Era of Disaster

Chapter 931: Arrogant

After the Este snatched the cotton ball, they returned to the spaceship and climbed rapidly. In the spaceship, several ring masters gathered together after giving orders from people who paid close attention to other star fields. Although they grabbed the cotton ball, they really didn't understand how this cotton ball was the breeding breath.

Several ring masters can throw things down, but the people below do not dare to be lazy. Even if they are soldiers, they also know what will happen if they are caught up by other stars.

Fortunately, people in other star fields did not seem to react so quickly on a wide-area scan. Although those people have begun to pursue, it is estimated that they do not want to catch up before leaving the atmosphere and entering the outer virtual domain. As long as it escapes from the atmosphere and enters the virtual domain, the spaceship can sail at a speed of light, so don't even want to catch up.

It's just that the Eastians obviously didn't expect that there would be a human-sized mechanical life above the native star field of the solar system.

If the virtual beast spaceship really flew out of the solar system's ring-shaped star field, then even at night, it would definitely not be able to catch up. Therefore, there is no reservation at this time. Last time, Betsy said that she could use the power of the four pillars, eight poles and twelve pillars, and she was deducing the relevant data every night. Although it is still impossible to monitor the entire world, it is still possible to use the power of some twelve pillars.

For example, this time the Eastmen did not find any traces at all.

The three spaceships continued to accelerate, and just before they flew out of the atmosphere, they suddenly appeared from the side at night, and then circled to the front.

The Eastman, who closely followed the wide-area scan, was slightly relieved after discovering that the people in the other star fields did not catch up. But at this moment, the alarm suddenly sounded, bleak and harsh.

Suddenly floating in the air at night, his hands were suddenly spread out, and the hair of special materials kept flying. Behind Ye Ye, the dark ripples appeared instantly, and the huge mechanical world appeared faintly, as if they existed in the cracks of space. Ye Ye's body flows from the skin under the huge to terrifying energy.

Pluto Star System!

As if suddenly appeared, in front of the spaceship in the middle, there appeared a petite and huge figure of Ye Ye. Petite, because Ye Ye itself is petite, huge, but because of the virtual world behind the Ye Ye-Pluto system. Although it is a phantom, it brings huge pressure to people.

At such a fast speed, even if a stern alarm suddenly sounded, the Eastmen were completely too late to change direction, and could only watch the spaceship crash into it.

At this moment, many people still think that there may not be anything. Such a large volume comparison is completely like an elephant hitting a fly.

But, Ye Ye's eyes lighted up instantly, her hands stretched out toward the front suddenly.

There was a powerful collision, and the virtual beast spaceship in the middle hit the night straight, as if the volume comparison of the earthworm shook the tree. However, at the moment of contact, there was an amazing shock, and the entire virtual beast spaceship seemed to have an earthquake. It is hard to believe that it hit such a little guy.

The huge volume and amazing speed of the Virtual Beast Spaceship propelled Ye Ye to continuously recede towards the back.

He raised his head every night, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

A huge amount of energy came from the Pluto Star system, and the spark of energy suddenly bloomed behind Ye Ye, providing Ye Ye with a huge reverse thrust. Squeezed by a powerful force, Ye Ye's entire body seemed to burn up, and the light of energy was scorching. And at this time, the place where the hands of Ye Ye touched in front of the Virtual Beast Space Ship had sunk deeply. Yeye’s petite arm was much harder than the head of this virtual beast spaceship.

Ye Ye's expression became more intense, and the Pluto system behind him suddenly exploded into a powerful force, huge thrust, and competed with the entire spaceship.

Powerful forces are squeezed together, and the head of the virtual beast spaceship sags more and more towards the inside, making this living virtual beast spaceship mourn.

You guys all stay with Miss Ben!

Ye Ye's eyes lit up suddenly, and the driving force behind him erupted instantly. As if it were an arrow, night by night, he squeezed the virtual beast spaceship with his own body and penetrated the entire virtual beast spaceship from beginning to end.

There was a burst of rumbling sound, and the petite body of the night appeared behind the spaceship, and at this time, the virtual beast spaceship was broken a big hole from beginning to end, especially the back part, it was completely exploded. open. Through the hole, you can also see the horrified and horrified Ister.

