Chapter 138 The Cardinal Behind

Li Fan paused and nodded slightly when he saw everyone, and continued: “As for my proposal that we must immediately help the Southern Moon Valley to eliminate the weird things, there is a reason. If we just passively defend, let the Southern Moon Valley be occupied by weirdness. .

Then, within a year of Canglan domain, life will be overwhelmed, and the whole domain will be reduced to death, and even I will not be able to survive the endless weird frenzy. ”

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.


Those weird Nanyue Valley Territories, which were only hit by surprise, retreated unpreparedly.

With the people in the Canglan Region that they have prepared, how could they not be able to resist the weirdness of the area, each of their sects has been standing in the land of the Canglan Region for decades.

The annual weird tides have been experienced dozens of times, and the weirdness is not so terrible to them.

This is a bit alarmist, don’t you think we are fools?

Everyone looked at Li Fan questioningly.

And Li Fan didn’t care, and continued: “I know you don’t believe it, but I happened to have seen those weird arrangements in the Canglan Region some time ago, the location is in the Red Ridge Stone Forest.

There is a land engraved with twisted runes, and those mysterious invisible shadows that can control people’s minds breed on that land, and their name is Fog Soul.

At the beginning, some of my companions and I entered the Redridge Stone Forest to search for the same spirit mine, and I could not discover the secrets inside when I strayed into it, but we were lucky enough to destroy the weird formation that could breed mist souls after nine deaths.

If you don’t believe me, you can ask Xulian Sect Leader, he should have seen the mist souls I mentioned. ”

Then Li Fan explained the characteristics of the fog soul he had seen to everyone in detail, so that they could check with Xu Lian.

Xu Lian was surprised at why Li Fan knew his mist soul in the Southern Moon Valley so well.

However, he stood up and said, “I can prove that the thing Li Sect Leader called Fog Soul is indeed the same as the thing that appeared in our Southern Moon Valley, and its characteristics are the same, and it is extremely difficult to restrain it.

Unless you have the Magical Item that protects your spirit and mind, or you have a spell to restrain evil, you will inevitably be controlled by the mist soul, even the Innate realm cultivator can’t resist it. ”


When these words came out, everyone in the Great Hall was stunned.

Is that what Li Fan said is true? At the beginning, he really encountered the magic circle that breeds the strange mist soul in the Red Ridge Stone Forest, and he also destroyed it?

In this way, it’s not that Canglan Region was not counted strangely because of its strength, but someone secretly solved the crisis in Canglan Region in advance, and who was Li Fan who they had just looked down on and was grieving?

Many people actually heard what Xu Lian said, and they believed in half of what Li Fan said.

Many of them were ashamed and felt that their opinions and attitudes towards Li Fan were too much. This was for the sake of the Canglan Region and secretly saved the people in the Canglan Region.

They even glared at him just now, and now they are so embarrassed to see people.

Even Ji Ning, who was calm from start to finish, was a little surprised at this moment, “Did Sect Leader Lee really saved Canglan Domain secretly once? Not acting?”

At this moment, a voice interrupted everyone’s thoughts, “Li Sect Leader is really righteous, and he used his own power to save the Canglan Region from the water and fire.

Had it not been for Li Sect Leader to say today that Canglan Domain had also been in crisis, we still don’t know about it, and if he did such a righteous thing but did not make public, I would admire it. ”

Xie Cheng, the owner of Zhanlongshan Mountain, one of the eight sixth rank Sects, said.

“Yes, Li Sect Leader is really a righteous person. He is indifferent to fame and fortune. I really admire him.” Seeing Xie Cheng’s words, many people also agreed.

But Xie Cheng paused, and then said: “Since Sect Leader Li has seen the weird array that nourishes the mist soul, I wonder if he can take me to see it, let us have a general understanding of the place that nourishes the mist soul.

Maybe we can find some of the weaknesses of the mist soul in it, and find a method of restraint against it, so that we can be more sure when we rush to the Southern Moon Valley Region. ”

Xie Cheng looked at Li Fan with a smile on his face. His words were not leaking, and on the surface it was a compliment that was indeed questionable.

If Li Fan can really take them to the Redridge Stone Forest to find the place full of twisted runes to nourish the fog soul as evidence, then he has nothing to say.

But if what Li Fan said just now, he was just partnering with Xu Lian from the Outland to deceive them.

So today, he will surely make Qing Jing Palace and this Li Fan ruined.

“It’s you who gave me the handle.” Xie Cheng stared at Li Fan’s heart.

“Yes, Li Sect Leader, I also have some shallow insights on the formation. If we can really see the root cause of the weird disasters in various domains, maybe we all can brainstorm and find a solution. This is another one. A good thing that has benefited billions of cultivators.”

“Yes, Sect Leader Lee, take me to the weirdly arranged magic circle.”

“This…” Ji Ning frowned slightly, a little confused, “Did he really meet and solve the weird arrangement in the Canglan Region in the Redridge Stone Forest?

If not, then this matter may be troublesome, and the situation that was originally good for Purity Palace may be ruined.

It was clear that he could easily stabilize the situation by cooperating with the two sixth rank Sect Sect Leaders I secretly wooed, and exposing those few people who just stepped up to guide the public opinion, Zhou and Gong, who had secretly discussed with them. This time everyone’s arrogance against the Purity Palace was broken.

But why do you have to do so many times? Is it just trying to panic and show the limelight? Then this lie is too inferior. ”

Ji Ning found that he couldn’t see through Li Fan’s thoughts.

Xu Lian, who was on the side, was even more anxious when he heard what everyone said.

Obviously, the people in Canglan Region rushed to help Nanyue Valley Region just now, and they were already quite sure.

