Era of Disaster

Chapter 930: Are you a fisherman

"Where do you want to go?" An East Ringmaster appeared, instantly taking over the absolute advantage. ? .. the arrogant and contemptuous gesture is completely unabashed.

"Damn!" Miao She scowled in a low voice, then turned around instantly.

However, the Eastman's ring master just smiled slightly, as if he didn't even see it in his eyes. With both feet stepping in the air, the ring master disappeared directly in place. Before Miao Snake escaped, an amazing blow came suddenly from the side. Almost everyone could see Miao She's waist suddenly bent into an amazing angle, and then flew out with a whizz.

When Miao Snake landed heavily on the ground and hit the unknown big tree, transparent ripples came from the air around him, and then a figure appeared. At this time, the right leg of the East Ring Master was still raised in the air, maintaining the kicking posture.

The corner of Eastbourne's ring protagonist raised proudly, and then extended his right hand, trying to catch the cotton ball.

Snake pupil?? soul industry fire!

At this time, the captain of the industry snake family who was fighting Wendi in the distance did not know when he had left, and his eyes suddenly changed. With the sound of Peng, beside the cotton ball, a transparent flame suddenly appeared.


The ring master of East also did not expect that the opponent's target was not him, but the cotton ball. The ring master immediately thought that the other party wanted to kill the cotton ball so that no one could get it.

Subconsciously, the ring master wanted to protect the cotton ball.

However, when his right hand had just come into contact with the flame, this soul karma instantly reached him. Instead, the cotton ball was not hurt in the slightest. When the flame spread to himself, the ring master reacted... bastard, this is the opponent's fighting strategy. If the opponent directly attacked him, he would definitely not be able to attack. As a result, the opponent attacked the cotton ball, causing him to hit himself in a hurry.

The industry snakes and the Ists immediately started a wild battle for the cotton ball.

No one found that the cotton ball had already captured the tuft of soul industry in the hand just now. This cluster of flames was as small as the lighter's flame, so no one noticed. The cotton ball is completely instinct to grasp the soul industry fire, as if it is curious about everything. After catching the soul industry fire in his hand, the cotton ball put his short arm back, looked carefully for a while, then opened his mouth again.

At this time, the talents of both sides discovered this scene.


The man of the Serpent Clan could not help shouting, and the ring master of East also paused slightly.

However, the cotton ball easily ate this group of soul industry fires, as if they didn't taste anything, and licked his mouth.

The man who thought that the cotton ball might die was a surprise, but the reaction came instantly. Even the ring master of East also brightened his eyes. When Tu Xiao asked him to come over immediately to grab this thing at first, he was a little bit resistant. How to say, the breath of gestation, the breath of gestation, should be something like breath, what is this baby like a cotton ball?

As a result, the cotton ball easily ate the soul industry fire, and nothing happened.

Even the East Lord's ring master can't help but feel that this cotton ball may really be the birth of that.


You Xinzi never thought about it, Wendi and they could find something to breed. Wendi and they came here to experience the grand scene that might happen next. But it seems that something like cotton **** is the breath of breeding?

This is too coincidental!

You Xinzi looked at all this in the sky, slightly anxious in her heart. At the beginning of the battle, You Xinzi didn't show up, because You Xinzi's observation distance was far greater than Wendi's, so it was clear how many people and power were nearby. Even if he temporarily grabbed the cotton ball in his hand, he could never take it out. You Xinzi has started to contact other people around to see if she can gather enough strength.

After the battle ended a while ago, I have been paying attention to this place every night. Although I don't know the specific effect and use of the Breath of Breeding, it obviously has a very huge effect, so I can't let others find and take away the same as before. Therefore, there are still some other puppets in Baiminglou near here. The tasks of these puppets are also looking for the breeding breath.

I got the news here every night, and rushed towards it immediately.

When flying, night by night compared the power of Baiming Tower with the outside world, and was slightly worried. In Bai Ming Lou, the top master of the awakening is now only Betsy, and the others are still sleeping. I woke up to Betsy last time, and I regretted it every night. Although this kind of abnormal awakening has little effect, it always has an effect. Perhaps it is only a few years before I wake up. Time to adjust.

Therefore, Ye Ye can't dare to call Mo Mo again, and they don't know when they will wake up.

