Era of Disaster

Chapter 674: Air traction

Poo poo lying in his room, although simple inside, but extremely comfortable.

After waking up, the puffy eyes were a little trance, and after a while, I woke up. Here again, this weird, as if I saw the dream of some fragments of things afterwards.

Poo Poo had an unimaginable spirituality a long time ago, but what exactly is his ability, he has never shown it. However, with the puffy spirit, and the huge body with thick skin, the puffy strength is not bad. However, in the recent period, it is estimated that the rearing is good. Puff is always vaguely seeing some unclear fragments in the dream. The content of these clips is messy, and many of them are uncertain, but poo poo feels like he has really seen something.

Gas machine!

A word flashed in Poo's heart.

Poo Poo now has a high IQ and also learns a lot of human things, so at this time, in Poo Poo's mind, a Chinese word suddenly appeared. The Qi machine, in Eastern mysticism, is meant to be a kind of celestial reaction to future things. This is not to say that you have completely seen the future, only that there is such a vague understanding.

No, Lao Tzu's ability is this?

Puffy thought for a while, then suddenly opened his mouth and laughed silly. If this is the case, then his ability is more bunker than that of Shapi.

"Master Poo." A maid next to him was ready to wake up Poo, who had prepared the ingredients for Poo. After having a stable life, Poo Poo is about to live like a real pig. Although the body is a pig, Poo Po can be regarded as the upper floor of Baiming Building, and the wisdom is not low, so there are people waiting for him. At first these maids were reluctant to wait for a pig... but after getting along for a long time, they found that the poo did not exactly match the impression.

"Well, I'm going out, you don't have to control me anymore." Poof's heavy body ran out immediately.

The little maid was speechless for a while, then went back at a loss. After arriving at the kitchen, the head maid asked her what had happened. After knowing what happened, the maid sighed long, "Go and divide those ingredients."

"Really can?"

"Of course, it's a waste to leave it like this."


Poo Po went out to try to see if the things he sensed were true. Whether his ability is really the induction of Qi. Speaking of which, there is no way to do it. Many people and animals have very good abilities and can hardly make a mistake at a glance. But when it comes to some mysterious principles, sometimes I don't quite understand it. Otherwise, on the basis of Bai Ming Lou, the prosperity of the prosperity has long been known.

It is true that this feeling is true in Poo Po, but he does not dare to be so simple.

Puff came to Yeye here and asked Yeye for help. He wanted to dialyze the pictures he saw in the previous dream, and then went to confirm it. Poo Poo's movements were exciting, but when Po Poo ran to Ye Ye here, explaining the reason, he suddenly froze.

"What's the matter?" asked Yeye's puppet.

"I can't think of it." Poof said for a moment, then said silly.

"Dreams have such characteristics, and many things that are very clear in dreams will soon be completely dissipated after the dreams are awake. The memories in those dreams can't even be found in the subconscious." Yeye Explained.

"I know, but I still think my dream doesn't seem to be that way." Poo Po thought for a while, but his head hurt, but he couldn't remember anything, just like the clear feeling before, completely Is an illusion. "Ah, I'm going crazy. No, I'm going out for a walk." Puffed, and ran out hurriedly.

Ye Ye's puppet tilted his head, but did not ask why, and immediately began to repeat what he had just done. The puppets do not have complete wisdom, but they will not have any emotions because of the puffy manic behavior.

After Poo Poo left, there was no specific direction. After making a few rounds around, he remembered that he didn't know where to go.

Otherwise, go back to Devil's Island. I haven't been back to that place for a long time. By the way, look at the moxibustion bird.

Poo Po thought, a space ring on the front hoof suddenly twisted, and then a disc appeared. After the disc appeared, it suddenly opened toward the outside, became larger, and then became a simple aircraft. Puff puffed up and flew out with a whizz.

In the past ten years, not only has the world recovered more than half, but the most important thing is the use of various technologies. Human beings are most used to using technology to make their lives simple.

