Chapter 133 I Li Fan, Our Lady

When Ren Guan and Hengqing heard what Li Fan said, they were dumbfounded.

“It turns out that our Qian Yuanzong is so poor now, this is over, this map seems to be out of reach.”

The two felt a little disappointed, but Li Fan didn’t care.

Pretending to be contemplative on his face, he looked at Chu Bianshan next to him. Chu Bianshan saw that he was hesitant to speak, and he was puzzled.

“What’s wrong.”

Finally, Chu Bianshan couldn’t stand Li Fan’s tangled expression anymore, and the curiosity in his heart was completely aroused.

“Li Sect Leader, do you have anything to say to me.”

Li Fan sighed and said: “Chu Elder has something to say that is really inappropriate, but I and the Purity Palace are also allies. I am really worried that the Purity Palace will be deceived.

So I have to say this, the extremely hot place may be tricky. “After speaking, he took out two yellowed books from his sleeves and handed them over.

“Huh?” Chu Bianshan was startled. Is there any fraud in Extreme Fire, could it be that the map is fake?

He dubiously passed the two volumes in Li Fan’s hands and turned them to the page marked by Li Fan.

At this glance, Chubianshan’s face instantly turned pale. The description of the Extreme Fire Land was completely different from what they knew. According to it, the Extreme Fire Land was not a fairyland at all, and there was no cultivator in it. Improve the effect of Cultivation Base breakthrough.

On the contrary, it was an extremely dangerous place, with a trace of the sky fire inside, and even the spiritual light realm cultivator of the third realm in the Dao realm would be reduced to ashes.

If it was just like this, or if someone showed him this ancient book from an unknown source, he wouldn’t believe it at all.

But among the two books he opened, one of them was impressively imprinted with the breath of the Pure Palace, which proved that this book was spread from the Pure Palace.

“Li Sect Leader, did you exchange this book from my clan last time?”

Li Fan nodded.

“Hey, it’s troublesome now.” Chu Bianshan glanced at the meeting place, his Sect people had already called the price of 480,000 Spirit Stones close to the peak, and his complexion was even paler.

Take this large sum of Spirit Stones out if you are cheated.

Then their Purity Palace will not be able to slow down in two or three years, and the development of Sect will also be delayed. Then they are competing with Li Fan for the Ten Territory Competition, which is already on the agenda, for the position of the domain master. Things will also be directly affected.

Their efforts to clean up the palace over the years will all be in vain.

Thinking of this, Chu Bianshan’s body trembled a little, “Sect Leader Lee is not sure if I can tell them about this with me.” He looked at the direction of his Sect in the venue.

“No problem.” Li Fan nodded.

And at this time.

“Forty-eight thousand Spirit Stones at once.”

“Forty-eight thousand Spirit Stones twice.”

“Forty-eight thousand Spirit Stones were sold three times.”

The whole venue boiled instantly, with regrets, unwillingness and jealousy.

“Oh, in the end it fell short. The financial resources of the Palace of Purity are too strong.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, seeing the opportunity to enter the Dao Realm just slipping away in front of the old man, the old man is not reconciled.”

“You said, can we buy a place from the Purity Palace to enter the land of extreme fire, after all, the land of extreme fire is not a one-time opportunity, now we are about to fight the weird group in the Southern Moon Valley. If our overall strength can be Ascension, it will be good for the entire Canglan Region, I believe Qingjing Palace will also agree.”


“I think it’s okay if you just buy a few quotas for each case.”

“It’s great, we can talk to the Purity Palace when we wait for the Hundred Sect Councils for a while…”

“What? Old Chu, are you sure that what you said is true?” Elder Lu Yu of Ji Ning’s group said in surprise.

Chu Bianshan did not speak and passed the ‘evidence’ in his hand.

After reading it, Lu Yu couldn’t help but slumped on a chair. He looked at the booklet with the unique brand of Qingjing Palace in his hand, and then looked at Li Fan.

My heart also began to waver.

“But we have already photographed the map of the Extreme Fire Land… If this is a fake, how can it be good? Who wants to cheat us on the Purity Palace.”

“Lu Elder, I don’t know where you learned about the Extreme Fire Land as the Immortal Land? Why this kind of thing seems to be known to everyone? Not many people should know about this rare place.” Li Fan asked while looking at Lu Yu who was slumped in the chair.

Lu Yu clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, “This happened more than a month ago…”

After a while, Li Fan, who had listened to the ins and outs, appeared in thought, “So this news came from the Sect named Wanfa Zhai?”

Lu Yu nodded, and hesitated: “But Wanfa Zhai is an older force in the Canglan Region. Their Sect is rather weird, not good at fighting for fame and fortune, nor for any cultivation resources. Sect gets along very well, as if there is no desire or desire.

But they are only interested in various secrets, ancient books that record historical facts and anecdotes.

In particular, one of their Sect Leader herding is notoriously knowledgeable. He knows world anecdotes, various secret realms, and even long-lost techniques and pill recipes.

Therefore, there are many Sect forces who come to Wanfazhai for advice, including our Qingjing Palace in the early years to ask for the long-lost pill recipe that we saw in an ancient book. That Mufang is also easy to come up with.


