Era of Disaster

Chapter 675: Meet at sea

Poo Po passed over the ocean and fell asleep on the aircraft.

Evil beast!

A word suddenly flashed in Poo's heart.

The so-called evil beasts are the collective term for those creatures with advanced imperfections and consciousness collapsed in the LV1-LV2 stage.

When Bai Yi and them were on Devil's Island, more than 90% of the experimental subjects in the institute were evil beasts. Afterwards, on Devil Island, this ratio has not decreased at all.

Although humans have summarized a perfect advanced system, it is relatively speaking. So many creatures, before advanced, the wisdom can not reach the level of humans, just rely on instinct. Relying on instinct alone, the probability of successful advancement can be imagined. In fact, apart from a few of them who are particularly lucky, there are humanoid intelligent creatures that have been enlightened by Hong Qihua. In fact, in nature, most creatures have evolved into evil beasts.

The quiet grass found on Devil Island is one of the very important materials that transformed from LV1 into LV2. Bai Yi specially transplanted this quiet grass when they left Devil Island. On the present earth, the quiet grass is not everywhere, but it is not uncommon.

Later, humans also found other materials with similar effects, including plants and animals.

If it were not for this reason, there would be more evil beasts in the world.

These evil beasts are very fierce, the wild fighting instincts are fully demonstrated, and their strength is higher than some evolved creatures. But IQ is a bruise, and it is impossible to communicate and tame. Although instinctive, these evil beasts also figured out some use of themselves and energy. Like the collective energy bomb just now, it is the simplest kind, which gathers its own energy and then squirts it out according to the compression of the life field.

Bonewing bird flock!

Puffy recognized this evil beast colony, and could not help but scolded. Poo Poo is not afraid, but these evil beasts are usually not very easy to use. Poo Poo was not interested in fighting each other. It would be better if this aircraft was faster, but unfortunately this thing has just been developed, and it is good to be able to fly this simple.

Let's hide in the sea for a while, and wait for these annoying things to find him and then leave.

Poof Pooh thought, and fell into the ocean below. It didn't take long for Boom to feel that the flock of winged birds in the sky could not find anyone, and after a few unwilling barks, they flew away. As he was about to leave, he suddenly found himself caught in something.

Transparent Stinger Jellyfish!

Looking at the jellyfish that was no different from the sea water, poo poo realized what was coming. Impatiently tearing off several jellyfish tentacles, Poo Po was ready to leave. But before waiting for the puff to float to the surface, I saw several quick shadows coming from a distance.

Bloodfang Shark!

Poof pouted in his heart and quickly floated towards the sea. But before he could run up, the jellyfish continued to entangle the aircraft without fear of death. After this transparent stinger jellyfish mutates, it is known for its stealth ability and regeneration ability. As long as it does not damage the core, as long as there is still sea water, it will basically not die. In fact, more than 80% of this guy's body is made of sea water.

Boom suddenly burst into a strong breath, directly crushing most of the body of the stinging jellyfish with a hoof.

After Poo Po came to the surface, he fiddled with the flying source guide and wanted to fly. But Pang Pang suddenly discovered that the source guide didn't know how to malfunction. How could it be malfunctioning at this time, poo poo want to curse people, although this thing has just been studied shortly, but how can it not be so inferior. But at this time it was obviously useless to scold someone, and the group of blood tooth sharks had already caught up.

Asshole, you guys really haven’t played.

When the fierce light came out of Poo's eyes, he stepped on the water and he was ready to fight. But with a click, Puff turned his head suddenly, and found that a weird little fish with a mouth occupying more than half of his body was biting on his tail.

Bone Eater!

I am grass!

Although it has long been known that in the natural world, after decades of evolution, it has long been extremely complicated and dangerous, but Poo Po still can't help cursing people. Poo Poo couldn't help it, and immediately started to run. But after the aircraft did not know how to break down, Puff can only run on the sea, and on this way, he did not know how many deep-sea beasts he had drawn. And some of them, looking at the breath of those guys, may be stronger than themselves.

When Poo Po ran to a small island, he finally got a chance to breathe. At this time, Poo Poo felt that there was something wrong with his guess.

Annoying, not all **** bad luck.

Forget it, go back.