Using the basic energy circuit discovered by the United Nations, there are higher-level applications of space compression, and the use of heterogeneous energy, as well as the development of refiners and technological manufacturing. The resulting equipment is called [source guide].

Simply put, it is to use its own heterogeneous energy as a driving force to control appliances that exert certain functions.

This is like a puffy aircraft, which is a source guide, which is actually similar to an aircraft without a shield. It's just that the ability to float is not the buoyancy of air, and the energy is not mechanical power, but the energy of puff. In addition, the effective principle of this source guide is also more complicated than pure technology. No, it cannot be said like this. In fact, heterogeneous energy, basic energy circuits, etc., are also considered part of technology, but generally speaking, many people cannot understand it.

Poo Poo stood on top of the flying machine and flew out, which was specially made for him, and currently there are not many people in the world. If it weren’t for Poo Po that he felt that his huge body was struggling to run out, he wouldn’t make this thing for him. This flying source guide looks similar to a magic weapon, but it actually looks like this.

①Floating ability, offset gravity. Relying on the evolution of the basic energy circuit, this can be easily achieved.

② Flight acceleration capability. The same principle is also easy to do.

According to Bai Yi, the development of technology to a certain degree has become a mystery in the eyes of people who cannot understand it. In fact, when the source guide is outside, many people call it a magic weapon or magic guide or something.

Poof Poo stood on the flying source guide, and after a while, he fell down. After a while, or even lying down, finally set a navigation system directly, and fell asleep directly. To a certain extent, combining modern technology and new discoveries, these source guides are more convenient than so-called magic weapons.

Because modern humans... are lazier and know how to save effort.

Poo Po flew out towards Devil Island, and at this time, Fang Jinshi's team was also rushing towards Devil Island. Among the three cherished materials, only the rainbow fruit is the most difficult to obtain, so Fang Jinshi wants to get this first. If all the rainbow fruits are available, then there will be no other problems.

In fact, Poo Po has really forgotten the pictures in the dream, but the so-called Qi machine itself is such a very mysterious power. Although it has been forgotten, the invisible power still led the puff to the devil's island.


"Ahhhhhh, I failed again." Ye Ye looked at the soul that suddenly fluctuated and disappeared, and she couldn't help shouting wildly. A few people nearby saw Ye Ye like this, and there was no accident. Obviously, they were used to it.

After that God Wu was counted as a loophole, every night I thought of a lot of ways to make up, but after groping for a long time, every night I decided on an idea. It was still a suggestion that Vera ran to the country and complained. And after disturbing Momo, Yeye was really sure what those dolls lacked.


There is no soul in these dolls. Ye Ye went to Mo Mo and confirmed once that she had a new soul in her body. Although I don't know how this soul appeared, this is obviously the reason for her independent consciousness.

After discovering this, Yeye has carried out countless researches in this area. The purpose of it is how to make people even have their own soul.

Although this idea is very good, it is extremely difficult.

After a period of failure, Vera in the Netherworld gave Yeye a suggestion not to study how to grow a soul. It is better to seal the complete soul directly on the puppet. After this idea was proposed, it was accepted without much discussion. In fact, Momo's ability can reintegrate soul and corpse into a new life mode. Vera's inspiration comes from here.

However, although this idea was put forward, there was not much progress.

The soul is not lacking, who let Momo rule the entire underworld. However, after wasting tens of thousands of mayfly spirits, they did not make much progress every night, but they derived a lot of secret corpse control techniques. That's right, there is no progress in integrating the soul on the puppet, but it is not very difficult to integrate it in the body. After all, there is Momo's ability to learn from.

However, the mysteries from these studies are completely incomparable with Momo's life-changing changes, and they are basically similar to those of black magic. Fortunately, this era is extremely free, otherwise these clumsy research guys in Hades will have been arrested and executed.

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