If it was said that letting the new generation outside was to let them get exercise, then now the breath of gestation has already appeared, and the strength at the top seems to be insufficient.


Wendi and others were dumbfounded, and the continuous series of changes made them almost dazzled. At first, a group of snake people inexplicably attacked and began to fight for the cotton ball. Less than a while later, the Eastmen who met before also came, and it seemed that they had been prepared for a long time.

Looking at the movements of the two sides, are these human races looking for the cotton ball? What is that cotton ball so important to the human race? Is it the reincarnation of the first mother?

Someone thought about it.

"Captain, shall we continue?" Pei asked.

After coming from the East, the center of gravity of the battle was deflected. Unconsciously, Wendi's team was separated from the battle and became the battle between the Karma Star and East Star. Too. At this time, Yu originally wanted to come and another team with Wendi and their detached team also stopped.

However, before waiting for Wendi to answer, Pei suddenly widened his eyes.

Almost everyone has such a look, because in the distant sky, several huge spaceships suddenly appeared. The virtual beast spaceship has the appearance of a living fierce beast, so it looks very fierce and fierce. It can be said that the civilization above the ring-shaped star field of the solar system has just begun to be unsealed. Although it is not completely cut off from the original inheritance, it has not matured. Where has anyone seen such a scene.

That's too late!

You Xinzi saw this scene in the air and immediately judged. At this time, even if she went down, it is estimated that no time could be delayed.

But there are three virtual beast spaceships here. According to the news of Baiming Tower, this is almost half the strength of the East Star field. At this time, a lot of Eastmen appeared quickly from the spaceship. All these Eastmen were dressed in flesh-formed armor, and directly pressed into the battlefield with a pretentious momentum.

Obviously, as before, Tu Xiao's judgment was very decisive. At this time, there was no reservation at all, and most of the power was sent out, just to quickly end the battle here.

Indeed, quickly, under the pressure of the forces of the Eastman Great Forces, the people of the Karma Stars continued to resist, but they were still unable to catch up. Although he was not killed, but soon, the cotton ball was robbed by the other party. After grabbing the cotton ball, the Eastmen did not continue to entangle with them, but returned directly to the spaceship. Even if you want to catch up, it is basically impossible to face such a huge spaceship with personal power.

Soon, the spaceship flew up towards the sky. Wendi's team, Yu, and another team gathered together involuntarily, and then dumbfounded each other.

"What is that?" someone from the opposite team asked.

"I don't know, fierce beast, but it seems that people can go in."

"Spaceship, the legendary thing."

"Is there such a thing, I also have some understanding of the history of the Broken Age, but I have never heard of such a thing." The other person suddenly pushed his glasses and said.

Those who don’t understand history, and those who understand part of history know that this person is right. Even in the broken age, such a spaceship has never appeared. The current technology is just the inheritance of the broken era, and it has not been fully recovered. When did the human-like and intelligent race actually possess this level of technology?

"If you say that the other party is not a human-like intelligent race." Suddenly, Yu said.

"What do you mean?" the opposite team asked immediately.

The people in Wendi's team immediately thought of the topic Yu had told them the other day. Most humanoid intelligent creatures they have seen actually have very obvious human characteristics. And those characteristics are the origin of the term ‘humanoid’. And Yu said before that these human-like intelligent creatures in front of them don't feel that way.

So that means?

It's like a layer of The truth is clearly behind, but the dim feeling makes everyone feel a little bit worse. After a while, Yu started speaking again, saying three words: "Alien!"

Hearing these three words, whether they were Wendi or another team, they all froze in an instant.

No way!


At this time, Ye Ye also got the news of You Xinzi, immediately changed her direction, and intercepted it directly in the direction of the spaceship flying away.

Last time, Ye Ye took photos with the Void Beast Space Ship. Although there was no real fight at that time, there was some understanding.

Unexpectedly, this time it seems that it really needs to be shot.

Ye Ye didn't know if she was an opponent of the three space ships, but she had to work hard. At the very least, delaying time is necessary, otherwise it will end when the other party runs into the universe. With the technology of the current solar system's circular star field, it is definitely not possible to carry out star field navigation. The most important thing is that the people in the other star fields should have gotten the news, and they will not face three spaceships alone.

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