Li Fan understood what Lu Yu meant. Even now, he still believes the news about Extreme Fire from Wanfa Zhai more, and does not believe him and Chubian Mountain.

But this is not a problem, just go to the extremely hot place to find out what the matter is.

“Lu Elder, this matter is of great importance. I think this matter may not be just for the Purity Palace. Did you hear the voice in the venue just now.” Li Fan said flatly.

Lu Yu was a little puzzled, “Li Sect Leader is saying that someone just proposed to buy a place to practice in the land of extreme flames?”

“Lu Elder thinks it is someone who most urgently wants to practice in the land of extreme flames.”

“Is… the cultivator at the peak of the Martial Realm?”

“Yes, those people who are eager to go to Extreme Fire are all Realm’s top cultivators who have been stuck in Innate Realm for a long time, and these people can be said to be the pillars of Canglan Region.

And now it’s a crisis in the Southern Moon Valley, and we need our help from the Canglan Region. At this time, if there is a problem with the cultivator in the Land of Extreme Fire, things will be troublesome. ”

Listening to Li Fan’s words, Lu Yu imagined that if most of the top cultivators of the Canglan Domain had an accident in the extremely fire place of their Purification Palace, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The Qingjing Palace will immediately be pointed out by Wanfu, and the Hundred Sects Alliance that has not yet formed will also be destroyed.

Then the weirdness of the Southern Moon Valley could not be stopped, and when those weirdness completely occupied the Southern Moon Valley, the Canglan Region would immediately follow in the footsteps of the Southern Moon Valley.

A cold sweat was dripping on Lu Yu’s forehead, and Chu Bianshan was also nervous.

Li Fan continued at this time: “So, even if what Wanfa Zhai said is true, the risk is very small, but we can’t take any risk in Canglan Domain now.

Therefore, the sale of places must be postponed, and for the time being, don’t bother with the map seller and Wanfa Zhai, so as not to be horrified.

We can quietly dispatch a few masters to explore the reality of the extremely hot land. ”

Lu Yu’s eyes lit up, “This method is indeed possible, but if this extremely hot land is really a conspiracy against our top cultivator in the Canglan Domain, then we will send a few Innate realms to death. This loss is not small. Unless…” Lu Yu glanced at Li Fan carefully, then paused.

Lu Yu was a little nervous and ashamed. He was kind enough to remind them not to be calculated, but he still wanted to take the others to take risks for the Qing Dynasty.

This is really not authentic.

But if there were no masters like Li Fan, who were all outstanding in the Taoist realm, they would have lost the Clean Palace. If the Spirit Stones got into a few more Innate realms, they would be completely ruined.

Lu Yu gritted his teeth secretly, not for the sake of Sect’s old face, “Li Sect Leader, I would like to invite you to explore the extremely fiery place with our Purity Palace, what do you think.”

You can rest assured, as long as you are willing to go with us, I will discuss with Sect Leader and I will give you 300,000 Spirit Stones as your selling fee.

And if the land of extreme fire is indeed a fairyland without any danger as Wanfa Zhai said, the 300,000 Spirit Stones will still be given to you, and you will be given ten places to practice in the land of extreme fire. See how. ”

Lu Yu was a little embarrassed when he finished, the big black face full of wrinkles turned a little red.

Chu Bianshan also lowered his head slightly, pretending that he hadn’t heard anything.

Li Fan looked thoughtful and said nothing.

While Ren Guan beside him had a black face and expressionless, Heng Qing wrinkled his generous face into a ball with all his might, and turned back altogether.

There was no way he was afraid that he could not help but laugh.

I didn’t expect my own Sect Leader to be so darkhearted. This is really trying to sell others, and let others help count the money. It’s not wanting face.

I didn’t pay for a Spirit Stones, and wanted to use someone else’s extremely hot place, and they gave him 300,000 Spirit Stones.

Ren Guan nodded secretly in his heart, “No loss is Sect Leader. The depth of my mind is unfathomable. It seems that I haven’t learned enough. I don’t know when I can achieve Sect Leader. Mount Tai collapsed. The color doesn’t change, and the face doesn’t blush. Sect Leader is really a role model for our generation.”

Lu Yu looked at Li Fan’s solemn expression without saying a word, and his heart jumped. What I just said was that Li Sect Leader was upset.

Indeed, it is so obvious that if you want to take advantage of others, let people take risks, everyone will feel unhappy in their hearts.

And how can people like Realm’s masters care about our trivial 300,000 Spirit Stones?


Lu Yu shook his head and sighed, but there was no way to give up like that, “Li Sect Leader, I know that I was really abrupt, but you and our Purity Palace are also solid allies. Hope you can help us to tide over this difficulty, please. , We are willing to add another two hundred fourth-rank elixir and one hundred third-rank elixir as a gift.”

“Lu Elder, you… nothing, after all, I have a very close relationship with Qingjing Palace. I can help with this task. As for the elixir, I don’t need it.” Li Fan said.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows with joy and thanked again and again.

In the end, at his insistence, Li Fan had to “reluctantly” accept the reward of the other party’s 300,000 Spirit Stones and 300 high-rank elixir.

The two agreed, and decided to wait for the Hundred Sects to explore the land of extreme fire together.

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