Near the forest of Fort Ze'at, a death squad led by Barbaroth was staving off a monster panic.

A great number of corpses were lying around, and the   monster and knights were fighting over  there . The knights were superior in quality, but the demons were far more numerous.

The goblins and other  monsters were growing in numbers, and the death squads alone were not going to be able to hold them off.

A number of  monsters were already on their way to Ze'at. The fortress is functioning as a defense base and has not been breached, but the gates to Ze'at have been distorted by the  monsters attacks.

"Oooh !

"Don't let them break through any further!"

"If the gate  will breaking , it's over!"

Barbaroto  wiped out the  monsters that had been attacking the gate. However, no matter how hard Barbaroto fought, the number of  monsters was too large, so he could only buy time.

It was only a matter of time before the Zeato fort was breached.

Then a report came in that seemed to push us even further.

"Goblin Mage and Goblin Knight confirmed!"


They came here and said they were of a higher species: ......!


A Troll has appeared!"


Damn it, ......, is this it?"

There are some types of goblin that have occupational names, and the ones with occupations are recorded as the top species of goblins.

As the name implies, goblin mages are magical goblins that can kill even higher-ranked monsters , but they are extremely weak in melee combat. So the theory is that if you find one, approach it and kill it before it shoots magic at you.

The goblin knight is a goblin who, like the knight, wears armor and carries a sword. They are good at close combat, and the theory is to shoot them from a distance with a bow and arrow or kill them with magic.

"Damn, damn, damn!""

The knight swears as he clashes swords with the goblin knight. The goblin knight would not normally go on a reckless suicide , but now it has lost its  mind and is just raging for food.



"What? He shot magic at all allies!"

The goblin knight and the knight who were clashing swords were suddenly engulfed in a fireball and rolled around on the ground. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

"Hey, these guys are ......!"

The knights were angry at this , which was so outrageous.

But unlike the monster parade, they were reminded of how brutal  monsters can be when they lose even their sense of camaraderie.

"Trolls! Surround them!!!!""

Elsewhere, they were busy dealing with the trolls that had appeared.

Trolls are supposed to be weaker than ogres, but in reality, trolls are more troublesome. Trolls have the ability to regenerate and are difficult to kill with anything other than magic.

Other than magic, trolls' regeneration ability consumes magic power, so the only way to kill them is to keep killing them until they run out of magic power, or cut them into pieces so small that they cannot regenerate.

Therefore, as long as they have magic power, immortal trolls are an enemy you don't want to deal with any more than ogres.

"Cut off their legs! We'll just have to stall them and buy some time!"

The trolls appeared one after another as if to ridicule the knight who was fighting so hard.

There is no hope. There is only despair here.

Then, as a further blow to the knight, the ogre appeared. One, two, three of them came out of the forest one after another.

The suicide squad had been prepared for death, but they hadn't expected the situation to go this far.

They were about to drop their swords, thinking that they would be overrun by an army of demons here.

But then...

"Don't give up!"

We are the proud knights of the Kingdom !"

We will not let our pride be shattered by a  monstrs !"

We have given our swords for our country, for our loved ones!"

So it is time to face them with pride!"

"I will gladly give my life if it can be the foundation for peace!"

"But I will not give my life so easily to  monsters "!

--Barbaroto, who had been defending the gate all by himself,  cried  out loudly.

Clad in armor stained with blood and carrying a sword drenched in blood, Barbarotho leaps into the heart of the  monster's gathering.


Barbaroto  flailed like a shura. The battlefield, where there are only enemies, forces Barbaroto to break free of all his fetters.

It's a great way to make sure you don't get caught in the middle of the action.

Barbaroto's entire body is stained red with blood, and his eyes are glittering as he turns to his next prey.

The speed of Barbaroto, who has been strengthened, is too fast for the  monsters who have lost their reason to catch him.

One, two, three heads of the  monsters fluttered in the air. The sight must have been terrifying, but it was also very reassuring to the knight.

The heart that had been on the verge of breaking caught fire again, and the knights looked at the demons with eyes filled with fighting spirit.

"We are  alive !"

"With pride in our hearts!"

Let's swing our swords!"

Come on, let's go!'

The death squad has decided that this is where they will end their lives. It had been decided from the start, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he was still waiting for reinforcements. But after seeing Barbaroth's struggle, that thought disappeared.

"We don't need reinforcements."

"Let us show our strength here."

The final battle between the demons who have lost  their  mind and the death squad with their passionate fighting spirit begins.

Barbaroto, who is playing a lion's share of the action, was taking on multiple ogres by himself.

The Ogre tries to kill  him , but is thrown off by  his speed. The Ogre, unable to reach the serious Barbaroo , was killed one by one.

Barbaroto  stops aiming at the ogre for a moment and turns to the troll.

Trolls have a nasty regenerative ability, but they are not as powerful as the ogre. Still, they are more powerful than orcs. If they were caught, they would be crushed and killed in a heartbeat.

However, it would be extremely difficult to catch Barbaroth now. No troll could catch him. However, trolls are not so easy to catch.

No matter how many times Barbaroto  slashes them, they will regenerate and return to their original state.

"So what!"

"Then I  will slay  them at a speed that  they can't regenerate!""

Regardless of how much the troll regenerated, Barbaroto would slash the troll s at a speed faster than it could regenerate. He slashed again and again, and when he had completely surpassed the speed at which the troll regenerated, Barbaroto cut the troll into small pieces.

This is what it means to say and do. Without slowing down, Barbarotho sliced the next troll into pieces.

The knights of the Death Squad were inspired by  his overwhelming strength.

The battle between the  monsters and the Death Squad intensified.

If you  will put any ratings,  comments , or reviews, I'd appreciate it.

If there are any typos, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thank you for reading!

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