Without the flying source guide, it would be uncomfortable to continue walking towards Devil Island. Just when Poo Po made this decision, he subconsciously retorted the flying source guide, and then found that this thing was suddenly good again.

Good again?

Poo's mouth opened sluggishly, and after a while, he stood stupidly.

Poo Poo always feels that he should not only meet such a thing along the way. Obviously, his guess was completely correct. On the way, Boom Boom encountered several events with extremely low probability, which was just enough to toss. Poo Poo felt that he could use it to write a fantasy novel during his journey to Devil's Island. When he saw the devil's island in the distance, poo poo breathed a sigh of relief.

When you see Becky and Moxibustion, you must complain.

However, just as Puffy was about to fly towards Devil's Island, he suddenly discovered a cruise ship on the sea. On the cruise ship in the distance, several people are busy, seemingly confirming something. After a while, several people fell into the sea, then dived down below.

Man, come here on Devil's Island?

Poo Poo was a little curious and wondered whether he should go. At this moment, Pang Pang suddenly became alert and immediately turned on the polarization setting of the source guide. At this time, Fang Jinshi on the cruise ship seemed to have noticed something, glanced towards this side, but found nothing.

Poo Poo knew Fang Jinshi, but it was only limited to the data of Bai Ming Lou and the Guangming Council, that is, this guy's rise is very fast, and some good things can often be made. But more, such as Fang Jinshi this guy is a rebirth or something, Bai Yi did not tell them.

Not only did Fang Jinshi's rebirth fail to tell them, but in fact, even the precious things in Fang Jinshi's memory, Bai Yi did not tell them.

It is not that Bai Yi is selfish, but that Bai Yi does not want them to change their original trajectory.

Those things in Fang Jinshi's memory may indeed allow them to quickly gain some benefits. But the same, the benefits that are too easy to get, it is also easy to encourage the fluke, which is not good for their future growth. Because, in this world, you can't always expect to have everything at your fingertips. Bai Yi believes that when these things are born, with their ability, they naturally have the opportunity to get these things. This process is definitely much better than sending them directly to them.

Poo Poo didn't know Bai Yi's thoughts, anyway, now he only thinks that Fang Jinshi's group of people is a bit strange now. Reminiscent of Fang Jinshi's experience, Pang Pang suddenly opened his brain, this guy will not find anything good again.

Sure enough, my sensory is correct!

Puff was very happy, and at this time, he suddenly remembered something in his mind. Wasn't it in the water in his dream before? It seemed to be in the waters near Devil Island. Things that I couldn’t think of before, suddenly became extremely clear at this time. This strange feeling made Poo Po more sure of his thoughts.

Poo Poo used the ability of polarized light to block the sight of these people, and then slowly sank into the sea, carefully following the group of people and swimming towards the sea.

Fighting in the ocean is completely different from fighting on land, otherwise the puff will not be chased before. Therefore, even if they are very confident in their own strength, no matter whether it is a group of people in front of Fang Jinshi or a puff, they are very careful.

Not only is Puffo completely shielding his breath, so is the group of people in front. So far, the use of various capabilities has basically developed a systematic approach.

There are many ways to shield your own atmosphere like

Puff-puff watched this group of people wandering carefully in the ocean and could not help secretly guessing what the group was looking for. At this moment, Poo Po felt as if he was attracted by something. A faint, flowing breath in the sea water, obviously in the ocean, as if you can smell the attractive fragrance. The pig's nose is still very smart, and **** suddenly looked at a sunken volcano under the sea.

At this time, Fang Jinshi and a group of people seemed to have noticed this faint scent. Fang Jinshi's heart burst into joy, and he signaled several team members to sink towards the submarine volcano carefully.

In his memory, this place was occupied by an extremely powerful marine beast. Although it is called a fierce beast, it is not a kind of evil-headed guy with a simple head. This guy is a completely evolved species, but it has little contact with humans, so it cannot communicate freely.


At this time, in the depression of the volcano, a creature with a length of four or five hundred meters long and golden yellow scales secretly hovered inside. If Bai Yi came to see this guy at this time, it would be a great surprise. This guy who was entrenched in the seabed volcano, had met it once before-Haihuang Jiao!

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