Era of Disaster

Chapter 720: Detailed explanation (2)

Seeing Bai Yi's solemn appearance, everyone knows that the process of entering lv4 is not as beautiful as they thought. Although what sounds like elemental body, immortal body, immortal soul, etc. sounds very attractive, but it can really become that kind of special life structure model, it is estimated that not many.

"In the future, there should be corresponding exercises to change towards specific life structure patterns." Vera said.

"Probably, but now, you learn this first." Bai Yi threw out a map.

"what is this?"

"What I deduce is compliant. Reinforcement on the original life structure should reach the level of 150%-500%. However, this is only the most basic life structure reinforcement. Because the earth creatures were originally like this Form, so it is only strengthened, and has not changed into a special life structure mode." Bai Yi said, when others were surprised, Bai Yi said.

"No, when did Bai Yi sum this up, you wouldn't be born again," Woolf said in surprise.

"Do you think I brought it out suddenly, don't forget how long I have been in the Sea of ​​Knowledge. I have been exploring this aspect for a long time, but I have only sorted it out recently after communicating with other people. Only." Bai Yi explained. However, even this is enough for others to admire.

"I say it again, it’s not a practice, it’s just a compliant form that reinforces your natural evolution. No one can predict what your life structure model will eventually change to, because you yourself are the pioneers of all life. Even, you may not be able to advance to success, and it is likely to fall. Truman is not an example. From the beginning to the present, I will not say how many people have left behind in the middle." Bai Yi said again seriously. .

Woolf heard the words and nodded suddenly.

"So, let's talk about lv4's understanding of the sea again. I have just mentioned the most obvious changes at this stage. Then I will now talk about some of my experiences, mainly in terms of power." Bai Yi saw that everyone understood, Said again.

"Lv4 knows the sea, the perfect mapping of the sea of ​​consciousness, and subtle control is the basis. However, above this, no, it cannot be said to be above, but the focus is different. In addition to the subtle control, there will be a different focus. Then derived different abilities." Bai Yi said, and then opened the lf force field.

"First of all, it is [lf force field]."

"The lf force field mainly focuses on the life field and consciousness. When the consciousness and life field reach a very strong level, they can be integrated and sublimated, and then form their own unique lf force field. Basically, this This kind of force field defense ability derived from life is very powerful, even if it is a nuclear bomb explosion, it can resist." Bai Yi himself has had examples of resistance to nuclear bombs, so they fully believe this.

"However, you also need to know that this is only relative to an attack that does not incorporate other lf force fields."

"For example, the first mother also has a lf force field. When the two lf force fields touch each other, they can melt each other, and then only one attack that is strong enough, not even particularly powerful, can hurt you. For now , Only to find that the same lf force field melts with each other, and there is the treasure of the first mother, the unrequited return to the source. However, this is not to say that there must be no other way to crack this defense. After all, our knowledge, also It's just limited to our current world. So, even if you awaken the lf force field in the future, don't be blindly confident." Bai Yi reminded.

"Secondly, it is [Blood Spirit]."

But this time, Bai Yi did not have his own example, but let Ye Ye project several forms in the middle. Bai Yi's own evil spirit butterfly, Bemira's white pattern cat, Fang Jinshi's Frost Pterosaur. At present, only so few people have exhibited the form of the real blood, and there are no more examples.

"The real blood form of the blood, the focus is on it." Woolf said.

"I don't say this estimate, you can also know." Bai Yi laughed, and then made a few reminders. "Yes, the focus of the form of the blood of the true blood is above it, but other elements are also indispensable. A strong sense of knowledge is also necessary, otherwise you cannot control your own changes. In addition, the form of the blood of the real blood of a person, and There is not necessarily only one."

"Is it really like what Fang Jinshi knew, can there be up to nine kinds?"

"I don't know, after all, I haven't really seen it yet." Bai Yi shook his head. "But, I don’t think the more different blood forms of the real spirits are, the better. It is better to say that the more different blood forms of the real spirits only show that the abilities are not fully integrated and can only be presented in a single way. Of course, I’m not sure exactly what happened."

