Era of Disaster

Chapter 883: Language branding

Bai Minglou likes to trace the essence when studying anything, because only by grasping the essence can he really understand the different abilities and principles.

Everyone’s strength comes from living cells. All of the original energy of everyone is called ‘heterogeneous energy’, and their own different preferences are something that will only come later.

Therefore, in theory, different forces can be transformed into each other!

Those extreme relative forces can't be transformed into Baiminglou now, but some forces that don't have conflicts can do it.

For example, the inverse pupils and spiritual imprints currently used by Alotija. This itself is an application based on spiritual awareness, and it should be said that there is no conflict with anyone. Of course, different people still have different corresponding attributes, and Alodia can only exert only part of the power of this imitation.

When the inverse pupil in Alortia's eyes appeared, the heart of the opposite Zama suddenly cooled slightly, a feeling as if being seen out of sight. After this feeling rose, this Zamaton immediately wanted an instinctive counterattack, but soon, he was forced to suppress it with a wolf.

`` And at this time, Alodia used the inverse pupil to stare at each other.

Originally, Alodia wanted to use the power of the anti-flower pupil to use the spiritual imprint, hypnotically imprint the memory of the other party, and then to understand the news of this world. But at this time, after the appearance of the anti-flower pupil, Alodia suddenly found that it was wrong. The body of the intelligent creature in front of him actually had two spirits.

How to say, some are like the so-called dual core in the computer!

The other party looks like a complete life, but it has two different spirits, and one of them is obviously in the main position. However, the spirit of the Lord is very weak, and the spirit of the slave is hundreds of times stronger than the spirit of the Lord, but it is very empty. And the power in this person is controlled by this hollow spirit.

Master and slave are wrong!

Alotiya subconsciously said something in her mind, but she didn't say much. Perhaps, this is what the people in this place are like. Found that the other party has two spirits, Alodia could not help but be more careful, because her ability is not spiritual after all. The two of them were obviously more nervous. The eyes of Zama and Alodia looked at each other, and the spirits of the two gradually came into contact.

Although he said he stood up, Zama was still very nervous. Although at this time, they have been captured by such unintelligent intelligent creatures in front of them, but of course it is different to stand up for the danger.

The other party's mental resistance is very strong!

Do not!

It should be said that the strength of that empty spirit is very strong, and it will autonomously protect the very weak spirit. Alodia gradually increased the strength of the pupils against the flower, slowly, both Alodia and this Zama felt the pressure. At this time, Zama's feelings are more profound, because the opposite creature actually uses its own spirit to directly compete with the power of parasitic carnivorous armor, and it also has the upper hand.

God, simply speaking about the ontology, this creature in front of it is hundreds of times stronger than them, how is this possible!

However, Zama did not know that Alodia also faced great pressure, because Alodia's power was not spiritual. After simply copying part of the spiritual brand, Alotija closed his eyes. Alottia's frowned look suddenly made both parties nervous.

However, it just became tense, and the two sides were not really fighting, because it seemed that at least Zama was not hurt.

After a while, Alottia stabilized.

"Дйбкㄎㄛéōζξ." Alotiya slowly said a few syllables, and the opposite Zama and Doster suddenly opened their mouths in shock. Although Alodia was slow, he was undoubtedly speaking in their language, and after the first time, Alodia was very fluent for the second time. Although the words in it seem to be somewhat incomplete, what Alotiya said for the second time means: "Remove your parasitic flesh armor!"

Whether it's Zama or Dorst, they were shocked!

A strong breath suddenly broke out on the two of them, and the atmosphere between the two suddenly became more tense. But Alodia just had a calm look, not angry at all, and once again said a few words in a slow syllable: "ㄜ??????ъыЁ (better communication)"

What Alortia said was not clear, and there were two fewer syllables and words, but the general meaning was understandable.

Obviously, because of the hindrance of the carnivorous armor, Alotija did not imprint the memory of the other party.

Zama was hesitant, and the Doster immediately shouted loudly: ‘Hey, Zama, don’t be stupid, the other party will know our language so quickly, what do you mean? "

What it means is self-evident!

