Era of Disaster

Chapter 884: Innate birth

Soon, Alodia knew from Zama and Doster's mouth where this is-the inner universe! Due to the powerful collapsing force of the black hole, the different star fields of the outer universe were sucked into this place.

It is hard to imagine the extent of a huge star field erupting enough to form a black hole.

The area of ​​the earth is totally incomparable compared with an inner ring-shaped area, because the so-called sun is nothing more than an extremely small star, and the volume of the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth.

Most of the civilizations in the star field have been destroyed and destroyed in the process of being swallowed by black holes. However, some civilizations have been preserved and reproduced in the inner universe. Moreover, even if the original civilization is extinct, as long as the environment is suitable, the inner circle can also form new life. Moreover, the inner universe should be the ‘chaotic world’ that Yuan said is more likely to breed new life than the outer universe, so the inner universe is not alone.


"This time it was someone who discovered a small black hole that broke out in the East Ancient Virtual Domain, so we came to investigate." Zama explained.

"Oh, is this valuable?"

"Well, after all, it is a new black hole. Although it is a small black hole eruption, the things brought out from it may also have very great value. In addition, there may be spiritual..." Zama said here, and suddenly stopped .


"We are not very clear about this issue, but there is a saying in the inner circle of the East ring that the outer star field is absorbed by the black hole, and when the inner ring field is formed, it will be unique to this world. The breath influences the birth of innate souls." Zama said.

"Innate spirit?" Alotija narrowed her eyes suddenly.

"It's just a legend. After all, we have never seen the formation of a new ring-shaped inner domain, and the time is too long, no one can confirm." Dorst also said at this time. At the same time as careful communication, Alottia's inverse pupil slowly affected the emotions of the two, and has become more and more relaxed.

"It's just a legend." Alotiya smiled.

But this time, whether it was Alottia or Anling, they had an idea in their hearts-this is it! The reason why Basil Gaman entered the world first is definitely because of this. On the earth, almost all civilizations have similar legends, and spirits are born with the birth of the world. A congenital spirit born with the help of world power is not a god.

"So, innate spirits, can other people in the inner circle also become, is there any requirement?"

"I don't know, just saying that spirituality is needed. After all, we are just the pioneers sent here to explore the way. We don't know much." Meaning, their status is actually very low. At this time, Dorst was so different from the previous fierce resistance that he easily said what he knew. At this time, the relatively calm Zama felt wrong, but they seemed to be unable to control themselves, and they could not help but say it with the inquiry of the woman named Alodia.

They didn't know that Alotija's inverse flower pupil has never been cancelled. Although Bai Yi's power is not so powerful, in the previous conversation, it has subconsciously affected their judgment.

‘What do we do now? An Ling asked.

‘Let me think about it carefully! "Alotiya answered. At this time, they all communicated directly with spirit, and did not expose it at will.

Originally, in addition to asking all kinds of news, Alodia's purpose in seizing the two was to see if he could enter the outer spaceship in a relatively free identity, and then go to a sufficiently stable world. Otherwise, it is impossible to hold on to the time around this ring-shaped zone around the space crack.

But at this time, after the two said that the new inner circle can conceive innate souls, Alotija was not easy to decide.

Innate spirit!

Although Alottia did not understand what the so-called innate spirit actually was, the Basil Gaman dared to risk his death just because of a vague feeling. Obviously, it had unimaginable benefits. of.

In contrast, it is clear that choosing to stay here and being the innate true spirit is the most rewarding.

However, the problem now is that they don’t know how to become an innate soul. This is definitely not something you can do by simply finding a place to sleep. In addition, although it is regarded as a black hole by the outside world, in fact, it is just a crack in space above the earth. Although somewhat huge, the space cracks and so-called black holes are completely incomparable.

The last thing is, if there is no accident on the earth, it has basically been completely absorbed by the Sifangtian World. The various substances ejected from the cracks in space are very limited. That is to say, there is a great possibility that the debris zone in this place is estimated to end here, and it is impossible to form a so-called new circular inner domain. Then the so-called innate creatures certainly can't talk about it.

The first choice may miss an important opportunity to become an innate soul.

The second option, maybe the new world will not exist at all. If they insist on staying here, maybe after these people leave, no one will pay attention to it. After being forgotten by everyone here and becoming the dust of the inner universe, they can only really become birdmen on the debris belt.

'leave here! "Alotiya said in the hearts of several people."

