I ...... must have passed out."

It was the next morning when Leolde woke up.

His memory of what happened after he activated the Glatney Gaia was vague, and he knew he had fainted because he woke up on his bed.

Leoldo left the infirmary, his body is heavy . As he exits the infirmary, he is met by an elderly man in a white robe who seems to be a doctor.

"Oh, Master  Leoldo. Are you awake?"

"Yes. One question: how long has it been since I fainted?"

"-You  was unconscious due to lack of magic power for about twelve hours.

"Well, ......, what's the status of the battle ?

"The ...... front line has been pushed back and forced to retreat. The  monsters are now within striking distance of Fort Ze'at.

"How many casualties?

"Zero dead. One hundred and thirty-two wounded, both mortally and slightly"

"All right. Do you know where Gil is?"

"If you're  mean Gilbert, this way, please."

The doctor led Leold to the place where Gilbert was.

The doctor brought him to a large room, but inside was a miserable scene.

The wounded were forced to sleep together in a large room, many of them bandaged and soaked in blood.

Some were missing limbs, some were lifeless and drooping, and some were  being  in pain.

Leolde wanted to cover her eyes at the tragic scene, but he followed the doctor walking in front of  him .

"Over there."

The doctor pointed in the direction of Gilbert. Lelrde approached Gilbert, who was the only one wearing a beautiful tailcoat amidst the pervasive smell of blood.

"I'm sorry. Are you feeling well, master ?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm fine now."

"I see. I'm glad to hear that. But,  master don't be as reckless as you were the other day. If you try it again, I'll stop you by force.

"I know. I don't see any sign of Barbaroto.

"...... Mister Barbaroto  has assembled a death squad of able-bodied knights and left.


Leolde, who did not understand what Gilbert was saying, made a dumb sound.

I'm sorry I doubted you. but I'll see you when the day comes when I can teach you the sword.

"What ...... is that"

That's not a farewell , right ?!

"...... Master . The monster panic is now near the fort, and it could break through at any moment."

"I know!"

"But why do we need to send out a death squad?"

"Ze'at is a strong fortress!"

If we can bring in a siege, reinforcements from  capital  should be able to reach us in time!"

"No matter how strong the fortress is, it can't stop the  monsters that attack day and night."

"I know that!

" But we can buy some time!"

"That's why we're stalling now."


I will not allow  him to die just to buy time!

"What are you talking about,  Master ......?"

"Dedicate yourself for your country. Isn't that an honorable thing for a knight to do?"


LeoLde was shocked as if he had been hit on the head with a thud.

(Yes, ......)

(That's right. This is a medieval European style world. It is not a bad thing to die for your country. It's an honorable thing to do.)

I(t's me who's crazy and Gil who's normal. But that doesn't mean I can overlook it.)

(We've only known each other a few months in time, but are we going to let Barbaroth die?)

(I can't, )

(It's true that I've been trying my best not to die. If I were to think about it normally, it would be more prudent to stay in the fort and hold out until reinforcements arrive.)

( But if I run away here, I'm sure I'll be ruined!) (As long as I don't die, that's all that matters?)

(Don't be silly!)

(What's wrong with seeking an ideal?)

(If BarbarotO is doomed to die here, then I will change it!)

(Because I've decided to fight my fate!)

That's why!

*I will!)

(I'll fight!)

(I'm going to fight against the fate of death.)

(Then, I can't back down here.)

(I will change fate, ) LeoLde said with fighting spirit in   his eyes.

"That's an order, Gil. You have  can go against about what I do from now on."

"What do you mean?"

Gilbert, sensing that Leolde's mood had changed, asked him what he meant while intimidating him.

"I told you not to talk back."


The look in Leolde's eyes was unlike anything he had ever seen before, and it scared Gilbert, if only for a moment.

He had never thought that a legendary assassin could be frightened by a child who hadn't even reached adulthood.

(This is  master ?)

(What happened in those few moments? ......)

(No, I don't care about that.)

(To be able to be as intimidating as  his father, Lord Beluga, you've become quite a man.)

Gilbert couldn't help but burst into tears at the sight of Leolde's growth, but he retracted his tears, thinking that he shouldn't suddenly shed tears in front of the very serious Leolde.

Gilbert was silent, and Leolde was relieved that he had obeyed his orders.

If even Beluga's name had been mentioned, Leolde  would not have been able to resist.


"Knights , who is here "

"My name is Leolde Herbst!"

" If you still have the will to fight, answer my call!"

"Those of you who do not have the will to fight, but have the will to resist, listen up!"

"I'll be heading to support the death squad that went out earlier.and I need you to lend me your magical power. Please, can't you  make me a favor?"

The knights, who had been looking down, raised their heads and looked at Leolde, who was bowing.

Please use my magic power. ...... As you can see, my legs have been eaten by  monster  and I can't move.

"But I still have the will to fight!"

Please, please use my magic power--"

The knight who is  lost the leg that was closest to Leolde reaches out his hand to  him . Leolde takes his hand and looks straight into the knight's face and shakes his head.

". I certainly received it."

Leolde activated skill sharing magic with the knight. When the knight realized that he could also help, he cried tears of joy and thanked him.

"Thank you ......!"

"I'm the one who should be thanking you. Thank you for answering my call."

I will stop the monster panic."

A large number of knights who saw the exchange between the two gathered at  his side and shared their magic power. For those who couldn't move,  he went directly to them and received their  magic power .

"Everything is ready. Let's move out , Gil!"


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