Chapter 132 Do you see me like Spirit Stones

“Chu Elder’s accomplishments in the formation are really deep, and he is one of the best.” Li Fan smiled and said to the clean palace Elder Chu Bianshan next to him, “If it weren’t for Chu Elder’s help this time, I don’t know this fixed-point teleportation array. A layer of Spirit Gathering Array can be placed in it to replace Spirit Stones to ensure the operation of the Teleportation Array.”

Chu Bianshan was full of spring breeze when he heard the praise of Li Fan, Realm’s advanced young talent.

He caressed the long beard and smiled faintly, “This is nothing. Li Sect Leader entered the Dao Realm at a young age. This achievement is far from the old man.”

“I think Chu Elder’s aura is solid and his Spirit Power is full. It shouldn’t be long before he can enter the Dao realm.”

“Thanks to Li Sect Leader’s Boundary Breaking Pill, otherwise the old man still doesn’t know how many years will be wasted in this Innate realm.”

The two touted each other, and the atmosphere was very harmonious, as if Li Fan came to Qingjing Palace some time ago to pick up eight pieces and take the slate fragments from them had never happened.

Li Fan couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. With the same interests, enemies can become friends in minutes.

When the two exchanged greetings, Li Fan’s jade talisman in his arms suddenly became slightly hot. He took out the jade talisman and showed a slight smile on his face.

“I didn’t expect to find the Extreme Fire Land when I was preparing for the Golden Core. There were clues here, but the function of this Extreme Fire Land was so outrageous.

What Nine Heavens mysterious fire, a ray of fairy intent, and immortal body?

According to the introduction he found in the system, this extremely fierce land is a fierce land, and the fire in it is extremely fierce and can melt everything. If the ordinary cultivator does not restrain the fire in it, even if it strays into it. You are a Taoist cultivator and will turn to ashes every minute.

What else is there to find the flames of the Extreme Fire Land? Is this not fast enough? ”

Li Fan frowned slightly, feeling that this matter might not be as simple as he thought.

He turned his head to look at Chu Bianshan next to him, and said: “I just received a message from my disciple saying that a clue to the Extreme Fire Land was found at an auction, Chu Elder, the Extreme Fire Land. Guizong should have heard of the matter too.”

Li Fan narrowed his eyes, carefully observing Chu Bianshan’s expression.

It is rumored that it cultivates the fairyland where the cultivator can break through the Innate realm, and the auction is still held in the Qiren City under the nose of the Qingjing Palace. If the Qingjing Palace says that he doesn’t know, he won’t believe it.

Chu Bianshan smiled and said, “I just wanted to talk to Sect Leader Li about this. I didn’t expect that Sect Leader Li already knew about it.

Our Purification Palace was the first to know the news of this extremely hot land and we have also checked the authenticity of the news.

At the auction this time, I sent three Elders from the Qingjing Palace and used a lot of resources. We are also very greedy in this extremely hot place. ”

Li Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. When Chu Bianshan in front of him mentioned the Extreme Fire Land, there was nothing wrong with his expression. On the contrary, it seemed that the Qing Jing Palace was sure to win this place.

This made him a little confused about what was going on. Could it be that the Palace of Purity didn’t know what was going on in this extremely fire place, and he was also deceived?

Or this news is a plot directed and acted by Qingjing Palace, so what are they plotting?

It seems we need to try again.

“Li is also very interested in this extremely hot place, and the teleportation array here has also been set up. Why don’t we set off and visit that place city together.” Li Fan suggested.


Chu Bianshan was also a little moved. The two hit it off, and they left together and soon arrived in the market.

“Sect Leader, here.” Ren Guan and Hengqing beckoned.

Li Fan, who had just entered the venue, saw Ren and Guan at a glance.

Then he turned slightly to the side of Chu Bianshan beside him and said, “If Chu Elder doesn’t dislike it, why don’t you go and sit there with me.”

Chu Bianshan paused for a while, then smiled and nodded, “Okay.”

Chu Bianshan knew that there were people from the Pure Palace in this venue. It stands to reason that when the two of them arrived at the venue, he should go to meet their own Sect people.

But now that Li Fan made an obvious invitation, he couldn’t let Li Fan’s Face off, but he was slightly puzzled.

He sat next to Renguan and Renguan with Li Fan.

“Sect Leader, now the map that records the Extreme Fire Land has captured 200,000 Spirit Stones, and the price is still rising.” Ren Guan said.

“Yeah.” Li Fan nodded, noncommittal.

The function of this Extreme Fire Land was so ridiculously rumored that the price would naturally not be low, enough to continuously cultivate and create a large number of masters.

Enough to drive all Sects in the entire Canglan domain crazy.

Chu Bianshan next to Li Fan also didn’t care. The price of 200,000 Spirit Stones was far from the true price of this extremely hot spot.

According to their estimates of the Purity Palace, this time the map is conservatively estimated to be sold at a price of more than 500,000 Spirit Stones, and even higher is unknown.

It should be known that a middle-level Seven-Rank Sect continuously hunts Demonic Beasts, collects and cultivates elixir, or finds and mines spirit ore each year, and the amount of Spirit Stones that can be earned in a year is only three to fifty thousand Spirit Stones.

As the top Sect of the Canglan Domain, their Purity Palace, coupled with part of the taxation in charge of Qiren City, can only earn less than 100,000 Spirit Stones in a year.

Although it’s not too small, don’t forget that the training, alchemy, and equipment of the disciples in Sect, including the expenses for maintaining the safety of Qiren City, will spend almost half a year.

At the end of the year, there is basically very little left.

Half a million Spirit Stones, even if their Purity Palace would have to hollow out most of their family assets to get them together.

But in their view, if they can take this extremely hot place in their hands, all the efforts will be worthwhile.

This is the matter of Fukuzawa Sect for thousands of years, and the profound fire immortal meaning in a place of extreme fire, save a little and use them for thousands of years.

“Sect Leader, you can count it. Just now we wanted to take this map directly and give you a surprise, but we didn’t expect the price to be so crazy…” Hengqing scratched his head and blushed.

“But fortunately, you came here in time. It will be no problem to take down the map now.”

Ren Guan also nodded, and rarely agreed with Hengqing’s point of view, in their opinion, Qian Yuanzong had countless resources and profound background.

His own Sect Leader must be quite powerful, and he has not caught hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stones.

Li Fan was a little hairy when they looked at them with hot expectations.

He felt bad in his heart when he received the news from Renguan.

The rumor in this extremely hot land is too strong, and the price will definitely be extremely crazy.

He did not feel that hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stones were too many, but the problem was that he basically used up all the Spirit Stones on the fifth floor of the breakthrough Foundation Building.

The only Spirit Stones left in Sect were also given to the ten Ren Guan as rewards.

Now it can be said that it is the jingle of poverty all over.

The pockets are cleaner than the face.

Li Fan cautiously probed Chu Bianshan, “Chu Elder, what do you think will be the final transaction price of this map.”

“Normal situation is about 500,000 Spirit Stones.” Chu Bianshan replied in deep thought.

Li Fan smacked his lips without saying a word.

When Hengqing heard this number, he was a little excited, “Only 500,000 Spirit Stones, Sect Leader, buy him.”

Li Fan glanced at him and wondered if his disciple’s collection was a bit sloppy, and should I clear the door.

Li Fan’s mouth twitched to the two of them, saying, “Do you two see me like Spirit Stones?”

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