Alotia's ability to a few of them seems to be too strong relative to their ontology. Such capabilities, if they appear in their society, will definitely cause great panic and threat.

After Alotija finished speaking, she didn't continue, but just quietly waited for the other party to answer.

At this time, the Zama thought for a while before speaking: "They only have four people. In any case, they belong to the weak side in the East Ring. Perhaps they are indeed weird and powerful, but It would be too exaggerated to say that four people can pose a threat to the inner circle of the East Ring. Now that we have different languages, we can only understand it better if we communicate better."

Zama said, taking the initiative to lift the parasitic carnivorous armor.

I saw Zama's body crust and muscles creeping on the surface, and then seemed to shrink, gradually disappearing into his body. This feeling made Alordia see the change of the form of the real blood. Soon, Zama revealed his true form. Obviously, Zama at this time was still non-human, and there was a huge difference from humans. The most important thing is that the current Zama is different from the previous one.

"Thank you, then, let's get started." Alodia said, using the inverted flower pupil again.

This time, without the power of parasitic carnivorous animals, the ability to simply Zama is worthless. Soon, Alottia copied the language memory from the other person's mind.

It's not that Alodia didn't want to know more, but he didn't dare to... copy the brand, and there is no such mystery as some novels say, you can view anything in the other person's mind. You should know that a person's personality, thinking, and self come from his own different memories. It is not a problem to simply look at some memories. If you really copy a few more, then self-consciousness will be affected by these memories, and then the personality split will be light.

After Alodia's copying and branding was over, Zama's face was a little uncomfortable, and she immediately understood it, and signaled the other party to put on parasitic flesh armor again.

After all, the other party's body is too weak. Although this is a crystallized space that Alodia deliberately isolates, it is in the universe, after all, his body cannot support much time.

When the other party put on the carnivorous armor again, Alodia's mouth spit out simple syllables one by one. Very simple syllables, similar to those in Chinese, with consonants and finals. Soon, Alotea's accent became faster and faster, as if completely entering a reading copy mode. The powerful copying ability of Inverse Flower Pupil directly utilizes the sea of ​​consciousness to map and brand everything, and then quickly familiarizes the body with this language.

So, we can communicate seriously. "Alotiya spoke again, looking at the two people on the opposite side."

Even if it was known for a long time that Alodia spoke again, they might be able to use their language, but Zama and Dorst were still very surprised and worried.

"The power you showed surprised us." Zama said very solemnly. Now that it is possible to communicate, the strength of the other party is more confirmed. At this time, they need to judge more seriously whether the other party has the ability to threaten the inner circle of the East Ring.

"Thanks for the compliment, in fact, I don't have much control over this ability." Alottia said modestly.

However, the words of Alortia, in the minds of these two people, are understood as another meaning, that is: Alortia's ability is not considered to be powerful, such an extent can only be regarded as unmastered. Under such cognition, Zama and Dorst were taken aback. None of them could imagine how powerful the creatures that emerged from the black hole this time.

No matter how the scalp is numb, in short, the two groups of people began to communicate.

The main thing is which astrological field of the outer universe they came from to see if it is an aggressive race. And, where exactly is this place, where do they live in Zama and Dorst, what is the pattern around, and so on. Both parties are analyzing and judging from each other's words to obtain the information they want.

Soon, Zama and Doster found out that, unconsciously, they were dominated by the opposite "human" woman named Alodia. During the conversation, all kinds of information were leaked. Went out.

After discovering this, the two were even more worried. This atmosphere and rhythm control ability!

It's just that the two didn't know how high Alotiya's identity is on the earth. This basic rhythm control ability is definitely available. The two of them are, in the final analysis, just two guys sent out to take the lead as deminers.


"Inner Universe, East Ring's inner domain!" Alotiya said slowly after she figured out the general pattern. And at this time, An Ling?? Ye Tan Huayin and Erwei Lynx they obviously have not understood yet. I1292

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