hall, where some people are waiting quietly. One of the bears stood upright, and after seeing Grevis, he immediately trot over excitedly, panting gaspingly.

"Captain, you are finally back, this place is suffocating." The bear hung his tongue.

"Well, this heat can't bear it." Graves snorted coldly and walked towards the front.

Although the tone was indifferent, when he passed the bear, a transparent cold surrounding the bear. This dog bear was as cool as eating ice watermelon in three days. Bai Yi could see that Graves was extremely indulgent to this bear. After all, at the time of the Swiss Awakening Rule, his team died more than half, and this bear was one of his few former subordinates...or friends.

"Bear." Bai Yi asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." This bear bear heard Bai Yi calling him and immediately nodded and apologized. Bai Yi couldn't help laughing when he saw the bear, just like he was on Devil's Island.

"I asked if you have a name?" Bai Yi asked.

"Name, there is."

"what is it call?"

"Phoebe." Bear said.

"Phoebe, Phoebe...fatbear, fat bear?" Bai Yi looked at Phoebe subconsciously after repeating it twice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The opposite bear immediately blushed and quickly apologized.

"Hahahaha, a very good name, see you next time." Bai Yi said, also walking towards Alotija and Woolf.

Immediately after Bai Yi left, Fibo ran up towards Grevis. Fibonacci still remembers Bai Yi. Although he hasn't spent a long time on Devil's Island, Fibo still remembers this person who is comparable to his captain. In addition, of course, that little girl who is also very strong although petite.


There is still enough space in the underground palace, although it is not so wide. After the meeting on this day, the group of people immediately returned to the room they selected, and then carefully discussed with the person brought. Regarding the content of the meeting, what else should be paid attention to. In addition, it was the selection of candidates. Obviously, among the nine seats, the one with the most power is the president. These people are estimating their strength and seeing where they can sit.

The preparation of this guy, Bright, is quite adequate. Even in the desert, he entertains everyone well, but if you want to be like a star hotel, it is completely impossible.

After a night of rest, everyone came to the hall again and continued to discuss the matter of the Bright Council. After a night of thinking, almost everyone has a new idea, and then perfected on the basis of yesterday. For example, the resources of the lowest participating forces are assumed; what kind of treatment should be received after the new forces join in; the new powers of the board of directors, if only for the purpose of forcibly removing the chairman’s post, would be too useless and impossible. Do they specialize in this?

In addition to these, there are other ideas. Under everyone's discussion, the composition of the Bright Council has gradually improved.

After the evening, the rest is the distribution of power. And this is the key point in the focus, and everyone is very concerned about it.

"Go back today and think about the list that you recognize. Everyone will hand in a copy tomorrow, and then choose a convincing person from there, no problem." Bai Yi said.

"Well, okay." Bright stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Most of the others nodded, but a few of them were a little uncomfortable, because, unconsciously, it seemed that the entire joint summit began to be dominated by Bai Yi. This process is subtle. No one noticed it at first. It just felt that every time Bai Yi spoke at exactly the point, people had to listen to him. Then just so imperceptibly, Bai Yi's words, everyone gradually began to obey subconsciously. You know, the nominal host here, but proposed Bright to come to this place.

Bright proposed this place, in fact, it is also selfish, because, as the owner, it will always occupy some advantages on the site.

But that's not okay. If you go on like this, isn't the president's position obvious?

The more ambitious people are slightly worried.

But at this time, Bai Yi suddenly said another sentence. "By the way, I said that your recommended list is more than just everyone here."

Bai Yi suddenly amazed everyone who hadn't left yet, not to say them, who was that?

"As leaders of one party, it is impossible for you to leave your party. So, in this list, it is better to have fame and strength without affecting you. Of course, if you It's okay to be willing to drop your power and focus on the Bright Council." Bai Yi explained.

After Bai Yi said this, everyone recollected it. Indeed, they could not do multiple jobs, and their power had not changed. And is it really worth all the investment for such a bright future with an uncertain future? Others, it is impossible to really invest all resources to support the development of the Bright Council.

After returning to their room, everyone began to think about this list. Obviously, this list cannot be the final list, but at least there will be one more nomination.

The president, the chief executive, the board of directors... Everyone thought about it subconsciously. The first one that came to mind was Bai Yi's figure. But do you really want Bai Yi to be the president... Everyone began to think about this problem seriously. As a result, most people lost sleep for one night.

When the next day, everyone reunited, and then all submitted a list. Bai Yi did not seem to be so special, but also put the list in front of Bright.

"The list is here, although then, I will start to calculate each person and position recommended above, and then calculate it according to the number of votes, and those with more votes will bear it." Bright said.

"That won't work," Bai Yi said.

"No, why?"

"This is just a preliminary list. It is too unconvincing to simply use this to confirm the position. All the people on the list are listed, and then see who each of the positions mentioned above is. Record it first. This It’s just a preliminary screening, it’s just a shortlist of candidates. If you want to actually sit in those nominated positions, you must give convincing reasons. UU reading is the same. If there are absolutely reasons that cannot be refuted, So no matter what, you can't take that position. Of course, the premise is that the person nominated is willing to take up this position." Bai Yi said.

Bright looked at Bai Yi and wanted to say nothing, but Bai Yi's approach was complicated...but he couldn't find a reason to rebut.

Soon, the rankings were sorted out, no surprise, everyone was on the list, just the difference in the number of votes. And the top one is Bai Yi, with 31 votes. That is to say, on everyone's recommendation list, there is Bai Yi's name, but only the difference in position.

"Bai Yi, 31 votes, 14 votes for the president, 13 votes for the executive, and four votes for the director." Bright announced the votes.

"It's really a high number of votes, and you are really convinced, Bai Yi." Bright said.

"Go ahead, sort out the rankings first, see who is recommended in each position, and then everyone will discuss whether they are suitable." Bai Yi said.

When Bright saw Bai Yi saying this, he didn't continue to say anything, and began to announce the ranking.

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