Era of Disaster

Chapter 719: Detailed explanation (1)

Bai Yi asked Woolf what they did, the first step is to upgrade to lv4. The evolutionary process of human evolution has always been in a forced pursuit, because the earth is always in a state of war. If you cannot quickly improve your strength, you may eventually die in the hands of others. It is precisely because of this catch-up evolution, so even now that the evolution system has been extremely perfect, almost everyone has some drawbacks.

These shortcomings are not obvious at first, but after gradually accumulating, they will become an unimaginable gap. In the end, these drawbacks will affect a person's most essential strength.

In the lv1-lv3 stage, if you want to perfect evolution, the various resources required are a very large number, but as long as they are accumulated, they can basically be achieved. But if you want to enter lv4, the resource required is a nearly astronomical amount. Under normal circumstances, this process is estimated to take decades, as long as you look at Grevis and Momo you can know. Bai Yi's process is special, and it is not normal. In fact, Bai Yi was also bombed.

Unlike other people's crazy boosting strength, Bai Minglou has always been focusing on perfect evolution, but this time, it seems that it can't wait until that time.

Woolf and Xia Wanqing worked hard for a month, and finally Xia Wanqing got pregnant. Although it is known that the facts are somewhat different, this does not prevent everyone from blessing.

Betsy and Bemira lived together for a while, watching Bemira refining various potions and relived the warm time.

Vera taught Sarah to deal with the housework of Baiminglou, and watched Sarah's growth with relief.

Together, Alodia and Bai Yi enjoyed this long-awaited feeling.

Shapi guards beside Mo Mo, as in the past. However, Shapi still feels a little different. In the future, there may not be a chance.

Poo Poo grabbed the two centipede centipedes and the flying winged scorpion, let them help take care of the rainbow fruit he had just cultivated, and in particular, he must not be allowed to steal it. Erao Lynx just looked at Poo Poo stupidly indifferently, what was originally boring, but now he is not bored at all.

Moxibustion bird returned to Devil Island, the place where he hatched. Although the original big tree hasn't looked like it was for a long time, the moxibustion bird is very familiar.


Soon, four people and four beasts returned to the Baiming Tower and came to Baiyi, and at this time, Baiyi was already waiting for them. Even if he forcibly entered lv4 with foreign objects, Bai Yi did not want them to become a half-hanger like Fang Jinshi. In the past ten years, although they are still far from perfect, their accumulation has been very full. What Bai Yi does now is to remind them of some key points.

"Starting from the lv1 binge eating period, the evolution of humans and creatures must follow certain rules."

Bai Yi took out a piece of information. This document is the one that Bai Yi had organized when he walked around the world and communicated with different people. This does not involve any cultivation method, but from the most essential aspect, it explains the detailed process of the evolution of life on Earth to the present.

lv1 nascent stage: cells are activated, heterogeneous energy is born, and the initial change from the soul.

◆Metamorphosis: reaching a new balance with the soul, awakening the absolute life field and consciousness.

lv2 metamorphosis: Soul and energy change in a special direction, so-called metamorphosis.

◆ Bloom: The absolute life field breaks through the limit and expands outside the body, which is the basis of external large-scale control.

lv3 life stage: life becomes stronger and stronger, and the connection with the universe is closer, and gradually perceive the laws of the universe. Visualizing non-human things, actively seeking change, and gradually becoming more powerful, life patterns are gradually changing.

Bai Yi first spoke out the previous stages slowly, very detailed. However, everyone in the room listened very carefully, even if they had already obtained this information from Bai Yi and had read it seriously. But some of the more subtle places, even they did not notice, now Bai Yi said, someone suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. After all, only Bai Yi entered lv4 now, and the feeling under the state of fine control is completely different from them.

"So, the next step is how to enter the lv4 consciousness of the sea." Bai Yi said, everyone immediately became more concentrated.

"The process of entering the consciousness of the sea is undoubtedly the same as the understanding of the outside world. It is called awakening! This process is mainly the process of the realization of the conscious sea. In fact, since humans have their own thinking, There have been countless associations in this regard. However, I am afraid that no description can be accurately described. Because at that time, the sea of ​​consciousness did not really exist, it can only be said that the consciousness is in chaos." Bai Yi said .