It only took more than ten seconds from the appearance of Ye Ye to now. Many Eastmen did not even react to what happened, and did not expect that Ye Ye’s attack was actually not a weapon used, but this kind of arrogance was unreasonable. The way.

The spaceship penetrated by night continued to follow the original trajectory and glide a long distance toward the front. However, the spaceship quickly stopped completely, and was suspended on the edge of the empty atmosphere. The two intact spaceships next to me now reacted, turned their directions, and faced the night.

The Eastmen on the spaceship are all stunned. Many people don't even know what happened. Because there was no trace of night and night on the wide-area scan until the Pluto system was opened night and night.

On the attacked spaceship, several ring masters evaded in a hurry. Until now, they had the opportunity to evaluate what they had encountered.

It was her, the human woman who appeared once more than ten years ago.

Tu Xiao waited for several ring masters to find the night and night suspended in the distance, and immediately recalled it. Last time, Ye Ye came here to say hello to them. Although there was no real fight that time, there was some contact between the two sides. It is precisely because of the many encounters in this star field that Istians know the most about the ring star field of the solar system. This star field is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. If you despise it, you might lose miserably.

For example, now!

No one expected that they would be caught up by night, and still stayed in such a brutal way.

"Hehe!" Ye Ye smiled innocently, then stretched out her left hand. From behind Ye Ye, a huge long bow suddenly appeared in the Pluto Star system. The huge Pluto Star system is faint, with the awe-inspiring posture of Ye Ye, which immediately brings great pressure to everyone. And seeing the world as illusory as real, a few East Ring masters knew that they still thought the other side was too simple.

"Preparing to fight back, the energy of the virtual flash cannon is ready."

"You are dead, don't forget the particularity of this star field, open the defensive field." On the other two spaceships, I was busy anxiously. Until this time, some people remember what happened on this star field. It seems that weapons against the star field will be rebound. With their relative positions now, it's not a matter of killing them with a virtual flash.

The long arrows in Ye Ye's hands suddenly flew out and appeared in front of another spaceship in an instant.

A powerful tremor buzzed and a transparent ripple appeared from the front of the spaceship. The long arrow entwined with the black flame started from the arrow and continued to crack into powder. Although this spaceship was constantly oscillating, it was not as easily destroyed as the previous spaceship.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy without sneak attacks. But, almost," Ye Ye said.

After such a period of delay, the people in other star fields have also reacted and are chasing at high speed. In addition, what you find every night is directly the spaceship with the cotton ball that You Xinzi said. At this time, the other party wants to transfer the cotton ball, and it is estimated that it is too late to escape the destroyed space ship.

"Tuxiao, what should I do?" thought the ring master asked.

"I have sent a signal to other people for a long time, and we take the breath of birth to see if we can go up to the other two spaceships. At this time, sending the breath of birth is the main goal." Tu Xiao was very calm. Said. The people in the East Star field came here, but there are six spaceships. There are only three ships here, and the other three ships have not come over in other places. In particular, the spaceship that repaired troops was very far away from here.

"Okay, what exactly do you do?"

"My flesh armor has been damaged before. Waiting, mainly depends on the two of you. I will take the breath of breeding to the other two spaceships. You will delay the human woman for a while. After you find a chance, Come back. In short, we cannot waste time here." Tu Xiao said.

"Well, okay!" The other two hesitated a little and nodded.

It can be seen that Tuxiao has a good reputation and status in the East group. The two ring masters agreed with Tu Xiao's proposal without much thought. The point is that Tu Xiao’s flesh armor was indeed damaged very badly in the previous battles, and they could not put forward refuting At this time, the other three Eastman spaceships were above , Have received a notice from Tuxiao here, let them immediately go to help. The breath of gestation has been found, and the most important purpose now is how to send this thing out safely. After receiving the news, the other two spaceships rushed over to meet without much thought. However, the training side is completely different.

Because, a few Ists are now subordinate to Jinjila.

"What's wrong, it suddenly became uneasy." Jinjila looked at a few Eastman subordinates and asked suddenly.

"Master Jinjila, can we leave?" Xiu Bing suddenly made a request.

Jinjila has not answered yet, but the kitten girl and the other two who followed Jinjila from the restaurant looked at the soldiers in surprise. Just kidding, for more than ten years, they really felt the strength of the boss lady, and the soldiers did not have any intention of breaking away. How could they make this request suddenly?

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