"Now, who's next?"

The knights shy away from Jex, who shows a ferocious smile.

When Jex sees this, he decides it's time to attack and raises his voice.

"Bastards! This is your chance now, when the enemy is scared!

He got an war-like roar  in return 

The Hungry Wolf Fangs, who had been watching the two fight, also shouted at Jex's words and boldly attacked the knights.

The captain inspires the knights, but their movements are sluggish because of the scene they just witnessed. In addition to this, the knights were falling one after another to the hungry wolf fangs that were gaining momentum and improving morale.

"This is it. ......

"You're the  cpitan ?"

". ...... Take his head off.

"We're not going to kill you. , but you must know who you are. We are who we are!"

The captain falls to the ground as his consciousness is reaped by Jex's blow. The remaining knights are soon all defeated as well.

Silence falls over the noisy forest. The Fang of the Hungry Wolf had covered their tracks and were about to leave when Barbaroth blocked their way.

Barbaroth was blown away by a gust of wind that Jex had unleashed, leaving him with wounds all over his body. However, in order to fulfill his duty as a knight, he blocked the way of the hungry wolf's fangs despite his battered body.

"I won't let you escape. ......"

"Can you still move? ......"

"I'm proud to be a knight. You can't go any further from here."

"You're a great guy, ....... You are. I wish we could have met in a different place, anda different way."

A sarcastic smile appeared on Jex's face as he pointed his sword at the standing Barbaroth.

"I'm going to break your pride and your heart."

"Don't think you can  kill me that easily!

The final battle between Barbaroth and Jex began. Barbaroto, exhausted and with wounds all over his body, is biting at Jex even though he is at an overwhelming disadvantage.

Jex, on the other hand, was unharmed, but his strength was low because he had fought to the death with Barbaroth and had also taken on the knights. However, he is not as strong as Barbaroth. There was nothing for Jex to lose in this battle.

The fight went on for a while, but Barbaroto had reached his limit, and he dropped his sword and dropped to one knee on the ground.

He was drenched in sweat and breathing hard.

"You've fought your way to this point. But your body can't take it anymore.

Jex puts his sword to Barbaroto's neck, who is mercilessly on one knee on the ground. Even so, Barbaroto does not give up and glares at Jex with a sharp eye.

"Ha. I didn't know you could still see like that. But here's the thing. Look around you. You are the only knight who has survived , and you have no friends to help you.

Do you still want to fight in this situation?"

"Don't ask me  such thing ......."

"Well, ...... you're right. Barbaroth Dogram. You've been a good knight."

Jex finds Barbaroth to be a worthy opponent to admire. He also raises his sword, judging him to be a threatening opponent at the same time.

(Oh ...... Master Leoldo. Forgive me for not being able to go to sword practice.)

Barbaroto made one last apology to Leoldo and then lost consciousness.

After taking a glance at the completely unconscious and collapsed Barbaroto, Jex led his men through the forest.

As they passed through the forest, the hungry wolf fangs were laughing and talking about how they had destroyed the knights. The joy of the victory was immeasurable, as they had defeated a superior opponent who was certainly inferior to them in terms of strength.

However, the biggest reason for the victory was probably Jex's victory over Barbaroth.

That battle was a battle that greatly affected the morale of the Hungry Wolf Fang and the knights. If it had been Barbaroto who had won that battle , the outcome might have been different.

Just because you say it might have, it doesn't change the outcome. The fact that the knights were defeated and the hungry wolf's fangs were victorious will never be overturned.

A girl walks up to Jex, who is walking in the lead. The knights were defeated, and the fact that the Hungry Wolf Fang had won could not be overturned.

"Hey, why did you only break arm? He'll come back when he's better, okay?"

"...... I couldn't bear to take the sword from such a man.

"But if  he  didn't have the ability to use the magic sword,  you  would have been in danger! If we had to fight again--"

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

" I'm not going to lose.

Jex placed his hand on the girl's head as she questioned him pathetically.

"It's not fair ......, Jex."

The girl who gently touched the hand on her head was unable to say anything.

The Hungry Wolf's Fang returned to the cave that was  their base. The entrance was hidden by camouflage, so the knights hadn't spotted them.

However, Jex suggested that they should think about moving this time.

"We were able to defeat the knights this time, but they will probably increase their numbers next time. The next time, they will probably be more numerous, and surprise attacks like this one will not work.

That's why we have to hide for now. But we haven't been defeated, so the country will be wary of us for the time being. Just bear with  it in mind for a while."

The subordinates laughed and replied to Jex who bowed his head with a sad expression on his face.

They laughed and said, "Haha. What are you talking about? You know we're good at enduring."

"Yes, we are. We've endured for a long time. It doesn't matter now."

"Maybe it's good to see your hometown for the first time in a while."

"Sounds good. It'll be like a vacation."

"No ...... gloomy talk, boys. When the time comes, I'll call you back. Until then, no one is left out. And of course, don't forget our creed."


This is how the Fang of the Hungry Wolf suspended its activities for a while. The government searched for the Fang of the Hungry Wolf, but could not find them, so they decided to leave them alone.

"Jex. What are you going to do now?"

"We're going to stay there for a while."

"Hmm. So you can play with the little guys for the first time in a while.

"Yeah. Let's go, then.'


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