"So, let's first feel what the real sea of ​​consciousness looks like," Bai Yi said, his eyes slowly changing.

Reverse flower pupil-sharing of sense!

This is the secret technique used by the soothsayer Basil Gaman who fought against Bai Yi a long time ago. At that time, Bai Yi had already recorded it with the inverted flower pupil, and then explored it. It's just that there hasn't been much battle in the future, so there aren't many opportunities to use it.

At this time, after Bai Yi used it, the eight people's sense of consciousness was immediately connected by Bai Yi, and then pulled into Bai Yi's consciousness sea.

After the eight people's consciousness was drawn into Bai Yi's consciousness, they were completely lost. It is really indescribable, as if they were suddenly in the vast universe, they are just a tiny dust. They didn't get rid of this feeling until Bai Yi pulled them out.

"This is the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Through the perfect mapping of the Sea of ​​Consciousness to the outside world, the most subtle perception and control can be achieved."

Bai Yi said, a small spiral projected on his fingertips. At this time, the consciousness of other people and Bai Yi shared together, just like the supreme deity who ruled all the universe and controlled everything, perfectly presenting everything in this spiral in their minds. The precise and precise energy structure embodied in this spiral bomb is precisely this almost perfect structure, so that this spiral bomb has terrifying power.

"This is the control of energy."

"This is the perception of myself." Soon, among the consciousness of several people, a complex and boundless world appeared again. When the perspectives of several people continued to narrow, several people discovered that this vast world was actually Bai Yi's body. Those who have never experienced this kind of feeling just feel that their consciousness seems to be stagnant. If it were not Bai Yi who actively led them to perceive all this, it is estimated that they would not be able to support it long ago. Even so, their consciousness gradually dissipated, and fully integrated into Bai Yi's consciousness sea.

what! !

Suddenly, Woolf and Becky suddenly opened their eyes. At this time, the two people discovered that their location was still in the previous place.

The two looked at Bai Yi, only to find Bai Yi looking at them and laughing. And Vera next to them, sit quietly, but this peace gives a sense of silence. If it is not confirmed that they are still alive, it is estimated that Woolf will think they are dead. It didn't take long for Vera and Shapi to wake up one after another, and then looked at Bai Yi in surprise.

"Your sense of consciousness can't bear my sea of ​​consciousness, and it is very expensive. I let you recover in the middle of the deep set. How, how do you feel?" Bai Yi said.

"It's incredible!" Woolf said.

"Well!" Other people nodded, this feeling is really incredible. At this time, they also understood why Bai Yi did not let them realize the sea. Because they have not reached that level, they will easily sink after they perceive that feeling early. If you are infatuated with that supreme feeling, I am afraid it will not benefit them much. And this time, if they will not be allowed to enter lv4 soon, it is estimated that Bai Yi will not let them feel.

"This is the most essential difference between lv4 and lv3. When both the soul and the soul have grown up enough, they live on it, non-material, non-energy, the conscious sea awakened by the sublimation of consciousness." Bai Yi said.

"But!" One, however, suddenly pulled back the thoughts of several people.

"The Sea of ​​Consciousness is just the most essential change, not to say that only this change." Bai Yi raised his finger. "Life is a whole. At present, as we know, life can be divided into several parts., soul, consciousness, life field, energy. When awakening, every part of life is changing. All changes are coordinated. Up, it can be called-the transformation of life structure model!

"Change of life structure model!"

" The transformation of life structure mode. From this time on, powerful individuals will get rid of the fragile life structure mode and become more powerful and stable... well, not necessarily so. Generally speaking, this law is followed, but now we are in the process of groping, so this change in the structure of life will be different in everyone." Bai Yi thought of what, then Corrected.

"Greeves' ice elemental body, Truman's unformed lava body, and Momo's immortal soul." Alottia said.

"Yes, this is only part of it." Bai Yi nodded.

Others nodded clearly. Bai Yi has listed various examples on the information. Although these are just some unfinished examples, they also give them a very intuitive impression. However, Woolf suddenly looked at Bai Yi, and then split a smile: "Bai Yi, you are a living body."

"This is no way, that's what I said, there is no fixed path now, so the change of life structure mode is not necessarily in a good direction. Among them, more or less, there will definitely be disadvantages." Bai Yi said very seriously.

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