‘First of all, according to the normal possibility, the earth has been absorbed by Lord Bai Yi’s Sifang Heavenly World. It is simply impossible to form a circular inner domain here, and there is no way for innate spirits to talk about it. The second point, even if the power of space cracks is so terrifying, it is really like a black hole. It **** all the planets in the solar system to form a ring-shaped inner domain. We don’t know the exact way to become an innate soul. However, I believe that some people know the exact solution for the high-rise facade in the East Ring. Finally, there is time. We still have a lot of time to prepare. The formation of a ring-shaped inner world is definitely not over in a short time. Even if we choose to come back here again, there should be enough time. ‘Alotija explained to several people.

'To understanding! ‘No one has any objections, because Alottia has analyzed all aspects very clearly.

Well, the question now is how they should go to the so-called East Ring inner domain. And the way is obviously ready-made, with the help of Zama and Dorst.

"Is that true, we are not very interested in so-called innate creatures, and it is already very good to be able to survive. There is really no interest in taking risks again. On the contrary, we are very interested in what you call the East Inner Ring, I don’t know if you can guide us to visit.” Alottia said.

"Do you want to go?"

"Of course, since there is no interest in innate creatures, of course, you need to go to a stable world to see if you can start a new life, otherwise, stay on this shard belt and watch the stars." Alottia said slightly jokingly.

"So, welcome to the inner circle of the East Ring." Zama hesitated before saying. What does it feel like that they have discovered alien life, this time should be happy and ecstatic, but this time, he is a little uneasy.

"Then, both of them are in trouble." Alottia said, signaling An Ling to cancel the power of the ring of stagnation.

"Don't you inform your sir?" Alodia motioned to send the signal.

"No, it should not be used. If there is no wrong guess, the master's invisible virtual beast ship will come over. In fact, when we met you just now, we had sent a hidden signal." Dorst explained. At this time, instead he felt a little embarrassed. In fact, he didn't know why he was embarrassed. Under the influence of the inverse flower pupil, he felt that he secretly sent signals to be a little sorry for the other party.

"Do you mean the signal you sent three times, or send it again." Xiao Nuo said, and Alodia also nodded.

Zama and Dorst were suddenly stunned when they heard the words, and it took a while to understand what they meant. That is to say, the signal that they think they are hidden may not be transmitted at all. For example, this extremely young loli clearly knew that they sent three signals.

What kind of technology and power do these so-called human beings have?

Both Zama and Dorst felt a little uneasy, which was an instinctive feeling. It's just that because of the influence of the inverse flower pupil, the two couldn't show it accurately.

It's just that what they don't know is that this kind of uneasiness doesn't just come from Alottia's strength. You know, in terms of strength alone, Alodia is not much stronger than them wearing flesh armor. The most important thing is that this is a touch between two different civilizations. There is a clear difference between the knowledge system and the power system of both sides, and both sides have very little understanding of the other.

The biggest source of this unrest is actually unknown.

After the two sent a signal, several people stayed here again, waiting for the so-called Master's hidden virtual beast ship. During this time, the two sides talked more easily again. While Alottia was speaking, she asked Xiaonuo to record and sort in her own processor, record the comparison of the two languages, and wait for the future to form a systematic language book.

Because, Alodia believes that Bai Yi will definitely come to this world.


After waiting for almost half a day, Alodia they felt that all creatures came near this huge rock. However, this feeling is very erratic, if not the other party has been attached to the rock, they will not be aware of Alotija. Obviously, the other party's so-called invisible virtual beast ship is not just for fun.

Under Alotija's control, a crack appeared silently on the rock. After the rift appeared, three Eastmen suddenly appeared again. Although they didn't quite understand how this rift appeared, they found that the excitement of alien life had occupied their nerves, so after hiding the breath, the three quickly entered.

However, when the three Eastmen entered the middle, they were stunned.

This is different from what they imagined. When Zama and Doster reported that they discovered alien life, they thought that the so-called alien life was caught by them and imprisoned. As a result, the two sides now sit together in such a quiet manner. Although they are slightly restrained, they are obviously completely different from the pictures they imagined.

"Several good, I am a human from the earth, Ling? Ye Tan Huayin!"

"Two-tailed lynx!"

"Xiao Nuo!" With Alortia's opening, several people introduced themselves, and Alortia still used the East language besides the name.

"You guys, how are you!" No matter how stunned the later three people were, they all returned subconsciously.

This is the intelligent creature, and it is the commonality of intelligent creatures that can communicate. As long as the wisdom has been enlightened, and as a creature with a good degree of intelligence, it will definitely not bite like a beast, especially when the other party still speaks your language.

What's the matter?

The three looked at Zama and Dorst in disbelief, and led the four of them to the hidden virtual beast ship. Now that the other party can communicate and show a friendly and polite look, they certainly can't shoot suddenly, treating them as alien specimens. At this time, they could only treat Alodia as an alien envoy.

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