The knight who preceded returns. Barbaroth and Leorde and the other knights heard the report from the knights

"I'll report back. I've identified three goblins straight ahead from here. One of them is equipped with a rusty sword"

"Did you see any others?"

"Yes. We searched the area, but it seems there are only three."

"I see. Thanks."

"Yes sir !

Barbaroth got the information from thepreceded  knight , and after laboring over it, he put his hand on his chin and pondered. He glanced at Leolde and made a decision.

"Master Leorde. I'm sure you've heard the reports, but the enemy is three goblins. One of them is armed. Shall we take them down?"

"Oh, yes.""

"Of course,  Master Leololdo, will do it  alone .

no, wait, wait. Forgt thethat last part"

"No problem. The current  master Leoldo is no match for three goblins. Have confidence in yourself first."

"That's not what I'm talking about! It's going to be tough for me to do it alone. It's  my first real battle!"

"It's no problem at all. I've brought along a healer just in case, so don't worry about   being injured ."

"Listen to me! Hey, the rest of you, say something!"

Leorde was desperately trying to persuade Barbaroto, but Barbaroto  was  not listen.

Leoldo decides that he is in danger, and asks for help from the knights around him. However, the knights only look away when Leoldo looks at them.

Realizing that no one will help him, Leoldo is tainted with despair. He makes up his mind to get out of this predicament somehow, but he falls in front of Barbaroth.

If you run away here, you'll have to  talk with Mister Gilbert  in your next training session.

"I'll take care of it. I can kill a goblins in the blink of an eye.

"That's the spirit. Master Leolde."

I'm not sure what to say. It's not just a matter of running away, it's also a matter of not running away. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. The only thing Leoldo could do was to put up the best pretense he could.

Once that was decided, the  talk was quick. The survey team, led by Barbaroto, proceeded toward the goblins. Filled with the desire to escape, Leoldo's heart was pounding as he mowed forward .

Eventually, the survey team arrived at the goblin's location. As reported, there were three goblins wandering in front of the them .

They were probably looking for food. Since a while ago, the three goblins had been scurrying around and talking to each other.

Leordo gulped at the sight of his first  enemy since the wyvern. He felt a mixture of excitement at the sight of the goblin on the other side of the screen and fear at the prospect of having to fight it.

"Master Leorde. Please calm down."

"Ba- Barbarotho After all, I can't--"

"Look into my eyes."

Grabbing Leoldo's trembling, unfocused face, Barbaroto forced Leoldo to look at him.

(I'm consumed by fear. I'm in real danger if I keep this up. ......)

He fixes his face and makes eye contact, but Leoldo's gaze is not fixed due to fear. He looks Barbaroto  in the eye a few times, but than e quickly looks away.

"Leoldo Harvest!"

Suddenly, an angry voice called out his full name, which made his shoulders shake and he was glued to Barbaroto in front of him.

"Listen to me. Do you think you're afraid of goblins?"

Leoldo, who had completely shrunk, was at a loss for words. He moved his head like a machine to affirm Barbaroth's question.

""If so, are you saying that I'm  more scary than a goblin? Do you think that Lord Gilbert is  scarier than a goblin?"

"Who are you always fighting? Remember. your daily practice. Who do you fight on a daily basis?""

" Me and Mister Gilbert. Compared to the two of us, those goblins over there are nothing to be afraid of, right?"

"That's true, but ......""

(Oh, I'm sure Master Leoldo is afraid that  he will be exchanging lives and killing others )

Barbaroth's guess was correct. Leordo was a little braver after Barbaroto's words, but he was still scared of exchanging lives and killing other in his first real battle.

Leordo has memories of  past life , which have a strong influence on his personality. The memory of  past , who grew up in the peaceful world , has bound Leordo's heart with fear.

(Something ...... needs some definitive reason ......)

Barbaroto guesses that another element is needed to move Leoldo now. But  he " don't know what that element is.

"'Master Leoldo. I've heard that you fought bravely against the wyverns when they attacked your house before?

"Oh, that was because I was selflessly trying to save Shelia. ......"

"I see, that's it."

Barbaroto listened to Leoldo and was convinced. The point is to give  him a stimulus that will help  him  overcome fear.

When Barbaroto found out the answer, he acted strangely 

"What are you ...... doing?"

"'If Master Leoldo will not fight, then I will die."

Barbaroto took off the armor he was wearing, and with his armament completely disarmed, he slipped past Leoldo and headed toward the goblin.

"What the hell are you thinking? Don't do such stupid thing !"

Unheeding, Barbaroto continued his way. Eventually, Barbaroto reached the goblins.

One of the goblins noticed Barbaroto approaching and clawed at the defenseless Barbaroth with its claws.


Leoldo was astonished by Barbaroto, who really didn't do anything. It's not a joke. , it's an act of faith that Leoldo will help .

"Right , someone! To Barbarotho rescue!"

But still not going to help himself, Leoldo directs to a nearby knight.

". I'm sorry, but I can't follow your orders, because this is what Lord Barbaroto wanted"

"It's not possible. If this continues, Barbaroth will--"

"Master Leorde. It is time for you to make a decision: do you want to leave Lord Barbaroto to die, or do you want to save him yourself? Please decide."

"Ah ...... ah ......"

Leoldo is forsed by the knight in front of him and compares the knight with Barbaroth, who is still being hurt by the goblin.

( I can't let Barbaroth die because he believed in me, this helpless man! )

(Take courage! )

(Make up your mind! )

(I'll do it. ...... I'll do it! )

(I must  do it!)

Leorde ran to answer the thoughts of the man who believed in  him .

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