While Leordo was working hard on his  training with Gilbert, Barbaroto was on an expedition.

The mission was to defeat a gang of bandits named the Hungry Wolf's Fang.

The knights of Zeato were currently camped out, and many of them were staying in the forest. They were camped out in small tents in the open space .

And in the big tent, there is a captain who leads the knights. Currently, the captain is spreading out a map of the area on the table and looking at the young knights.

"You're saying that the Fang of the Hungry Wolf is hiding in the abandoned village ahead?""

"'Yes, sir. But it was reported by the neighbors. ......"

"How are the scouts  going on ?"

"Yes, sir. According to reports, the abandoned village is uninhabited and there are no signs of human habitation."

"Hmm. ......"

"What should we do?

"Stand by for now. Tell them not to do anything rash until we have solid information.

"Yes , sir !"

The young knight who finished his report went out of the tent. The only one left inside was the captain. The captain listened to the report from the young knight and thought about it while looking at the map of the area.

At that moment, Barbaroth entered the tent. The captain also noticed Barbaroto, stopped thinking for a moment, and turned his head to look at Barbaroto.

"Barbaroth. What's wrong? "

"No, I was just wondering what you thought of this mission."

"Hmm. By the way, I gave you the task of going around to the neighboring villages to ask about the fangs of the hungry wolf. Did they say anything to you?"


"They told you, didn't they? Well, the Fang of the Hungry Wolf is like a hero to the people, for better or worse."

"It's a great way to save your people from corrupt lords, take money from fraudulent merchants and return it to the people, save women and children kidnapped by evil nobles, and it's a true friend of justice."

"They can do what we knights can't. So it's no surprise that the people like him."

As the captain said, the Hungry Wolf Fang is a hero to the people because he practices what the Hungry Wolf Fang believes in: not robbing, not killing, and not raping the poor.

Of course, they are not doing this to gain support from the people. This is the idea of the man who is the chieftain of the Hungry Wolf Fang.

"What does the captain think of ......?"

When Barbaroto asked fearfully, the captain crossed his arms and made a serious expression, then looked up.

"I suppose so. I have a feeling that I don't want to defeat them if that possible .

"But we are knights., and if we are ordered by the state, we have to move even if we don't want ."

"That's why I'm going to take on the fangs of the hungry wolf. That's all.""

"Are you satisfied with that?"

"Barbaroth. Split it up. There's nothing more you or I can say."

"....... - "All right."

Barbaroto, who understood what the captain was trying to say, left the tent without pursuing the matter any further.

Basically, many knights are the third or fourth sons of noble families who cannot inherit the family name. There are many of them who plan to rise in the ranks, and some of them try to rise through military service, while others try to rise by kicking others down.

So you can't speak carelessly in a place where you don't know who might be listening.

As time passed, dinner was being prepared in the camp. Normally,  they would have used portable food, but fortunately,  they were able to procure food in the forest.

They were  worried that the smell of the food might attract some beasts to attack  them , but since  they were strong knights,  they  were able to take them down.

While eating a satisfying meal, Barbaroth and the captain talked .

"By the way, what do you know about Fang of the Hungry Wolf and his chieftain, Jex?"

"I've heard rumors about him. I've heard rumors that he's a very powerful man.

"Yeah. I have high hopes for you."

"Haha. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

"Hmm. You're the best knight in Ze'at, after all .

After finishing their meals, the knights, who had decided on the order in which they would stand guard during the night, went to sleep.

In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. As he is about to urinate, he is attacked from behind and knocked unconscious.

In the middle of the night, a knight on guard duty felt the need to urinate, so he told his partner and went into the bushes. As he was about to urinate, not too close and not too far away, he was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious.

"The two of you are taken care of it ."

"Got it. Keep up the good work.

"Hmm. I'll take care of it.

After laying down the man and the knight hiding in the bushes, the girl moved so that the knights would not notice her.

Girl's skill was brilliant as she exploited the knight's gap and knocked him out.

But while the girl was excellent, the knights were not inferior. The knight who noticed the change raised his voice, and the knights who were asleep awoke.

"Sorry, ......."

"Don't worry about it. You've done enough. This is where we come in!"

The girl apologized to the man who was hiding in the bushes. The man puts his hand on the girl's head to comfort her.

Then, after confirming that the awakened knights have turned on their lights and are now on alert, the man raises his hand.

"Let's go! Bastards!'


With an earth-shaking roar, the fangs of the hungry wolves attacked the knights from the bushes.

"Enemy attack! All of you, draw your swords! Don't kill them if you can ! Lets'go !"

Under the command of the captain, the knights drew their swords and collided with the attacking hungry wolf fangs. In the midnight forest, men's shouts and metallic sounds rang out.

"My name is Jex, chieftain of the Fang of the Hungry Wolf! What you want is this head! Came at me than !!!!"

The knights were distracted by Jex, who bravely announced his name. I'm not sure what to make of that.

"My name is Barbaroth Dogrum! I am your opponent!"

As if in response to Jex's name, Barbaroth came forward.

As Jex effortlessly flipped Barbaroth back as he leapt at him, Barbaroth regripped his sword tightly.

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