Barbaroth and Jex had crossed swords many times. They were both very good at what they did, and the stalemate continued.

"Fu ...... Fu ......."

Taking a series of shallow breaths, Barbaroth was revising his assessment of Jex.

(He's even stronger than  rumors say. His sword skills are superior and his physical abilities and reflexes are better.  He got a talent that I'm almost jealous of. ......)

(But I can't afford to lose. If I lose here, the morale of the Hungry Wolf Fangs will rise, and I will be at a disadvantage. I have to avoid that at all costs!)

Once again, Barbaroth and Jex clashed. The sound of fierce sword fights echoed through the forest in the middle of the night. The spirit of the two, who both had uncompromising feelings for each other, was so fierce that it silenced those around them.

Many people were watching the two fight wildly. Barbaroth was captivating many with his skillful swordsmanship and Jex with his daring swordplay.

It's not nice to be fascinated by a man, but the two of them don't have time to worry about their surroundings right now.

They both knew that their abilities were so close that if they made even one mistake, the stalemate would collapse and  one of them would be defeated.

They came to blows and looked at each other from close range.

"You are very talented?""

"I've heard those words enough times!


Barbaroto looks pained as he is pushed back. Jex is not happy with Barbaroth's words, his breathing is uneven.

"You know what? You know what it's like to be exploited! How it feels to be cheated because you can't read and write! Just how it feels to live in peace and then suddenly be kidnapped and violated by a people you don't know any of that ! 

"That's ......."

"You don't understand! You've lived an uncomplicated life as a nobleman anyway, how can you possibly understand our anger!"

"We are anger itself! that's why we are taking revenge on behalf of the powerless! Even if they don't want us  to do so , we won't stop. We can't stop!"

"We will make the country understand. We'll show them who we are. We'll carve our mark on the corrupt nobility!"

I"'ll  give my life for that!"

"That's how determined I am. ......"

"So, no need for any more talk."

"I know exactly what you're getting into."

In a fit of rage, Jex exposed his heart and readied his sword.

Barbaroth, on the other hand, had his own thoughts but did not say them out loud, and he readied his sword to answer Jex.

"Now, to the fight --"

"I'm coming!"

The shockwaves generated by the two colliding people hit those around them. It was such a shockwave that some people could not withstand it and fell down.

The two of them show a delicate battle like sharpened needles, a complete change from the wild sword fights of earlier. The people around them watched with bated breath as the two spoke with their swords without using words.

The sound of metal clashing against metal rings out. Forgetting to breathe or even to blink, the people around them were glued to their sword dance, even though they were each other's enemies.

For some time, the two of them had the illusion that they are only people in the world were themselves and the enemy in front of them. Their senses had been sharpened to the extreme, and they had eliminated everything that was useless from the world.

There was no noise, no annoying obstacles. The two of them crossed swords in a world that was completely clean.

However, this time would not last forever. They were in a state of extreme concentration, but when they pulled away from each other, they breathed on each other's shoulders. This is a sign that both of them have very little energy left.

"Haa...... haa......"

Although they were  on their limit  but , they had not lost their will to fight. They ran out to show that they could still fight.

They are not sure how many times they have clashed, but they put all their strength into their swords, determined not to lose. As if the two were locked in a stalemate, Barbaroto unleashed a kick to the leg.

It didn't hit Jex, who jumped back as quickly as he could, but it did succeed in throwing him off his stance.

"You're a badly behaved knight!"

"You use whatever  you can get  your hands on.

"You're right!"

Jex, out of position, complains about Barbaroth's attack, but Barbaroth doesn't care at all.

Jex smiles at Barbaroth as he tries to go on the offensive at once.

"I was hoping to keep it under wraps, but it appears I can't."

Barbaroth wrinkles his brow as Jex thrusts out the stomach  of his sword for all to see.

What I am going to do? No, I don't know what I'm going to do, but now is  my chance . I  can't miss it!)

The moment he raises his sword to make the final move, Jex raises his voice.

"Blow it up!!!!"

As soon as Jex shouted, the blade of his sword emitted a light green light.

The next moment, a gust of wind hit Barbaroth.

"What the hell is this?"

Barbaroto, who did not know what had happened, was blown away by a sudden gust of wind. The knights were astonished by Jex, who had unleashed a gust of wind that could easily blow away a grown man in armor.

"Who's next?"

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