Now, because everyone has asked to meet the place where the foggy souls are breeding, if what Li Fan said just now is just casual nonsense, then their hope of gasping in the Southern Moon Valley will soon be shattered. How does this make his mind? Not urgent.

Xu Lian glared at Xie Cheng, who had a knife hidden in the smile that caused the topic, wishing to tear his mouth.

Li Fan smiled at the dubious, half-truth and half-truth of everyone, ignoring Ji Ning’s secret voice transmission.

He opened his mouth and said: “Okay, but the Red Ridge Stone Forest is not close to the Qingjing Palace. This time I am afraid it will take a lot of time.”

“It’s okay. For the sake of the Canglan Region, the Southern Moon Valley Region, and the safety of the entire wild wilderness, I am willing to contribute a collection of teleportation formations. With this formation, we can rush to Li Sect Leader’s office in a moment. Where to say.”

Xie Cheng’s face is full of benevolence and righteousness.

“This old thief has been planning for a long time!” Ji Ning and Xu Lian said angrily in their hearts.

“Then please thank Sect Leader.” Li Fan smiled slightly and informed everyone of the location of the twisted runes in the Redridge Stone Forest.

Seeing Li Fan being so calm, Xie Cheng couldn’t figure it out. “Could it be that what this kid said is true? Then I lost my wife and broke down?”

However, he still gritted his teeth and took out the treasured teleportation map. This teleportation map is very cherished. It was acquired by a foreign cultivator with his accumulated wealth for many years.

It was originally left to own hole cards at a crisis. After determining the location of the teleportation, it can be teleported once in both directions. After the past, the map will be discarded.

But at the moment the arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

With the help of the smiling Li Fan, Xie Cheng arranged the teleportation array in his heart.

Hundreds of Sect Leaders in the hall, together with Ji Ning and Xu Lian, stepped into the formation.

A ray of light flashed away, and everyone disappeared from the Great Hall.

Half an hour later, a white light flashed in the Great Hall Of The Sect of the Purity Palace, and the disappeared people appeared again.

It’s just that compared with before, everyone’s faces at this moment are full of solemnity.

Xie Cheng’s face turned black, angrily wanting to vomit blood.

After arriving at the Redridge Stone Forest just now, everyone really found the place Li Fan said in it.

In particular, there are more than ten Sect Leaders who are proficient in the way of formation. After seeing the earth full of twisted runes for the first time, they are deeply immersed in it.

After a while, his face was solemn and contented, and he said, “Sect Leader Lee said yes, this big formation is definitely set up by those strange aliens. The pattern and arrangement of this big formation are completely the same as those of our cultivator. different.

There are also runes on this earth, which should be the unique symbols of those weird people. I have only seen it in other places before, but it is not as complicated and dense here.

This place is very helpful for me to study those weirdness, maybe we can really find some way to restrain those weird misty souls. ”

Hearing the words of these dozen Sect Leaders and seeing them with their own eyes, everyone was completely convinced by Li Fan’s words.

At this moment, no one in the Great Hall raised questions about Li Fan, and no one cared about Zhou and Gong’s criticism of Li Fan’s killing of Miao Zhi.

People’s hearts have fallen to Li Fan’s side.

At this moment, Zhou and Gong looked pale when they faced the indifference and exclusion from the surrounding crowd.

The two looked at the eight sixth-rank Sect Sect Leader who had just communicated with them and said they would support them. The eight people turned a blind eye to their eyes.

Ji Ning and Xu Lian are still thinking about what they saw in the Red Ridge Stone Forest just now.

“It turns out that that is the method used by the weirs to break through the boundaries of the suppression, then does our Southern Moon Valley also have such a place, which hides this big formation.” Xu Lian thought in his heart.

With the compliments of everyone on Li Fan, everyone in the field has now fully recognized Li Fan.

A young talent with strong strength, kind heart, and no fame and fortune is enough to make everyone value and admire.

With the twists and turns that happened before, the matter of rushing to the Southern Moon Valley Region was finalized in no time.

In the Great Hall, a Sect Leader who had just been addicted to studying the big formations of the Redridge Stone Forest suddenly spoke out.

“I think the assistance to the Southern Moon Valley this time was facilitated by Li Sect Leader alone, and Li Sect Leader is the only one of us who has experience with those weird mist souls. With the lead of Li Sect Leader, we can deal with it. It will be easier to pick up those weird and foggy souls.

How about letting Lee Sect Leader assume the position of leader. ”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was talking about it.

“Huh? This makes sense.”

“Yes, Sect Leader Lee has experience in dealing with those misty souls. It is more appropriate for him to act as the leader of the battle plan.”

“Indeed, no one else in the room is more qualified to be the leader than Li Sect Leader. You should be the leader of Li Sect Leader.”

Li Fan pretended to be shy, and quickly shied away, but in the end he couldn’t shirk, so he had to “reluctantly” take the name of the leader.

After that, I did not forget the sound transmission and Ji Ning, “To live up to the trust of Palace Master Ji, this time the resentment of the sects of the Canglan Region towards the Purity Palace has been completely resolved, and this time the matter is considered to be successfully completed. Forget the previous promise.”

And Ji Ning’s old face was tangled up, obviously he didn’t expect things to develop like this.

He calculated so much and secretly attracted several Sect Leaders of the sixth rank Sect in order to get the position of the leader, but he did not say that he wanted to be the leader of the leader with Li Fan.

It’s just that everyone has been grudges against Purity Palace for a long time. I am afraid that this time the Hundred Sects Council will take the opportunity to attack. Li Fan will help to stop the knife and solve it.

But I didn’t expect Li Fan to pick the peaches as the last leader.

He squinted at Li Fan and was silent again, “dammit, forget it.”

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