Three goblins were  beating Barbaroth ahead of Leoldo as he started running. The sight frightened Leoldo, but he could not stop his body from running.

He made up his mind. There was no way he was going to stop now."


Leoldo, running at full speed, shouted Barbaroto's name. It was not only Barbaroto who responded to the shouting, but also three goblins.

One of the three goblins headed towards Leoldo, who had come to help Barbaroth.


The goblin thrusts its claws at Leordo, who is running towards  him .

"Dont get in my way !"

Leolde avoided the claws and dispatched the goblins.

However, there were still two goblins left. One of the goblins jumped at Leoldo, but  he didn't hit him. Leordo ducks through the goblins and runs to Barbaroto.

The last remaining goblin swung the rusty sword in his hand and swung it down at Leoldo, who was right in front of him.

(it's  too  much!)

The goblins' swords were not easy to avoid compared to Barbaroth's sword, and Leoldo was able to avoid them and  came to Barbaroth.

]"You idiot! You're being reckless. ......"

". I believed in you. ...... Guh!

No matter how well-trained Barbaroto is, he will not be safe if he is beaten up when he is unarmed and defenseless.

Thanks to this, he had multiple lacerations and many bruises. Leoldo is on the verge of crying as Barbaroto looks like he is in pain /

(Did you believe in me until the vry end ? ......)

Leoldo understood that he was  trusted more than he thought.

And in order to meet the expectations of the man who believed in him until he was covered in scars, Leorde drew the sword that had been given to him.

"Watch me, Barbaroto. Watch  how i am  fighting."

"Yes. I'll be watching from behind ". 

With his master's   sword , Barbaroto, behind him, Leolde set his sights on the three goblins.

Facing the three goblins in front of him, Leoldo took a deep breath.

(I'm scared.)

(I don't want to be hurt.)

(But I hate dying even more.)

(So, I'm going to kill them. I kill to survive . I don't want to be killed, so I kill.)

Then,  his mind is already made up. All that remained was to put it into actionl

The three goblins were unable to move in the face of Leorde's  unusual spirit .

The three goblins saw the  him  in front of them as weaker than the men behind  him . He  was ugly, fat, and pig-like. He looked like  men who would have been very satisfying to eat.

But not anymore. The person in front of  them  has a hint of  killing in his eyes. Therefore, the goblin was unable to move due to the confusion of thinking he was weak.

Leolde took a deep breath and looked ahead. The goblins were not moving, and he wondered about them, but he decided that they were probably waiting to see how he would react, so he took a step forward.


The goblin's body was so huge that it was unbelievable that Leolde was able to close in on the goblin with incredible speed, killing it with a single sword.

The goblin's body sprayed fresh blood, wetting Leolde's cheek.

Leoldo calmly slashes the second goblin with his sword in return.

The remaining one looks at the two  dead goblins, and instinct tells him to flee. The goblin with the rusty sword turns its back on Leoldo and flees.

But such a thing would not be allowed. Where the goblin had fled, an armed knight was waiting for him.

Realizing that escape was not an option, the goblin compared Leorde to the knight.

As a result of this comparison, the goblin chose Leorde. It was simply a result of judging that there was a chance of winning.

"Geez, !!!!."

The goblin recklessly attacked Leoldo without any formality. In the end, it was a matter of time before he was able to  kill him 

The goblin swings his rusty sword with all his might, but it doesn't  reached it's target . The goblin's frustration became more and more obvious, and his movements became more and more daring.

Numbed by the lack of success, the goblin leaps and attacks Leolde.

As if he had been waiting for this moment, Leolde jumped up and   pointed his sword at the goblin's neck just as it swung down.

The goblin's head rolls off. This was the moment when the victory or defeat in Leorde's first real battle was decided.

"It's just a few minutes has passed ."

It was only a few minutes in time. But to Leoldo, it felt like hours of battle. Leoldo, who was in a state of extreme concentration, was breathing as if he just  remembered how to breathe.

It was his first real battle and he was fighting for his life. After the battle, Leolde stared at his hands.

There was a definite feeling left.

He had indeed taken a life with his own hands.

The feeling of life, the feeling of death.

The two facts overwhelmed Leolde. The joy of having successfully survived, and the guilt of having taken three lives. Leolde clenched  his fists as he stared at  his hands, knowing that he would probably have to kill more to  survive .

Thanks to you, master  Leoldo-, I have survived in one piece

"Barbaroto: ......"

"How was your first killing spree?"

"...... was not as dumbfounding as I thought it would be."

"I'm sure you're right. It's mister Gilbert-and me that  master Leoldo used to deals with every day. Just don't get used to killing ."

" I'm sure I'll encounter situations like this one in the future."

"That's why. If you get used to killing, you will lose your  humanity . Killing is a last resort. If you can, refrain from killing. If you are dealing with a demon, that is a different  matter ."

Barbaroto  did not want Leolde to lose his kindness. If  he  is accustomed to killing,  he will not hesitate to kill.

In wartime, that would be fine, but these are peaceful times.  They don't need the Killing Machine.

"Well, you must be tired both physically and mentally after your first real battle, so let's call it a day."

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