Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven

Xu Lian sat down sluggishly, looking surprised, “What happened just now, the strength in this young man is so strong.”

He hadn’t even wanted to sit down just now, but the power from the young man made him completely unable to resist the cultivator of the Taoist realm, and he was forced to press down.

How could he not be surprised by this.

Seeing Xu Lian seated, Miao Zhi heaved a sigh of relief and said, “Boy, this is what you want to die. Don’t blame me. Since you are in such a hurry to reincarnate, I will give you a happy one in a while, just treat it as right. You thanked you for being so witty.”

“Four-way strength.” Miao Zhi moved his five fingers together and moved straight to Li Fan’s head with a shocking palm.


A strong wind came from Li Fan and Miao Zhi and swept across the country.

In the Great Hall, the full force of the cultivator of the Guanli Realm cannot cause half damage. The ground paved by Qingtaoyan in the fifth rank spirit mine is fragmented, densely packed with cracks covering the Great Hall, even extending to the Great Hall. Outside the reception room.

A huge roar accompanied by the dust aroused by the crushing of Qingtaoyan, a Daoist shadow flew out from the dust like a rag bag, and fell heavily in the middle of the Great Hall.

“Miao Sect Leader’s shot is so powerful, the power of one blow is earth-shattering.”

“This kid’s head is gone, Miao Sect Leader is kind, and he didn’t suffer any pain.”

“You… look, this is Miao Sect Leader’s clothes!”


The dust in the hall was scattered by the crowd, revealing the complete figure on the ground.

The whole body is like cracked porcelain, the head is gone, and it can’t be distinguished. Only the tattered purple robe on his body can vaguely distinguish the clothes of Innate realm peak cultivator Miao Zhi.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, only to see Li Fan’s face as usual, gently dusting the non-existent dust on the robes.

“Miao Sect Leader is dead!”

“How can it be!”

“It’s so murderous, it’s such a murderous attack at a young age.”

Seeing that Li Fan in the palace killed Miao Zhi at the peak of Innate realm with one move, everyone’s expressions were gloomy, and their hearts were terrified, and they all fell silent.

Only a few people who had good acquaintances with Miao Zhi were angry at Li Fan, attacking him too hard, and attacking him in public.

But most of them closed their mouths tightly. He didn’t even think that this young and overly powerful young man was so amazing that he killed Miao Zhi with one move.

As the cultivator of Innate’s peak, Miao Zhi is half-footed into the Dao Realm. Among the 100 people in the field, only five or six can be compared with him. This kind of existence has been beaten by the palm of his head.

How dare they say more, Li Fan can kill Miao Zhi with one move, so he can kill them with one move.

Moreover, this young man didn’t commit an unprovoked murder, but Miao Zhi insisted on taking others’ prestige to kill him, but now he was counter-killed. That can only mean that he did not recognize the opponent’s strength and died unjustly.

Li Fan looked at the two people who accused him of being too heavy, and said coldly: “He was kind to me as a killer, and I was cruel to kill him. You two are so powerful and prestigious. The truth in this world is completely destroyed. You take it.”

The two middle-aged men standing beside Miao Zhi’s corpse were a little frightened looking at Li Fan’s cold eyes.

Then I remembered the sound transmission of the other eight sixth rank Sect Sect Leaders in the temple just now.

“Zhou Dongzhu, Gong Sect Master, among these people brutally murdered Miao Zhi Sect Leader, if I wait and watch, then the Pure Palace will become so strong that it will become stronger. I am afraid that there will be no place for me to stand in the Canglan Region in the future.

For a while, you two will come forward as friends of Miao Zhi to count the crimes of the murderous man, which aroused the anger of the crowd. I will forcefully suppress the Qingjing Palace and the murderous man with great power. Today, I will definitely make them pay the price. Together, I completely cut off the way I was waiting for Sect.

Don’t worry, once the murderer’s action is exactly what we want, I will join hands and the murderer will not be able to resist even the Daoist cultivator, and the Purity Palace and the murderer will be overwhelmed by the anger of everyone present. , To become the villain that Qianfu refers to, and can no longer be an obstacle to us, this Canglan Region is ultimately our Canglan Region. ”

The two became calm in their hearts, and pointed to Li Fan and said, “Today is a hundred discussions, discussing and forming an alliance to fight against the weird thing. You outrageously killed Sect Leader Miaozhi and ganged up with the Qingjing Palace. You want to cut off all the Sects in the Canglan Domain. No way to survive.

Today, you can kill Miao Sect Leader, tomorrow, is it right that which Sect makes you uncomfortable will be killed by you in an instant.

This Canglan Region is the place for everyone to live, and I am not the beast that you wicked people want to take or seize.

Even if the two of us die in your hands today, we will not succumb to your evil deeds. ”

Bang bang bang! Li Fan looked at the two people who were willing to give up their lives and clapped their hands.

“It’s so embarrassing, and the other is full of evil. The attitude of the two to sacrifice their lives really made Li couldn’t help but applaud.

I am almost impressed by your lofty spirit. ”

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what Li Fan meant.

When Zhou and Gong heard what Li Fan didn’t know, they said, “What do you mean?”

Li Fan glanced at several sixth-rank Sect Sect Leaders in the field, and saw no waves in his eyes.

Just now two people spoke to him, and those two were two of the eight sixth rank Sect Sect Leaders.

Li Fan turned his head and glanced at Ji Ning, who was sitting firmly on the high platform.

Ji Ning nodded slightly to Li Fan.

Li Fan’s heart responded, good guy, you can’t resist the mess of your cleansing palace, let me help you deal with it, it’s really not wanting face.

However, the two hundred thousand Spirit Stones promised by Ji Ning Transmission and him were changed to five hundred thousand Spirit Stones after his friendly consultation.

He still decided to carry the pot on his back.

“Five hundred thousand Spirit Stones plus the three hundred thousand Spirit Stones promised to explore the Extreme Fire Land, and after my multiplying system increases…80 million Spirit Stones!

This cleansing palace is really generous, eh, I just don’t see people suffer, I still have to help with this favor. “Li Fan thought in his heart.

He slowly scanned the people in the hall, and said solemnly: “Everyone has seen what happened just now. I just said my own idea. If I propose to help the Nanyue Valley, Miaozhi will kill me. I just I had no other choice but to fight back. Who would have thought that his strength was so bad, and he would die immediately. I can’t blame it for this. I believe everyone can understand.”

The crowd blushed, and they nodded slightly, “Then Miao Zhi started to die first, of course everyone understands the matter, but you also added a sentence that you didn’t expect that Miao Zhi’s strength is so low. What does it mean? According to you That being said, aren’t we even worse than waste.

Forget it, if you force you to have the final say, let’s bear it, and see what else you have to say. ”

Zhou and Gong wanted to refute, but saw Li Fan’s murderous eyes, they held the words in their mouths, and did not dare to say more.

Anyway, they have already raised public opinion, and the other eight sixth rank Sect Sect Leaders of Canglan Domain have also made it clear that they are not afraid of Li Fan turning the sky.

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