"Regarding the real blood spirit, Bemira has refined a regenerative potion. The powerful effect of this potion can stimulate your own blood and show the real blood spirit. If you don’t want to accumulate slowly, you can use it. This medicine." Bai Yi said.

"Is it still called a regenerative medicament, I'm so sorry for this powerful ability." Alotiya smiled.

"I said that, she said she was incompetent, and she was too lazy to change it." Bei Qi also laughed. Bai Yi and others are also speechless. It is estimated that only Bemira would think so. If some other people were to make such an amazing potion, at least they had to be given the name of Lafeng.

"Okay, don't laugh anymore, let's talk about the third derivative ability [visualization incarnation]." Bai Yi motioned to everyone quiet.

"The incarnation of the avatar only appeared once. It was the ability that she showed when I was fighting with the first mother before. I don't have a special understanding of this ability, but I can analyze some things."

"Sense, soul, visualization!" Vera said.

"Yes!" Bai Yi nodded. "Consciousness, soul, imagination. With imagination, we endow the things we are imagining with a non-human nature, that is, with a human body that cannot be touched. If you have to give an explanation, Then this nature is like the "divine nature" in our mouth!"

"I don't know exactly how to complete the incarnation of imagination. In short, just remember that this ability is derived."

"Any other derivative abilities?" Poo Po asked very excitedly and curiously. At this time, Shapi and they were listening very quietly, but did not ask questions.

"Others, it does not appear at present, but from the analysis of this rule, what do you think should be drawn?" Bai Yi asked.


Everyone subconsciously analyzed in this direction. , Soul, consciousness, life field, energy, if sorted according to combination, there can be many combinations, but who can analyze the specific ability. However, it didn't take long for almost everyone to think of a problem and then looked up at the same time.

"If...!" Everyone said subconsciously before they looked at each other.

"Did you also think of something?" Woolf asked.

"Otherwise, let's write it together, and then compare and see if the things we think are the same." Poo Poo suddenly suggested that the helper Erao Lynx could not help but flick his tail. However, Bai Yi did not refuse, as long as it was not something particularly important, Bai Yi did not mind this small activity.

"So, each person writes it separately, and compares it." Bai Yi said.

"Your play is really heavy," Vera said, but the first one picked up the paper tag on the table.

Soon, everyone wrote down the answers and opened them one by one. After everyone looked at each other, they all laughed, because what they thought was almost the same, basically the same thing. That is, if all aspects of a person are very powerful and reach a level of perfection, what is the ability to show. However, what Bai Yi wrote is not quite the same as theirs, only one word.

"Bai Yi, what does your answer mean?"

"Just as the words say, God!" Bai Yi looked at the others.

"You are... the result!" Woolf thought a few thoughts before speaking in surprise. They all wrote what kind of ability would evolve if all aspects were integrated, and Bai Yi's writing seemed to give them an answer.


Controlled by consciousness, change into a different blood true spirit-imagination form; the fusion of lf force field and different blood true spirit evolves into the aura of life; the last visualization true spirit is added to it, giving it The divinity, the immortal and the soul, truly changed into what human beings long for-'God'!

Everyone looked at Bai Yi's answer, a word, so that everyone was silent.

"So, let's talk about how you should enter the lv4 consciousness. You can't be envious of these abilities. In addition, Vera and Shapi are special, pure spirits and dead bodies. Can they enter lv4? Unsure." Bai Yi spoke again.

"Well." Everyone answered. Although nothing changed on their faces, there was no such calm in their hearts.


The answer given by Bai Yi was unexpected and expected. Everyone now is already powerful enough to imagine. Compared with those people in the past, their strength is almost the same as that of human beings, except that they can’t make things happen.

So, will it really become like this? On the paper sign, a very simple word, but it is constantly impacting everyone's thoughts.

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